
This service provides creditworthiness scores for a person, address and postcode area.

This service provides creditworthiness scores for a person, address and postcode area.
Returns a score indicating creditworthiness for a Dutch person, address and postcode area.
Retrieve information about a persons creditworthiness based on his/her business ownerships and insolvency registrations.
Get a report of a person based on his/her personal information, company data and creditworthiness.
The person the result applies to.
A report containing the company and creditworthiness for the requested person.
Company information, including the registrations in the insolvency register if any.
Data from insolvency register.
Information about a insolvent registration.
Insolvency register publication data.
Data about the legal restraint that conserns to the person.
The person the restrant applies to.
Contact information about the court registry.
The court decision information
The administrator that manages the restraint
Creditworthiness score of a person, address and postcode area.

Service methods


Returns a score indicating creditworthiness for a Dutch person, address and postcode area.  The given parameters are used to search for a person.

The following fields are tried in the order listed, until a matching person is found

1initials, name, postcode, house number
2initials, name, birth date
3postcode, house number, birth date
4account number, birth date
5phone number, birth date
6mobile number, birth date
7email, birth date

For instance, if initials, postcode, house number and birth date are specified and a match is found on the fields listed under 1, birth date will be ignored.

Scores for address and postcode are determined independent of the person details.

Search fields are case-insensitive.  Non-ASCII characters are mapped to the corresponding character without diacritical mark (e.g. an accented e is mapped to an ‘e’).


genderGender of the person.  M or F, may be empty.
initialsThe initials, mandatory.
prefixThe surname prefix, like “van” or “de”, may be empty.
last_nameThe last name of the person, mandatory.
birth_dateBirth date in the format yyyy-mm-dd, may be empty.
streetStreet part of the address, may be empty.
house_numberHouse number, mandatory.
house_number_additionExtension part of the house number, may be empty.
postcodeDutch postcode in the format 1234AB, mandatory.
cityCity, may be empty.
account_numberBank account number, only numeric characters, may be empty.
phone_numberHome phone number, only numeric characters (e.g.  0201234567), may be empty.
mobile_numberMobile phone number, only numeric characters (e.g.  0612345678), may be empty.
emailEmail address, may be empty.
testing_dateDate for which the credit score should be determined, in the format yyyy-mm-dd, mandatory.


outA RiskResult entry


Retrieve information about a persons creditworthiness based on his/her business ownerships and insolvency registrations.


genderGender of the person.  M or F, may be empty.
initialsThe initials, mandatory.
prefixThe surname prefix, like “van” or “de”, may be empty.
last_nameThe last name of the person, mandatory.
birth_dateBirth date in the format yyyy-mm-dd, may be empty.
streetStreet part of the address, may be empty.
house_numberHouse number, mandatory.
house_number_additionExtension part of the house number, may be empty.
postcodeDutch postcode in the format 1234AB, mandatory.
cityCity, may be empty.


outA RiskPersonCompanyReport entry

Type definitions


Get a report of a person based on his/her personal information, company data and creditworthiness.

personA RiskPerson entry.
conclusionA RiskResult entry.
report_dataA RiskCompanyReport entry.


The person the result applies to.

genderthe person gender.
first_namethe first name(s) of the person
prefixprefix placed before last name (like “de”, “ter”, “van”)
last_namethe last name
birth_datethe date of birth of the person
addressA RiskAddress entry.


A report containing the company and creditworthiness for the requested person.

companiesA Patterns::{Type}Array of RiskCompany entries.
insolvenciesA Patterns::{Type}Array of RiskInsolvency entries.
legal_restraintA RiskLegalRestraint entry.


Company information, including the registrations in the insolvency register if any.

dossier_numberthe chamber of commerce dossier number
establishment_numberestablishment number (currently not available)
statusthe status of the company
debt restructuringSchuldsanering
trade_namesthe trade name(s) of the company
addressesA Patterns::{Type}Array of RiskCompanyAddress entries.
function_titlethe function title
function_authorizationthe function authorization
function_end_datedate the function was resigned
insolvenciesA Patterns::{Type}Array of RiskInsolvency entries.
mutation_datethe date this company information was last changed


Data from insolvency register.

registrationA RiskInsolvencyRegistration entry.
publicationsA Patterns::{Type}Array of RiskInsolvencyPublication entries.
curatorsA Patterns::{Type}Array of RiskInsolvencyCurator entries.
judgeA RiskInsolvencyJudge entry.


Information about a insolvent registration.

case_numberregistration number of the insolvency.
previous_numberregistration number if the previous insolvency.
courtshort court indentifier (3 chars long).
jurisdictioninsolvency juristriction.
districtthe district of the insolvency.
deptorreference number of the debtor (in case of debt restructuring), see RiskInsolvencyPublication.
partnerreference number of the partner of the deptor (in case of debt restructuring).


Insolvency register publication data.

numberthe registration number of the publication.
typetype of publication:
debt restructuringSchuldsanering
postponement of paymentsSurceance van betaling
datethe publication date.
verdict_datethe date of the verdict by the court.


titlesthe personal titles (dutch: titulatuur).
initialsthe initials of the curator.
prefixlast name prefix (like “de”, “het”, “van der”).
last_namethe last name of the curator.
addressA RiskAddress.
telephone_numberphone number to gain contact with this curator.
fax_numberthe fax number.
email_addressthe contact email address.
mutation_datethe date the function authorization of curator changed.


titlesthe personal titles (dutch: titulatuur).
initialsthe initials of the judge.
prefixlast name prefix (like “de”, “het”, “van der”).
last_namethe last name of the judge.


Data about the legal restraint that conserns to the person.

verdict_numberthe verdict registration number
personA RiskLegalRestraintPerson entry.
registryA RiskLegalRestraintRegistry entry.
decisionsA Patterns::{Type}Array of RiskLegalRestraintDecision entries.


The person the restrant applies to.

first_namethe first name(s) of the person.
prefixprefix placed before last name (like “de”, “ter”, “van”).
last_namethe last name.
birth_datethe date of birth of the person.


Contact information about the court registry.

addressA RiskAddress.
telephone_numberphone number to gain contact the registry.
email_addressthe contact email address.


The court decision information

numberthe registration number
causedescription (in dutch) with the reason of the legal restraint decision
datethe date of the decision
courtshort court indentifier (3 chars long).
jurisdictioninsolvency juristriction.
districtthe district of the insolvency.
administratorA RiskLegalRestraintAdministrator entry.


The administrator that manages the restraint

rolethe function role of the administrator:
namethe last name of the administrator.
addressA RiskAddress entry.


postcodeaddress postal code.
buildingthe building name.
streetthe street name.
house_numberthe house number.
house_number_additionaddition of the house number.
citythe address city.
municipalitythe district.
statestate of the address
countrythe country of the address.


typethe type of company address
correspondencecorrespondentie address
actualfeitelijk adres
statutorystatutair adres
privateprivé adres
addressA RiskAddress entry.


Creditworthiness score of a person, address and postcode area.  Scores range from 0 to 11, where higher scores indicate higher risks.

A score of 0 means that the person has no registrations in the collections or bankruptcy database, a score of 1 means that the worst registration on that person is a fully paid collection claim without bailiff, ..., a score of 10 means that the worst registration on that person is a fully written-off collection claim with bailiff, and a score of 11 means that the person has a registration in the bankruptcy database.

For further explanation of scores (in Dutch), see: https://webview.webservices.nl- /documentation- /images- /riskcheck_scores.png

person_scoreScore indicating the creditworthiness of the person.  Highest score of all registrations for this person in the past 5 years.
address_scoreScore indicating the creditworthiness of the address.  Highest score of all registrations for this address in the past year.
postcode_scoreThe score on postcode represents the average address score of all addresses with that postcode, where the address score is based on registrations of at most 5 years ago.
Creditworthiness score of a person, address and postcode area.
Get a report of a person based on his/her personal information, company data and creditworthiness.
The person the result applies to.
A report containing the company and creditworthiness for the requested person.
An array of type {Type} entries.
Company information, including the registrations in the insolvency register if any.
Data from insolvency register.
Data about the legal restraint that conserns to the person.
Information about a insolvent registration.
Insolvency register publication data.
The person the restrant applies to.
Contact information about the court registry.
The court decision information
The administrator that manages the restraint