
If the method call does not work, first figure out whether the error occurs on the client or on the server.
These are some common errors and their solutions.

Debugging methods

If the method call does not work, first figure out whether the error occurs on the client or on the server.  The error message may indicate this.  Also, some clients can return the HTTP response from the server, which may provide more information.

With the Account history page in the webview, you can see whether the request arrived at our server and whether it succeeded.

Common errors

These are some common errors and their solutions.

Invalid authentication (You are not logged in)

Error code: Client.Authentication (see Error Handling::Error codes).  Check that the username and password are correct.  Do not forget to include the username prefix (first part of the username that includes an underscore ‘_’).  Also check that the user has been activated.  View the user in the Webview Interface and look at the field called ‘Active’.

User not allowed to use action ‘action_name’

Error code: Client.Authorization (see Error Handling::Error codes).  This means that the User does not have the rights to use the requested function.  Check that the User is in the correct Groups by logging in to the Webview Interface as the admin User.  Contact support if you can not add the User to the Groups needed.

Requested method “methodName” does not exist

Check that the correct endpoint URL is being used for the request.  For example, the Address functions can not be called using the endpoint for <Business> functions.

No response

When you do not receive any response to requests being made to our services, log in to the Webview Interface and check the Account history to see if the requests have reached our server.  If the history shows no requests, the problem is most likely caused by a firewall or incorrect configuration of the client software.

Malformed response or problems with special characters

If the Character Encoding is incorrect, requests or responses with diacritics in them will become malformed.  This means that no results will be found when doing a request with a non-ASCII character in it, or that the result will contain unexpected characters, such as Bahnhofstra�e instead of Bahnhofstraße.

The following tables lists the possible error codes.
A user is the primary actor in the framework.
Groups give users specific rights.
This service provides methods that can search or validate addresses in the Netherlands.