Service method Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 kadasterAddressCoordinates, Kadaster
 kadasterBronDocument, Kadaster
 kadasterEigendomsBerichtDocumentPerceel, Kadaster
 kadasterEigendomsBerichtDocumentPostcode, Kadaster
 kadasterEigendomsBerichtPerceel, Kadaster
 kadasterEigendomsBerichtPerceelV2, Kadaster
 kadasterEigendomsBerichtPostcode, Kadaster
 kadasterEigendomsBerichtPostcodeV2, Kadaster
 kadasterHypothecairBerichtPerceel, Kadaster
 kadasterHypothecairBerichtPerceelV2, Kadaster
 kadasterHypothecairBerichtPerceelV3, Kadaster
 kadasterHypothecairBerichtPostcode, Kadaster
 kadasterHypothecairBerichtPostcodeV2, Kadaster
 kadasterHypothecairBerichtPostcodeV3, Kadaster
 kadasterKadastraleKaartPerceel, Kadaster
 kadasterKadastraleKaartPerceelV2, Kadaster
 kadasterKadastraleKaartPostcode, Kadaster
 kadasterKadastraleKaartPostcodeV2, Kadaster
 kadasterKoopsommenOverzicht, Kadaster
 kadasterKoopsommenOverzichtV2, Kadaster
 kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPerceel, Kadaster
 kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPerceelV2, Kadaster
 kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPerceelV3, Kadaster
 kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPostcode, Kadaster
 kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPostcodeV2, Kadaster
 kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPostcodeV3, Kadaster
 kadasterV2GetBronDocument, KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetHypothecairBerichtObjectByAdres, KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetHypothecairBerichtObjectByKadastraleAanduiding, KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetHypothecairBerichtObjectByObjectId, KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetKadastraalBerichtObjectByAdres, KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetKadastraalBerichtObjectByKadastraleAanduiding, KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetKadastraalBerichtObjectByObjectId, KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetKoopsommenOverzicht(purchase price overview), KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetUittrekselKadastraleKaartByAdres, KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetUittrekselKadastraleKaartByKadastraleAanduiding, KadasterV2
 kadasterV2GetUittrekselKadastraleKaartByObjectId, KadasterV2
 kadasterValueListGetMunicipalities, Kadaster
 kadasterValueListGetRanges, Kadaster
 login, Authentication
 logout, Authentication
 mapViewInternationalLatLon, Map
 mapViewLatLon, Map
 mapViewPostcode, Map
 mapViewPostcodeV2, Map
 mapViewRD, Map
 metaGetMethod, Meta
 metaGetService, Meta
 metaGetServices, Meta
 nbwoEstimateValue, NBWO
 riskCheckGetRiskPersonCompanyReport, RiskCheck
 riskCheckPerson, RiskCheck
 routeDescription, Routeplanner
 routeInformation, Routeplanner
 routePlannerDescription, Routeplanner
 routePlannerDescriptionAddress, Routeplanner
 routePlannerDescriptionCoordinatesRD, Routeplanner
 routePlannerDescriptionDutchAddress, Routeplanner
 routePlannerDescriptionShortest, Routeplanner
 routePlannerEUDescription, Routeplanner
 routePlannerEUDescriptionCoordinatesLatLon, Routeplanner
 routePlannerEUInformation, Routeplanner
 routePlannerEUMap, Routeplanner
 routePlannerGetRoute, Routeplanner
 routePlannerInformation, Routeplanner
 routePlannerInformationAddress, Routeplanner
 routePlannerInformationDutchAddress, Routeplanner
 routePlannerRDDescription, Routeplanner
 routePlannerRDDescriptionCoordinatesRD, Routeplanner
 routePlannerRDInformation, Routeplanner
 sepaConvertBankAccountNumber, Sepa
 sepaConvertBasicBankAccountNumber, Sepa
 sepaIbanDetails, Sepa
 sepaMatchAccountHolder, Sepa
 sepaValidateInternationalBankAccountNumberFormat, Sepa
 userAddGroup, Accounting
 userChangePassword, Accounting
 userCreateAuto, Accounting
 userCreateV2, Accounting
 userEditBalance, Accounting
 userEditExtendedV2, Accounting
 userEditHostRestrictions, Accounting
 userEditV2, Accounting
 userListAssignableGroups, Accounting
 userNotify, Accounting
 userRemove, Accounting
 userRemoveGroup, Accounting
 userSessionList, Accounting
 userSessionRemove, Accounting
 userView, Accounting
 userViewBalance, Accounting
 userViewCredits, Accounting
 userViewHostRestrictions, Accounting
 userViewV2, Accounting
 vatValidate, Vat
 vatViesProxyCheckVat, Vat
This method is deprecated!
Find a ‘brondocument’, a document which is the basis for an ascription.
Find a ‘Eigendomsbericht’ by parcel details.
Find a ‘Eigendomsbericht’ by postcode and house number.
This method is deprecated, use kadasterEigendomsBerichtPerceelV2 instead
Find a ‘Eigendomsbericht’ by parcel details.
This method is deprecated, use kadasterEigendomsBerichtPostcodeV2 instead
Find a ‘Eigendomsbericht’ by postcode and house number.
This method is deprecated, use kadasterHypothecairBerichtPerceelV2 instead
This method is deprecated, use kadasterHypothecairBerichtPerceelV3 instead
Find a ‘Hypothecair bericht’ by parcel details.
This method is deprecated, use kadasterHypothecairBerichtPostcodeV2 instead
This method is deprecated, use kadasterHypothecairBerichtPostcodeV3 instead
Find a ‘Hypothecair bericht’ by postcode and house number.
This method is deprecated, use kadasterKadastraleKaartPerceelV2 instead
This method is deprecated!
This method is deprecated, use kadasterKadastraleKaartPostcodeV2 instead
This method is deprecated!
This method is deprecated, use kadasterKoopsommenOverzichtV2 instead
Returns a koopsommenoverzicht (in English: real estate transactions overview), which is a list of all transactions of the past five years in the given postcode range.
This method is deprecated, use kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPerceelV2 instead
This method is deprecated, use kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPerceelV3 instead
Returns a ‘Uittreksel Kadastrale Kaart’ map in the specified format.
This method is deprecated, use kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPostcodeV2 instead
This method is deprecated, use kadasterUittrekselKadastraleKaartPostcodeV3 instead
Returns a ‘Uittreksel Kadastrale Kaart’ map in the specified format.
Document registered in the public registers held by authorities or a decision or a certified copy thereof.
Fetch a “HypothecairBerichtObject” using the address of the parcel, house or apartment that is requested.
Fetch a “HypothecairBerichtObject” using the designation of the parcel or apartment as known by the kadaster.
Fetch a “HypothecairBerichtObject” by using an identification number.
Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” by address
Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” using the designation of the parcel or apartment as known by the kadaster.
Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” by using an identification number.
The purchase price overview is an overview of all houses and apartments sold with a specific zip code including the transaction date and the purchase price.
Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” by address.
Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” using the designation of the parcel or apartment as known by the kadaster.
Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” by using an identification number.
Parameters: empty
Parameters: empty
Attempt to authenticate using the username and password given.
End the session of the current user.
Returns a map centered on the lat/lon coordinate.
Returns a map in PNG or JPG format centered on the latlon coordinate.
This method is deprecated, use mapViewPostcodeV2 instead
Returns a map in JPG or PNG format showing the location of the given postcode.
Returns a map in PNG or JPG format centered on the xy RD coordinate.
Returns a detailed overview about a endpoint method.
Returns a list of methods/interfaces for provided webservice (Endpoint).
Returns list with all webservices (endpoints) provided by
Returns a value estimate for the real estate at the specified address.
Retrieve information about a persons creditworthiness based on his/her business ownerships and insolvency registrations.
Returns a score indicating creditworthiness for a Dutch person, address and postcode area.
This method is deprecated, use routePlannerDescription instead
This method is deprecated, use routePlannerInformation instead
Returns a description of the fastest route between two dutch postcodes.
Returns a description of the route calculated between two addresses For every part of the route the drivetime and drivedistance are given.
Returns a description of the route between two dutch postcodes, including the RD coordinates along the route.
Returns a description of the route calculated between two dutch addresses For every part of the route the drivetime and drivedistance are given as well.
Returns a description of the shortest route between two dutch postcodes.
Returns a description of the route between two latitude/longitude coordinates in Europe.
Returns a description of the route between two latitude/longitude coordinates in Europe, including the latitude/longitude coordinates along the route.
Returns the route distance and drive time for the route between two latitude/longitude coordinates in Europe.
This method is deprecated and will be removed
Returns a description of the route calculated between two addresses.
Returns the route distance and driving time between two dutch postcodes.
Returns the route distance and driving time between two addresses.
Returns the route distance and driving time between two dutch addresses.
Returns a description of the route between two coordinates in the RD (Rijksdriehoeksmeting) coordinate system.
Returns a description of the route between two coordinates in the RD (Rijksdriehoeksmeting) coordinate system, including the RD coordinates along the route.
Returns the route distance and drive time between two coordinates in the RD (Rijksdriehoeksmeting) coordinate system.
Convert a domestic bank account number to a valid IBAN number.
Notice: this method is deprecated, use sepaConvertBankAccountNumber instead
Display Iban specifics
Match an IBAN with bank account name.
Validate format of an International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
Add a user to a group.
Change the current password of a user.
This method is deprecated, use userCreateV2 instead
Create a user, assign it to groups and send it an activation mail.
Change the user’s balance.
Edit the complete profile of a user.
Set host restrictions for the user
Edit the profile of a user.
List all groups that the current user can assign to the target user.
Send a notification email to a user with a new password.
Remove the user.
Remove a user from a group.
Lists all the current valid User::Sessions of a User.
Remove all or one User::Session of a User.
This method is deprecated, use userViewV2 instead
Returns the users balance.
This method is deprecated and will be removed, use userViewBalance instead
View host restrictions for the user
View the profile of a user.
Validate a VAT number.
The service method is a proxy to the VIES service, please take notice of the disclaimer in Proxy service methods.