Service method Index
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 dnbBusinessVerification, Dun&Bradstreet
 dnbEnterpriseManagement, Dun&Bradstreet
 dnbGetReference, Dun&Bradstreet
 dnbQuickCheck, Dun&Bradstreet
 dnbSearchReference, Dun&Bradstreet
 dnbSearchReferenceV2, Dun&Bradstreet
 dnbWorldbaseMarketing, Dun&Bradstreet
 dnbWorldbaseMarketingPlus, Dun&Bradstreet
 dnbWorldbaseMarketingPlusLinkage, Dun&Bradstreet
 driveDistanceLookup, Driveinfo
 driveInfoDistanceLookup, Driveinfo
 driveInfoTimeLookup, Driveinfo
 driveTimeLookup, Driveinfo
 dutchAddressRangePostcodeSearch, Dutch Address
 dutchBusinessGetAdditionalPositions, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetAnnualFinancialStatement, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsDetails, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsOverview, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetDossier, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetDossierHistory, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetDossierV2, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetDossierV3, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractDocument, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractDocumentData, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractDocumentDataV2, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractDocumentDataV3, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractHistory, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryChanged, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryDocumentData, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryDocumentDataV2, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryDocumentDataV3, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryDocumentDataV3ByDossier, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetLegalEntity, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetLei, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetNonMarketingIndicator, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetOrganizationTree, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetPositions, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetSBI, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetSBIDescription, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessGetVatNumber, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessLookALikes, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessSearch, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessSearchDossierNumber, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessSearchEstablishments, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessSearchNewsByDossier, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessSearchParameters, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessSearchParametersV2, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessSearchPostcode, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessSearchSelection, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessSearchSelectionSimple, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUBOCheckInvestigation, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUBOClassifyInvestigation, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUBOCostsInvestigation, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUBOPickupInvestigation, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUBOStartInvestigation, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUpdateAddDossier, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUpdateCheckDossier, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUpdateGetChangedDossiers, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUpdateGetDossiers, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUpdateGetOverview, Dutch Business
 dutchBusinessUpdateRemoveDossier, Dutch Business
 dutchVehicleGetMarketValue, Dutch Vehicle
 dutchVehicleGetOwnerHistory, Dutch Vehicle
 dutchVehicleGetPurchaseReference, Dutch Vehicle
 dutchVehicleGetVehicle, Dutch Vehicle
 edrGetScore, EDR
 geo6PPCoordinatesRD, Geolocation
 geo6PPDistance, Geolocation
 geoCoordinatesLatLon, Geolocation
 geoCoordinatesRD, Geolocation
 geoLocationAddressCoordinatesLatLon, Geolocation
 geoLocationAddressCoordinatesRD, Geolocation
 geoLocationDistanceSortedNeighborhoodCodes, Geolocation
 geoLocationDistanceSortedNeighborhoodCodesRadius, Geolocation
 geoLocationDistanceSortedPostcodes, Geolocation
 geoLocationDistanceSortedPostcodesRadius, Geolocation
 geoLocationHaversineDistance, Geolocation
 geoLocationInternationalAddressCoordinatesLatLonV2, Geolocation
 geoLocationInternationalLatLonToAddress, Geolocation
 geoLocationInternationalPostcodeCoordinatesLatLon, Geolocation
 geoLocationLatLonToAddress, Geolocation
 geoLocationLatLonToAddressV2, Geolocation
 geoLocationLatLonToPostcode, Geolocation
 geoLocationLatLonToRD, Geolocation
 geoLocationNeighborhoodCoordinatesLatLon, Geolocation
 geoLocationNeighborhoodCoordinatesRD, Geolocation
 geoLocationNeighborhoodDistance, Geolocation
 geoLocationPostcodeCoordinatesLatLon, Geolocation
 geoLocationPostcodeCoordinatesRD, Geolocation
 geoLocationPostcodeDistance, Geolocation
 geoLocationRDToAddress, Geolocation
 geoLocationRDToAddressV2, Geolocation
 geoLocationRDToLatLon, Geolocation
 geoLocationRDToPostcode, Geolocation
 graydonCreditCompanyLiaisons, Graydon Credit
 graydonCreditGetReport, Graydon Credit
 graydonCreditManagement, Graydon Credit
 graydonCreditQuickscan, Graydon Credit
 graydonCreditRatings, Graydon Credit
 graydonCreditSearchIdentification, Graydon Credit
 graydonCreditSearchName, Graydon Credit
 graydonCreditSearchPostcode, Graydon Credit
 graydonCreditVatNumber, Graydon Credit
 insolvencyGetCaseByPublication, Insolvency
 insolvencySearchPublicationsByCoCNumber, Insolvency
 insolvencySearchPublicationsByPerson, Insolvency
 internationalAddressLanguageSearch, International Address
 internationalAddressSearch, International Address
 internationalAddressSearchFormatted, International Address
 internationalAddressSearchInteractive, International Address
 internationalAddressSearchV2, International Address
Perform a D&B Business Verification on a business.
Retrieve extensive management information on a business.
Retrieve a DNBBusinessReference for a business.
Do a D&B Quick Check on a business.
This method is deprecated, use dnbSearchReferenceV2 instead.
Search for a business on name and location.
Retrieve basic WorldBase business information.
Retrieve detailed WorldBase business information.
Detailed WorldBase information, including information on a business’ family tree.
This method is deprecated, use driveInfoDistanceLookup instead
Lookup the driving distance in meters between two neighborhoodcodes for both the fastest and shortest route.
Lookup the driving time in minutes between two neighborhoodcodes for both the fastest and shortest route.
This method is deprecated, use driveInfoTimeLookup instead
Determine if a specific address exists using the unique ‘1234AA12’ postcode + house number format.
This method is deprecated.
Request an annual financial statement document for a dutch-business.
Get all known details of a Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concern relaties’ for specified dossier number.
This method is deprecated.
Retrieve data on a business establishment.
Get a list of logged updates for a specific business dossier.
Retrieve data on a business establishment including information related to finance and structure.
Retrieve data on a business establishment including information related to finance, corporate structure and insolvency.
Get an extract document in PDF, containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business.
Get the data from an extract document containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business.
Get the extract data and document for a business dossier
Get the extract data and document for a business dossier
Get a list of historical business-extract references for the given company or organisation collected by
Get a list of historical business-extract references for the given company or organisation collected by that contain changes compared to their previous retrieved extract.
Retrieve a historical business-extract using a business-extract identifier.
Retrieve a historical business-extract using a business-extract identifier.
Retrieve a historical business-extract using a business-extract identifier.
Get the legal entity for a business
This method is deprecated.
Determine if a Company has non-marketing indicator.
Retrieve the organization tree of a company.
Get the business positions/functionaries for a business
Retrieve SBI Information for a company.
Look up a SBI (‘Standaard Bedrijfs Indeling 2008’) code.
Get the VatNumber for a specified dossier number
Find similar organizations (look-a-likes) for a given company.
Find business establishments for a dossier number.
Search for business establishments using a known identifier.
Search for business establishments using a known identifier.
Returns news-items for a given company based on dossier number.
This method is deprecated use dutchBusinessSearchParametersV2 instead.
Find business establishments using a variety of parameters.
Find business establishments based on postcode and house number.
Search for businesses matching all of the given criteria.
Simple Search for businesses.
Checks the status of an (ongoing) UBO investigation.
Classifies natural persons found in a DutchBusinessUBOClassificationResult and tries to resolve the real UBO.
Returns a receipt with specification of costs made for a successfully completed UBO investigation.
Pick up the results of the UBO investigation.
Starts a UBO investigation.
This method is deprecated.
Retrieve information on the last change to a company.
Retrieve dossier numbers for all companies that changed since the given date.
This method is deprecated.
This method is deprecated.
This method is deprecated.
This function is deprecated.
This function is deprecated.
This function is deprecated.
Provides a credit score for a person identified by a set of parameters.
This method is deprecated, use geoLocationPostcodeCoordinatesRD instead
This method is deprecated, use geoLocationPostcodeDistance instead
This method is deprecated, use geoLocationNeighborhoodCoordinatesLatLon instead
This method is deprecated, use geoLocationNeighborhoodCoordinatesRD instead
Returns the coordinates of the given address in degrees of latitude/longitude.
Returns the coordinates of the given address in the RD system.
Returns a given neighborhoodcode list sorted in order of increasing distance from a given neighborhood
Returns a list of neighborhood codes sorted in order of increasing distance from a given neighborhood, within a given radius (in meters).
Returns a given postcode list sorted in order of increasing distance from a given postcode.
Returns a list of postcodes sorted in order of increasing distance from a given postcode, within a given radius (in meters).
Returns the distance in meters (in a direct line) between two latitude/longitude coordinates.
Returns the coordinates of the given address in degrees of latitude/longitude.
Returns the address and geoLocation info closest to the specified latitude/longitude coordinate.
Returns the coordinates of the given postcode in degrees of latitude/longitude.
This method is deprecated, use geoLocationLatLonToAddressV2 instead
Returns the address and geoLocation info closest to the specified latitude/longitude coordinate in the Netherlands
Returns the postcode of the address closest to the specified latitude/longitude coordinate in the Netherlands
Convert a latitude/longitude coordinate to a RD (‘Rijksdriehoeksmeting’) coordinate.
Returns the coordinates in the latitude/longitude system of the neighborhood, given the neighborhood code.
Returns the coordinates in the RD system of the neighborhood, given the neighborhood code.
Returns the estimated distance in meters (in a direct line) between two neighborhoods, given the neighborhood codes.
Returns the coordinates of the given postcode in degrees of latitude/longitude.
Returns the coordinates of the given postcode in the RD system.
Returns the estimated distance in meters (in a direct line) between two postcodes.
This method is deprecated, use geoLocationRDToAddressV2 instead
Returns the address and geoLocation info closest to the specified Rijksdriehoeksmeting X/Y coordinate in the Netherlands.
Convert a RD (‘Rijksdriehoeksmeting’) coordinate to a latitude/longitude coordinate.
Returns the postcode of the address closest to the specified Rijksdriehoeksmeting coordinate in the Netherlands
Retrieve top-parent, parent and sibling companies of a company registered in the Netherlands.
Retrieve a Graydon credit report of a company registered in the Netherlands.
Retrieve information on the management positions in a company registered in the Netherlands.
Retrieve a Graydon pd ratings and credit flag of a company registered in the Netherlands.
Retrieve various Graydon credit ratings of a company registered in the Netherlands.
Search international Graydon credit report databases for a company using an identifier.
Search the international Graydon credit report database for a company by its name.
Search international Graydon credit report database for a company using its postcode.
Retrieve the BTW (VAT) number of a company registered in the Netherlands.
Fetch a insolvency case from a given publication.
Search for publications for a specific business using it’s chamber of commerce number.
Search for publications for a person.
Search for up to twenty addresses related to the address information given.
This method is deprecated, use internationalAddressSearchV2 instead
This method is deprecated, use internationalAddressSearchV2 instead
This method expects an address that is already more or less complete.
This method is suited to handle data entry where only partial address information is provided.