Webservices.nl Manual 23-01-2025 |
DriveinfoThis service provides methods to give information about the shortest and fastest route between two neighborhood codes in the Netherlands. Summary
driveInfoDistanceLookupLookup the driving distance in meters between two neighborhoodcodes for both the fastest and shortest route. Parameters
See alsodriveInfoTimeLookup, Routeplanner::routePlannerInformation, Geolocation::geoLocationNeighborhoodDistance driveInfoTimeLookupLookup the driving time in minutes between two neighborhoodcodes for both the fastest and shortest route. Parameters
See alsodriveInfoDistanceLookup, Routeplanner::routePlannerInformation driveDistanceLookupNoticeThis method is deprecated, use driveInfoDistanceLookup instead Lookup the driving distance in meters between two neighborhoodcodes for both the fastest and shortest route. Parameters
See alsodriveTimeLookupNoticeThis method is deprecated, use driveInfoTimeLookup instead Lookup the driving time in minutes between two neighborhoodcodes for both the fastest and shortest route. Parameters
See also |