
Type patterns used in creating more complex results.

Type patterns used in creating more complex results.
A structure that shows a page of a specific result type {Type}.
An array of type {Type} entries.
Information about a specific page result.



A structure that shows a page of a specific result type {Type}.  A page of a specific type has the name “{Type}PagedResult” (ie UserPagedResult).

pagingA ResultInfo structure with information about the result.
resultsAn {Type}Array of type {Type}


An array of type {Type} entries.


Information about a specific page result.

curpageThe current page of this result, page 1 is the first page
perpageMaximum number of results on one page
numpagesNumber of pages that can be accessed
numresultsNumber of results that can be accessed
maxresultsMaximum number of results that may be accessed
Information about a specific page result.
An array of type {Type} entries.