This service provides information real estate value from the Nederlands Bureau Waardebepaling Onroerende zaken

This service provides information real estate value from the Nederlands Bureau Waardebepaling Onroerende zaken
Returns a value estimate for the real estate at the specified address.
Information on the value of a real estate object
Information on purchases made in a postal code, or street
An overview of real estate transactions, divided by price range
Information on previous sales of a real estate object
A value estimate based on the value of comparable real estate

Service methods


Returns a value estimate for the real estate at the specified address.  The required parameters are: postcode, houseno and testing_date.

The remaining parameters are retrieved from the Kadaster if available.  If those parameters are specified in the request they override any Kadaster data, and will be used in the calculation of the value estimate.

If no value estimate can be determined the response will be an error with error code (see Error Handling::Error codes) ‘Server.Data.NotFound.Nbwo.EstimateUnavailable’.


huisnummerHouse number
huisnummer_toevoegingHouse number addition, may be left empty
prijspeil_datumDate for which the value should be determined, in the format yyyy-mm-dd
woningtypeThe type of house, may be empty:
HCorner house (Hoekwoning)
KSemi detached house (Twee onder een kap)
NNot a house
OUnknown type of house
TTownhouse (Tussingwoning)
VDetached house (Vrijstaande woning)
inhoudVolume in cubic meters, may be empty (0)
grootteSurface area of the parcel in square meters, may be empty (0)


outA NbwoWaarde entry

Type definitions


Information on the value of a real estate object

waardeThe estimated value
betrouwbaarheidReliability of the value estimate.  A, B, C, D or Z.  A indicates the highest reliability, D is the least reliable.  Z indicates that an estimate could not be calculated.
datum_waardebepalingDate on which the value was estimated, optional
cultuurcodeCode indicating the type of parcel, optional.  See Kadaster documentation
woningtypeThe type of house [optional]:
HCorner house (Hoekwoning)
KSemi detached house (Twee onder een kap)
NNot a house
OUnknown type of house
TTownhouse (Tussingwoning)
VDetached house (Vrijstaande woning)
prijspeil_datumDate for which the value has been estimated, optional
straatStreet, optional
huisnummerHouse number, optional
huisnummer_toevoegingHouse number addition, optional
postcodePostal code, optional
plaatsCity, optional
oppervlakFloor surface area measured in square meters, optional
inhoudVolume in cubic meters, optional
bouwjaarYear in which the object was built, optional
grootteSurface area of the parcel in square meters, optional
garageBoolean indicating if a garage is present, optional
tuinBoolean indicating if a garden is present, optional
monumentBoolean indicating if a monument is present, optional
schuurBoolean indicating if a shed is present, optional
postcode_model_resultaatInformation on purchases made in the same postal code NbwoPostcodeStraatModelResultaat, optional
straat_model_resultaatInformation on purchases made in the same street NbwoPostcodeStraatModelResultaat, optional
vorige_verkoop_model_resultaatInformation on previous sales of the object NbwoVorigeVerkoopModelResultaat, optional
kenmerken_model_resultaatA value estimate based on the value of comparable real estate NbwoKenmerkenModelResultaat, optional


Information on purchases made in a postal code, or street

waardeThe average value
aantalThe number of purchases in the same postal code or street
standaard_deviatieThe standard deviation as a percentage of the average value
datum_vanDate of the oldest purchase taken into account
waardeverdelingenAn overview of real estate transactions for the postal code or street, divided by price range (array of type NbwoWaardeVerdeling).  Optional.


An overview of real estate transactions, divided by price range

koopsom_vanBottom of the price range
koopsom_totTop of the price range
aantalThe number of purchases that have been made in this price range


Information on previous sales of a real estate object

postcodePostal code
huisnummerHouse number
huisnummer_toevoegingHouse number addition
vorige_verkoop_datumDate of the sale
koopsomThe purchase amount
vorige_verkoop_waardeThe value of the object at the time of the sale


A value estimate based on the value of comparable real estate

waardeEstimated value
betrouwbaarheidIndication of the reliability of the estimate.
0 to 0.15very reliable
0.15 to 0.20fairly reliable
0.25 to 0.25not very reliable
0.25 and upnot reliable
aantalThe number of comparable objects on which the estimate is based
The following tables lists the possible error codes.
Information on the value of a real estate object
Information on purchases made in a postal code, or street
Information on previous sales of a real estate object
A value estimate based on the value of comparable real estate
An overview of real estate transactions, divided by price range