Webservices.nl Manual 23-01-2025 |
NBWOThis service provides information real estate value from the Nederlands Bureau Waardebepaling Onroerende zaken Summary
nbwoEstimateValueReturns a value estimate for the real estate at the specified address. The required parameters are: postcode, houseno and testing_date. The remaining parameters are retrieved from the Kadaster if available. If those parameters are specified in the request they override any Kadaster data, and will be used in the calculation of the value estimate. If no value estimate can be determined the response will be an error with error code (see Error Handling::Error codes) ‘Server.Data.NotFound.Nbwo.EstimateUnavailable’. Parameters
NbwoWaardeInformation on the value of a real estate object
NbwoPostcodeStraatModelResultaatInformation on purchases made in a postal code, or street
NbwoKenmerkenModelResultaatA value estimate based on the value of comparable real estate