RiskCheckThis service provides creditworthiness scores for a person, address and postcode area. Summary | This service provides creditworthiness scores for a person, address and postcode area. | | | | Returns a score indicating creditworthiness for a Dutch person, address and postcode area. | | Retrieve information about a persons creditworthiness based on his/her business ownerships and insolvency registrations. | | | | Get a report of a person based on his/her personal information, company data and creditworthiness. | | The person the result applies to. | | A report containing the company and creditworthiness for the requested person. | | Company information, including the registrations in the insolvency register if any. | | Data from insolvency register. | | Information about a insolvent registration. | | Insolvency register publication data. | | | | | | Data about the legal restraint that conserns to the person. | | The person the restrant applies to. | | Contact information about the court registry. | | The court decision information | | The administrator that manages the restraint | | | | | | Creditworthiness score of a person, address and postcode area. |
riskCheckPersonReturns a score indicating creditworthiness for a Dutch person, address and postcode area. The given parameters are used to search for a person. The following fields are tried in the order listed, until a matching person is found1 | initials, name, postcode, house number | 2 | initials, name, birth date | 3 | postcode, house number, birth date | 4 | account number, birth date | 5 | phone number, birth date | 6 | mobile number, birth date | 7 | email, birth date |
For instance, if initials, postcode, house number and birth date are specified and a match is found on the fields listed under 1, birth date will be ignored. Scores for address and postcode are determined independent of the person details. Search fields are case-insensitive. Non-ASCII characters are mapped to the corresponding character without diacritical mark (e.g. an accented e is mapped to an ‘e’). Parametersgender | Gender of the person. M or F, may be empty. | initials | The initials, mandatory. | prefix | The surname prefix, like “van” or “de”, may be empty. | last_name | The last name of the person, mandatory. | birth_date | Birth date in the format yyyy-mm-dd, may be empty. | street | Street part of the address, may be empty. | house_number | House number, mandatory. | house_number_addition | Extension part of the house number, may be empty. | postcode | Dutch postcode in the format 1234AB, mandatory. | city | City, may be empty. | account_number | Bank account number, only numeric characters, may be empty. | phone_number | Home phone number, only numeric characters (e.g. 0201234567), may be empty. | mobile_number | Mobile phone number, only numeric characters (e.g. 0612345678), may be empty. | email | Email address, may be empty. | testing_date | Date for which the credit score should be determined, in the format yyyy-mm-dd, mandatory. |
riskCheckGetRiskPersonCompanyReportRetrieve information about a persons creditworthiness based on his/her business ownerships and insolvency registrations. Parametersgender | Gender of the person. M or F, may be empty. | initials | The initials, mandatory. | prefix | The surname prefix, like “van” or “de”, may be empty. | last_name | The last name of the person, mandatory. | birth_date | Birth date in the format yyyy-mm-dd, may be empty. | street | Street part of the address, may be empty. | house_number | House number, mandatory. | house_number_addition | Extension part of the house number, may be empty. | postcode | Dutch postcode in the format 1234AB, mandatory. | city | City, may be empty. |
RiskPersonCompanyReportGet a report of a person based on his/her personal information, company data and creditworthiness.
RiskPersonThe person the result applies to. gender | the person gender. | first_name | the first name(s) of the person | initials | initials | prefix | prefix placed before last name (like “de”, “ter”, “van”) | last_name | the last name | birth_date | the date of birth of the person | address | A RiskAddress entry. |
RiskCompanyReportA report containing the company and creditworthiness for the requested person.
RiskCompanyCompany information, including the registrations in the insolvency register if any. dossier_number | the chamber of commerce dossier number | establishment_number | establishment number (currently not available) | status | the status of the companyactive | Actief | bankrupt | Failliet | dissolved | Opgeheven | suspension | Surseance | removed | Uitgeschreven | lapsed | Vervallen | debt restructuring | Schuldsanering |
| trade_names | the trade name(s) of the company | addresses | A Patterns::{Type}Array of RiskCompanyAddress entries. | function_title | the function title | function_authorization | the function authorization | function_end_date | date the function was resigned | insolvencies | A Patterns::{Type}Array of RiskInsolvency entries. | mutation_date | the date this company information was last changed |
RiskInsolvencyData from insolvency register.
RiskInsolvencyRegistrationInformation about a insolvent registration. case_number | registration number of the insolvency. | previous_number | registration number if the previous insolvency. | court | short court indentifier (3 chars long). | jurisdiction | insolvency juristriction. | district | the district of the insolvency. | deptor | reference number of the debtor (in case of debt restructuring), see RiskInsolvencyPublication. | partner | reference number of the partner of the deptor (in case of debt restructuring). |
RiskInsolvencyPublicationInsolvency register publication data. number | the registration number of the publication. | type | type of publication:bankruptcy | Faillissement | debt restructuring | Schuldsanering | postponement of payments | Surceance van betaling |
| date | the publication date. | verdict_date | the date of the verdict by the court. |
RiskInsolvencyCuratortitles | the personal titles (dutch: titulatuur). | initials | the initials of the curator. | prefix | last name prefix (like “de”, “het”, “van der”). | last_name | the last name of the curator. | address | A RiskAddress. | telephone_number | phone number to gain contact with this curator. | fax_number | the fax number. | email_address | the contact email address. | mutation_date | the date the function authorization of curator changed. |
RiskInsolvencyJudgetitles | the personal titles (dutch: titulatuur). | initials | the initials of the judge. | prefix | last name prefix (like “de”, “het”, “van der”). | last_name | the last name of the judge. |
RiskLegalRestraintData about the legal restraint that conserns to the person.
RiskLegalRestraintPersonThe person the restrant applies to. first_name | the first name(s) of the person. | prefix | prefix placed before last name (like “de”, “ter”, “van”). | last_name | the last name. | birth_date | the date of birth of the person. |
RiskLegalRestraintRegistryContact information about the court registry. address | A RiskAddress. | telephone_number | phone number to gain contact the registry. | email_address | the contact email address. |
RiskLegalRestraintDecisionThe court decision information number | the registration number | cause | description (in dutch) with the reason of the legal restraint decision | date | the date of the decision | court | short court indentifier (3 chars long). | jurisdiction | insolvency juristriction. | district | the district of the insolvency. | administrator | A RiskLegalRestraintAdministrator entry. |
RiskLegalRestraintAdministratorThe administrator that manages the restraint role | the function role of the administrator:curator | Curator | manager | Bewindvoerder |
| name | the last name of the administrator. | address | A RiskAddress entry. |
RiskAddresspostcode | address postal code. | building | the building name. | street | the street name. | house_number | the house number. | house_number_addition | addition of the house number. | city | the address city. | municipality | the district. | state | state of the address | country | the country of the address. |
RiskCompanyAddresstype | the type of company addresscorrespondence | correspondentie address | actual | feitelijk adres | statutory | statutair adres | establishment | vestigingsadres | private | privé adres |
| address | A RiskAddress entry. |
RiskResultCreditworthiness score of a person, address and postcode area. Scores range from 0 to 11, where higher scores indicate higher risks. A score of 0 means that the person has no registrations in the collections or bankruptcy database, a score of 1 means that the worst registration on that person is a fully paid collection claim without bailiff, ..., a score of 10 means that the worst registration on that person is a fully written-off collection claim with bailiff, and a score of 11 means that the person has a registration in the bankruptcy database. For further explanation of scores (in Dutch), see: https://webview.webservices.nl- /documentation- /images- /riskcheck_scores.png person_score | Score indicating the creditworthiness of the person. Highest score of all registrations for this person in the past 5 years. | address_score | Score indicating the creditworthiness of the address. Highest score of all registrations for this address in the past year. | postcode_score | The score on postcode represents the average address score of all addresses with that postcode, where the address score is based on registrations of at most 5 years ago. |