
This service provides parcel and real estate information Kadaster KIK (Ketenintegratie Inschrijving Kadaster) API. the Netherlands’ Cadastre, the Land Registry and Mapping Agency – in short Kadaster – collects and registers administrative and spatial data on property and the rights involved.

Very large documents can be retrieved using this service, therefore we recommend setting the request timeout to at least 60 seconds
This service provides parcel and real estate information Kadaster KIK (Ketenintegratie Inschrijving Kadaster) API.
A “KadastraalBerichtObject” (in short KBO or “Eigendomsbericht”) contains information about the owner(s) of a parcel, house or apartment etc.
Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” by address
Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” using the designation of the parcel or apartment as known by the kadaster.
Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” by using an identification number.
A “HypothecairBerichtObject” (in short HBO or “hypotheekinformatie”) is a document with current information about which mortgages and attachments are registered on a parcel or apartment.
Fetch a “HypothecairBerichtObject” using the address of the parcel, house or apartment that is requested.
Fetch a “HypothecairBerichtObject” using the designation of the parcel or apartment as known by the kadaster.
Fetch a “HypothecairBerichtObject” by using an identification number.
An “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” (in short UKK, or “Uittreksel”) is a document that shows the location of a cadastral parcel in the area.
Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” by address.
Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” using the designation of the parcel or apartment as known by the kadaster.
Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” by using an identification number.
The purchase price overview is an overview of all houses and apartments sold with a specific zip code including the transaction date and the purchase price.
Document registered in the public registers held by authorities or a decision or a certified copy thereof.
KadasterV2KadastraalBerichtResponse contains information regarding KadastraalBericht
A Tenaamstelling (denomination) indicates in whose name (a share) is registered a real right.
When a `HypothecairBerichtObject` is requested a shortened result is returned for `OnroerendeZaak`.
A unique kadaster designation.

Service methods


A “KadastraalBerichtObject” (in short KBO or “Eigendomsbericht”) contains information about the owner(s) of a parcel, house or apartment etc.

The KBO is a document with current information from the public registers of the Kadaster about a parcel, apartment, garage box or parking space that contains information about who the owner is, who may use all or part of it and which restrictions for apply.


Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” by address


postcodeAddress postcode, format 9999xx.
huisnummerThe house number for the address.
huisnummer_toevoegingA house number addition [optional].
documentThe format for document that is added:
emptyNo document is returned.
pdfA pdf document is added to the response.
huisletterHouse letter [optional].


resultaatA KadasterV2KadastraalBerichtResponse entry.


Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” using the designation of the parcel or apartment as known by the kadaster.


gemeentenaamMunicipality name
sectieSection code
perceelnummerParcel number
appartementsnummerObject index number, set if object is part of another parcel [optional]
documentThe format for document that is added:
emptyNo document is returned.
pdfA pdf document is added to the response.


resultaatA KadasterV2KadastraalBerichtResponse entry.


Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” by using an identification number.


object_idThe unique identifier for the “KadastraalBerichtObject”.
documentThe format for document that is added:
emptyNo document is returned.
pdfA pdf document is added to the response.


resultaatA KadasterV2KadastraalBerichtResponse entry.


A “HypothecairBerichtObject” (in short HBO or “hypotheekinformatie”) is a document with current information about which mortgages and attachments are registered on a parcel or apartment.


Fetch a “HypothecairBerichtObject” using the address of the parcel, house or apartment that is requested.


postcodeAddress postcode, format 9999xx.
huisnummerThe house number for the address.
huisnummer_toevoegingA house number addition [optional].
documentThe format for document that is added:
emptyNo document is returned.
pdfA pdf document is added to the response.
huisletterHouse letter [optional].


resultaatA KadasterV2HypothecairBerichtResponse entry.


Fetch a “HypothecairBerichtObject” using the designation of the parcel or apartment as known by the kadaster.


gemeentenaamMunicipality name
sectieSection code
perceelnummerParcel number
appartementsnummerObject index number, set if object is part of another parcel
documentThe format for document that is added:
emptyNo document is returned.
pdfA pdf document is added to the response.


resultaatA KadasterV2HypothecairBerichtResponse entry.


Fetch a “HypothecairBerichtObject” by using an identification number.


object_idThe unique identifier for the “HypothecairBerichtObject”.
documentThe format for document that is added:
emptyNo document is returned.
pdfA pdf document is added to the response.


resultaatA KadasterV2HypothecairBerichtResponse entry.


An “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” (in short UKK, or “Uittreksel”) is a document that shows the location of a cadastral parcel in the area.  The Cadastral Map Extract states:

  • the cadastral parcel boundaries
  • lot numbers
  • the most important buildings
  • street names and house numbers


Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” by address.


postcodeAddress postcode, format 9999xx.
huisnummerThe house number for the address.
huisnummer_toevoegingA house number addition [optional].
huisletterHouse letter [optional].


resultaatA KadasterV2UittrekselKadastraleKaartResponse entry.


Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” using the designation of the parcel or apartment as known by the kadaster.


gemeentenaamMunicipality name
sectieSection code
perceelnummerParcel number
appartementsnummerObject index number, set if object is part of another parcel [optional]


resultaatA KadasterV2UittrekselKadastraleKaartResponse entry.


Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” by using an identification number.


object_idThe unique identifier for the “UittrekselKadastraleKaart”.


resultaatA KadasterV2UittrekselKadastraleKaartResponse entry.

Other methods

kadasterV2GetKoopsommenOverzicht (purchase price overview)

The purchase price overview is an overview of all houses and apartments sold with a specific zip code including the transaction date and the purchase price.


postcodeAddress postcode, format 9999xx.
huisnummerThe house number for the address.
huisnummer_toevoegingA house number addition [optional].
documentThe format for document that is added:
emptyNo document is returned.
huisletterHouse letter [optional].


resultaatA KadasterV2KoopsommenOverzichtResponse entry.


Document registered in the public registers held by authorities or a decision or a certified copy thereof.  A report of an ascription.


register_codeIdentifies the type of register in which the document was registered.  When left blank value 3 is assumed.  Supported values:
3Register of mortgage documents (Dutch: hypotheekakte)
4Register of transport documents (Dutch: transportakte)
deelUnique identifier for a group of documents within a register of a Kadaster establishment.  Defined as a string because alphanumeric values are used in the past, maximum length 5 characters.
nummerAlphanumeric number used to identify a document.  Note that a number does not relate to a single revision of the document, since numbers may be reused if a change is issued on time.
reeksIdentifier for the (former) establishment of the Kadaster where the Stuk was originally registered.  This parameter is required for requests where deel is less than 50000, and may be left empty if deel is 50000 or higher.  Use Kadaster::kadasterValueListGetRanges to get a full list of possible “reeks” values.
soort_registerIdentifier for the kind of register (default: Onroerende Zaken).  When left blank value 2 is assumed.  Supported values:
2Onroerende Zaken


resultaatA KadasterV2BronDocumentResponse entry.

Type definitions


KadasterV2KadastraalBerichtResponse contains information regarding KadastraalBericht

berichtA KadasterV2KadastraalBericht entry containing the data about the ownership [optional].
documentA document containing the “KadastraalBerichtObject” [optional].
overgegaan_inA KadasterV2OvergegaanIn entry.  [optional]
postcode_treffersA KadasterV2PostcodeTreffers entry.  [optional]


berichtA KadasterV2HypothecairBericht entry containing the data about the ownership [optional].
documentA document containing the “HypothecairBerichtObject” [optional].
overgegaan_inA KadasterV2OvergegaanIn entry.  [optional]
postcode_treffersA KadasterV2PostcodeTreffers entry.  [optional]


documentA document containing the “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” [optional].
overgegaan_inA KadasterV2OvergegaanIn entry.  [optional]
postcode_treffersA KadasterV2PostcodeTreffers entry.  [optional]


productienummerProduct number.
tijdstip_samenstelling_berichtThe date of the request.
actualiteit_tijdstip_hypothecairTime of offering of the oldest non-processed mortgage document [optional]
actualiteit_tijdstip_kadastraalTime of offering of the oldest non-processed document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_beslagenTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled forfeiture document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_hypothecairTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled mortgage document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_kadastraalTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled document [optional]
betreftA KadasterV2OnroerendeZaak entry.
tenaamstellingenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Tenaamstelling entries.
zakelijk_rechtenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2ZakelijkRecht entries.


productienummerProduct number.
tijdstip_samenstelling_berichtThe date of the request.
actualiteit_tijdstip_hypothecairTime of offering of the oldest non-processed mortgage document [optional]
actualiteit_tijdstip_kadastraalTime of offering of the oldest non-processed document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_beslagenTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled forfeiture document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_hypothecairTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled mortgage document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_kadastraalTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled document [optional]
betreftA KadasterV2GevraagdGebied entry.


documentA document containing the “BronDocument”.


productienummerProduct number.
tijdstip_samenstelling_berichtThe date of the request.
actualiteit_tijdstip_hypothecairTime of offering of the oldest non-processed mortgage document [optional]
actualiteit_tijdstip_kadastraalTime of offering of the oldest non-processed document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_beslagenTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled forfeiture document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_hypothecairTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled mortgage document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_kadastraalTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled document [optional]
betreftA KadasterV2OnroerendeZaak entry.
tenaamstellingenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Tenaamstelling entries.
zakelijk_rechtenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2ZakelijkRecht entries.
aantekeningenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Aantekening entries.
erfpachtcanonA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2ErfpachtCanon entries.
stukkenA KadasterV2Stukken entry.


A Tenaamstelling (denomination) indicates in whose name (a share) is registered a real right.  A business (limited) right can be registered in the BRK under one condition:

  • under resolutive condition: the ascription ends after the occurrence of an event
  • under lapse of time: the ascription ends at a previously agreed time.  The condition is stated as a note with the relevant name with reference to the document in which the condition is described.  A registration under a condition precedent is not actually a registration.
identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
aandeelA KadasterV2Breuk entry.
burgerlijke_staat_ten_tijde_van_verkrijgingMarital status at time of acquisition.
verklaring_inzake_derden_beschermingStatement on protection of third-parties.
verkregen_namens_samenwerkingsverbandObtained on behalve of joint venture.
betrokken_partnerA KadasterV2Personen entry.
betrokken_samenwerkingsverbandA KadasterV2Personen entry.
vanA KadasterV2ZakelijkRecht entry.
geldt_voorA KadasterV2GezamenlijkAandeel entry.
gebaseerd_opA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.
vermeld_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.
ten_name_vanA KadasterV2Personen entry.


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
aardLegal base.  [optional]
deel_en_nummerA KadasterV2DeelEnNummer entry.  [optional]
verklaring_bewaarderDepositaries statement.  [optional]
toelichting_bewaarderDepositaries suplement.  [optional]
tijdstip_aanbiedingThe date of offering.
tijdstip_ondertekeningThe date of signing.
status_stuk_orStatus part.
indicatie_alle_objecten_betrokkenIndication all objects involved.
verzoekenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Verzoek entries.
stukdelenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.


deelPart.  [optional]
nummerNumber.  [optional]
reeksRange.  [optional]
registercodeRegister code.  [optional]
soort_registerType of register.  [optional]


soortType.  [optional]
einddatum_afkoopEnddate redemption.  [optional]
indicatie_oude_onroerende_zaak_betrokkenIndication old real estate involved [optional]
jaarlijks_bedragA KadasterV2JaarlijksBedrag entry.  [optional]
betreftA KadasterV2ZakelijkRecht entry.  [optional]
gebaseerd_opA KadasterV2Stukdeel entry.  [optional]
vermeld_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.


bedragA KadasterV2Bedrag entry.
betreft_meer_onroerende_zakenIndication whether multiple real estates are involved.  [optional]


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
aardLegal base.
redenen_verzoekA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2RedenVerzoek entries.


aardType of annex.
tijdstip_aanbieding_bijlageThe offering time of the annex.


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
aandeelA KadasterV2Breuk entry.




identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response Can be used to retrieve other information like kadasterV2GetUittrekselKadastraleKaartByObjectId
kadastrale_aanduidingA KadasterV2KadastraleAanduiding entry containing a unique kadaster designation.
typeThe type of object:
kadastraal_objectUsed when indicating a general link
appartementsrechtApartment right.
leidingnetwerkPipe network entitlement.
adressenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2AdresLocatie entries.
tekeningenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.
uinUnique identification number.
aardType of mortgage.
kadastrale_grootteA KadasterV2KadastraleGrootte entry.
plaatscoordinatenA KadasterV2Coordinaat entry.
belast_metA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2LandinrichtingsRente entries.
aard_cultuur_onbebouwdDescription kind of usage undeveloped.
aard_cultuur_bebouwdDescription kind of usage developed.
omschrijving_onderzoek_erfdienstbaarhedenDescription research of servitudes.
toestandsdatum_onderzoek_erfdienstbaarhedenDate of the state of servitudes research.
koopsomA KadasterV2Koopsom entry.
indicatie_voorlopige_aantekeningIndication temporary annotation.
indicatie_tweede_splitsingIndication second demerger.
indicatie_gedeeltelijk_bezwaard_oud_objectIndication partial burdened previous object.
indicatie_gesplitstIndication demerger.
toelichting_bewaarderNotes of depository.
indicatie_voorgenomen_aantekeningIndication planned annotation.
historieA KadasterV2Historie entry.
overgegaan_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2OnroerendeZaakFiliatie entries.
vermeld_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.
ontstaan_uitA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2OnroerendeZaakFiliatie entries.
aantekeningen_wkpbA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2AantekeningWKPB entries.
aanvullingenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Aanvulling entries.


When a `HypothecairBerichtObject` is requested a shortened result is returned for `OnroerendeZaak`.

If more information is needed please request for a `KadastraalBerichtObject` using kadasterV2GetKadastraalBerichtObjectByAdres, kadasterV2GetKadastraalBerichtObjectByKadastraleAanduiding> or kadasterV2GetKadastraalBerichtObjectByObjectId

identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response Can be used to retrieve other information like kadasterV2GetUittrekselKadastraleKaartByObjectId
kadastrale_aanduidingA KadasterV2KadastraleAanduiding entry containing a unique kadaster designation.
typeThe type of object:
kadastraal_objectUsed when indicating a general link
appartementsrechtAppartement right.
leidingnetwerkPipe network entitlement.


typeThe type of addition
aangeboden_stukA KadasterV2AangebodenStuk entry


locatie_binnenlandA KadasterV2LocatieBinnenland entry.
locatie_buitenlandA KadasterV2LocatieBuitenland entry.
locatie_postbusA KadasterV2LocatiePostbus entry


straatnaamStreet name
huisnummerHouse number
huisletterHouse letter
huisnummertoevoegingHouse number addition
postcodePostal code
in_onderzoekUnder investigation


adres_regelsA Patterns::{Type}Array of address lines.


postbus_nummerPostal box number
postcodePostal code


omschrijvingDescription [optional].
gemeentelijke_registratie_idMunicipal registration id [optional].
nummerNumber [optional]
datum_in_werkingDate in operation [optional]
omschrijving_publiekrechtelijke_beperkingDescription of public law restriction [optional]


A unique kadaster designation.

kadastrale_gemeenteKadaster municipality.  [optional]
sectieSection code.  [optional]
perceelnummerParcel number.  [optional]
appartementsrecht_volgnummerApartments index number [optional].


bedragA KadasterV2Bedrag entry.
eindjaarEnding year.


logisch_tijdstip_ontstaanA datetime.
logisch_tijdstip_vervallenA datetime
volgnummerA index number.
status_historieState of history.
technisch_tijdstip_ontstaanTechnical date of existence.
technisch_tijdstip_vervallenTechnical date of expiration.


overgangsgrootteTransitional size.
betreftA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2OnroerendeZaakReference entries.


identifierThe identifier of the coordinate
nameThe name of the location
descriptionA description of the location
rd_coordinaatA KadasterV2RDCoordinaat entry


xx part of the RD coordinate
yy part of the RD coordinate


overzichtA KadasterV2KoopsommenOverzicht entry.
documentA document containing the “kbo” [optional].


productienummerThe product number.
adres_rangeThe range of addresses.
woonplaats_naamThe city name.
actualiteittijdstip_koopsommenThe date this data was last checked at kadaster.
tijdstip_samenstelling_berichtThe date of the request.
gevraagd_gebiedA KadasterV2GevraagdGebied entry.


postcodePostcode.  [optional]
huisnummerHouse number.  [optional]
huisletterHouse letter.  [optional]
huisnummertoevoegingHouse number addition.  [optional]
koopsom_gegevensA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2KoopsomGegeven entries.
onroerende_zakenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2OnroerendeZaak entries.


huisnummer_volledigComplete house number [optional]
omschrijving_cultuurDescription cultivation.  [optional]
kadastrale_grootteA KadasterV2KadastraleGrootte entry.  [optional]
koopsomA KadasterV2Koopsom entry.  [optional]


waardeThe surface size.  [optional]
soort_grootteType of surface.  [optional]


bedragA KadasterV2Bedrag entry.
indicatie_meer_objectenIndication that there are more parcel/objects involved”
koopjaarThe year the object was purchased.
koopdatumThe date the object was purchased.




openbare_ruimte_naamThe public space name
openbare_ruimte_plaatsThe public space town
in_onderzoekunder investigation


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
indicatie_beschikkingsbevoegdheidIndication person has authority.
bsnDutch social insurance number
aanduiding_naamgebruikIndication name usage
adellijke_titel_of_predikaatAristocratic title or predicate
voornamenFirst names
voorvoegselGender name prefix
geslachtnaamGender name
datum_geboorteDate of birth
indicatie_overledenIndication deceased.
datum_overlijdenDate of death
land_waarnaar_vertrokkenCountry of residence (when not the Netherlands)
bpr_gekoppeldPresent in the Dutch civil register
burgerlijke_staat_omschrijvingDescription marital status
postlocatieA KadasterV2AdresLocatie entry.
woonlocatieA KadasterV2AdresLocatie entry.
vermeld_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.
aanvullingenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Aanvulling entries.


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
indicatie_beschikkingsbevoegdheidIndication non-natural entity has authority.
statutaire_naamLegal name.
statutaire_zetelStatutory seat.
rechtsvormLegal form.
dossier_nummerDossier number within the Chamber of Commerce (KvK)
rsinLegal number
postlocatieA KadasterV2AdresLocatie entry.
woonlocatieA KadasterV2AdresLocatie entry.
vermeld_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.
aanvullingenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Aanvulling entries.


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
aardLegal basis.
onroerende_zaakA KadasterV2OnroerendeZaak entry.
belast_metA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2ZakelijkRecht entries.
bestemt_totA KadasterV2Mandeligheid entry.
ontstaan_uitA KadasterV2Splitsing entry.
betrokken_bijA KadasterV2Splitsing entry.
beperkt_totA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Tenaamstelling entries.
indicatie_splitsing_betrokkenIndication split involved


natuurlijk_personenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2NatuurlijkPersoon entries.
niet_natuurlijk_personenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2NietNatuurlijkPersoon entries.


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
aardLegal base.  [optional]
omschrijvingDescription.  [optional]
einddatumEnd date.  [optional]
einddatum_rechtEnd date entitlement.  [optional]
herkaveling_bloknummerBlock reclassification number.  [optional]
betreftA KadasterV2OnroerendeZaak entry.  [optional]
hypothekenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Hypotheek entries.
beslagleggingenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Beslaglegging entries.
vermeld_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.
tenaamstellingenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Tenaamstelling entries.
gebaseerd_opA KadasterV2Stukdeel entry.  [optional]
betrokken_personenA KadasterV2Personen entry.  [optional]


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
hoort_bijA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Hoofdzaak entries.
gebaseerd_opA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.


aandeel_in_mandeligheidA KadasterV2Breuk entry.
betreftA KadasterV2OnroerendeZaak entry.


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
typeThe type of split
vereniging_van_eigenarenA KadasterV2NietNatuurlijkPersoon entry.
gebaseerd_opA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.


stukkenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stuk entries.
aangeboden_stukkenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2AangebodenStuk entries.


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
aardLegal base.
redenen_verzoekA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2RedenVerzoek entries.




identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
indicatie_correctieIndication correction.
toelichting_bewaarderSupplement custodian.
acg_identificatieACG identification KadasterV2AcgIdentificatie.
stukdelenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.
bijlagesA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Bijlage entries.


akr_registercodeRegister code.
akr_stukdelenA Patterns::{Type}Array of descriptions (maximum of three).
volgnummer_staat75Index number.


productienummerProduct number.
tijdstip_samenstelling_berichtThe date of the request.
actualiteit_tijdstip_hypothecairTime of offering of the oldest non-processed mortgage document [optional]
actualiteit_tijdstip_kadastraalTime of offering of the oldest non-processed document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_beslagenTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled forfeiture document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_hypothecairTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled mortgage document [optional]
signalering_tijdstip_kadastraalTime of offering of the oldest non-signalled document [optional]
betreftA KadasterV2OnroerendeZaak entry.
hypothekenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Hypotheek entries.
beslagleggingenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Beslaglegging entries.
zakelijk_rechtenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2ZakelijkRecht entries.
aantekeningenA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Aantekening entries.
stukkenA KadasterV2Stukken entry.


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
bedrag_vorderingsbeslagA KadasterV2Bedrag entry.
bedrag_zekerheidsstelling_hypotheekA KadasterV2Bedrag entry.
bedrag_transacties_om_leveringA KadasterV2Bedrag entry.
omschrijving_gekozen_woonplaatsDescription chosen municipality.
omschrijving_kadastrale_objectenDescription Cadastral Objects
aanvulling_opA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.
vermeld_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2OnroerendeZaakReference entries.


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.  [optional]
omschrijving_betrokken_rechtDescription of the applied law.  [optional]
aandeel_in_betrokken_rechtA KadasterV2Breuk entry.  [optional]
onroerende_zaakA KadasterV2OnroerendeZaak entry.  [optional]
personenA KadasterV2Personen entry.  [optional]
gebaseerd_opA KadasterV2Stukdeel entry.  [optional]
vermeld_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.  [optional]


identificatieKadaster identification, reference for other elements in the response.
omschrijving_betrokken_rechtDescription of the applied law.  [optional]
aard_beslagThe nature of the seizure.
aandeel_in_betrokken_rechtA KadasterV2Breuk entry.  [optional]
onroerende_zaakA KadasterV2OnroerendeZaak entry.  [optional]
personenA KadasterV2Personen entry.  [optional]
gebaseerd_opA KadasterV2Stukdeel entry.  [optional]
vermeld_inA Patterns::{Type}Array of KadasterV2Stukdeel entries.  [optional]
KadasterV2KadastraalBerichtResponse contains information regarding KadastraalBericht
Parameters: empty
An array of type {Type} entries.
A Tenaamstelling (denomination) indicates in whose name (a share) is registered a real right.
Fetch an “UittrekselKadastraleKaart” by using an identification number.
A unique kadaster designation.
Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” by address
Fetch a “KadastraalBerichtObject” by using an identification number.
When a `HypothecairBerichtObject` is requested a shortened result is returned for `OnroerendeZaak`.