Dutch BusinessThis service provides Chamber of Commerce business data for Dutch companies. Summary | This service provides Chamber of Commerce business data for Dutch companies. | | | | Retrieve data on a business establishment. | | Retrieve data on a business establishment including information related to finance and structure. | | Retrieve data on a business establishment including information related to finance, corporate structure and insolvency. | | Retrieve SBI Information for a company. | | Get the VatNumber for a specified dossier number | | Get the business positions/functionaries for a business | | Get the legal entity for a business | | Retrieve the organization tree of a company. | | Determine if a Company has non-marketing indicator. | | Search for business establishments using a known identifier. | | Get all known details of a Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concern relaties’ for specified dossier number. | | Find business establishments using a variety of parameters. | | Find business establishments for a dossier number. | | Search for business establishments using a known identifier. | | Find business establishments based on postcode and house number. | | Search for businesses matching all of the given criteria. | | Simple Search for businesses. | | Look up a SBI (‘Standaard Bedrijfs Indeling 2008’) code. | | Request an annual financial statement document for a dutch-business. | | Find similar organizations (look-a-likes) for a given company. | | | | Get an extract document in PDF, containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business. | | Get the data from an extract document containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business. | | Get the extract data and document for a business dossier | | Get the extract data and document for a business dossier | | Get a list of historical business-extract references for the given company or organisation collected by Webservices.nl. | | Get a list of historical business-extract references for the given company or organisation collected by Webservices.nl that contain changes compared to their previous retrieved extract. | | Retrieve a historical business-extract using a business-extract identifier. | | Retrieve a historical business-extract using a business-extract identifier. | | Retrieve a historical business-extract using a business-extract identifier. | | | | Get a list of logged updates for a specific business dossier. | | Check when dossiers have changed, in order to keep them up to date. | | Retrieve information on the last change to a company. | | Retrieve dossier numbers for all companies that changed since the given date. | | The news service provides endpoints with which news items related to businesses can be queried. | | Returns news-items for a given company based on dossier number. | | | | Starts a UBO investigation. | | Checks the status of an (ongoing) UBO investigation. | | Pick up the results of the UBO investigation. | | Returns a receipt with specification of costs made for a successfully completed UBO investigation. | | | | | | This method is deprecated. | | This method is deprecated. | | This method is deprecated. | | This method is deprecated. | | This method is deprecated. | | This method is deprecated. | | This method is deprecated. | | | | | | Information on a business establishment. | | Information about the Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concernrelaties’ structure of a single business | | Basic information about the Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concernrelaties’ structure of a Dutch business. | | Detailed information about the Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concernrelaties’ structure of a single business. | | A graph containing the concern structure of a business | | A node representing a business | | A relation between two businesses | | Information on a business establishment including information related to finance and structure. | | Information on a business establishment including information related to finance and structure. | | Summarized information from the last annual financial statement. | | Information about the structure of the organization. | | An extract document containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business. | | An extract docdateRement containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The legal entity of the requested dossier (`Rechtspersoon`). | | | | | | | | | | A partnership of the requested dossier (`samenwerkingsverband`). | | | | | | The enterprise (`onderneming`) of the requested dossier. | | | | | | A establishment (vestiging) of the dossier, dossier can contain more than one establishment. | | | | | | A business position can contain data about a person or business that holds a position within the business. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The money is given in the smallest available units for the currency (EUR -> cents) | | The money is given in the smallest available units for the currency (EUR -> cents) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A SBI section code with description. | | A SBI (‘Standaard Bedrijfs Indeling’) code with description | | | | | | | | The data of a publication of an event that occurred for the insolvency (fi. | | A reference to a business establishment. | | A reference to a business establishment. | | A reference to a business establishment. | | | | Information on the latest update to a business establishment. | | | | | | | | | | Information about the extract document base we have gathered. | | Information about the changes that have been logged within our system, between the date the extract document is last retrieved and now. | | Reference to a stored extract document. | | Information about the changes that have been logged within our system, between a stored extract document and a previous one for that dossier. | | Updates that have occured related to a business. | | Reference to the dossier updates that occurred on a specific update date. | | Information about the changes that have been logged within our system for a specific dossier | | The period the change set applies to. | | | | A company related to a news item. | | A UBO investigation token. | | A status of a given UBO investigation. | | The results of the UBO investigation. | | A business reference found during a UBO investigation | | A natural person found during a UBO investigation | | A person role found during a UBO investigation | | An organisation found during a UBO investigation | | | | The costs of the UBO investigation. | | Breakdown of the costs for a UBO investigation | | | | Result of a UBO classification. | | | | The personal information for the classified suspect | | The role of the classified suspect | | | | A DutchBusiness Company SBI Collection. | | A DutchBusiness annual financial statement. | | | | A DutchBusiness LEI registration. | | A DutchBusiness Lei business entity, contains information regarding the business itself. | | Legal form information regarding the LEI entity. | | Additional registration information provided by the registration authority. | | A DutchBusiness Lei address. | | A DutchBusiness Lei successor. | | A Dutch Business non marketing indicator. | | | | A DutchBusinessAdditionalPosition is a list of positions at a given time in a company. | | A DutchBusinessPositionCompany is the position data related to a company. | | A detailed description of the authorization powers of a position in a period of time | | Information about a similar organization, including the dossier number, the overall similarity and the url of a profile. | | The weight and score of an individual feature of a similar company | | | | An ‘Update type’ is a classification used to indicate which aspect of a dossier has changed. | | The DutchBusinessReferenceV2 contains a match_type field which indicates on what name field the result was found within the response. | | A UBO investigation can progress through a distinct set of steps, denoted by their status. | | | | |
dutchBusinessGetDossierRetrieve data on a business establishment. When only the dossier number parameter is specified, the main establishment of the business will be returned. Specify the establishment_number in order to retrieve another establishment. Update serviceIf logging of data is enabled for the user, the requested dossier is logged. This enables the user to receive updates to the dossier in the future (these service are deprecated). Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | The Establishment number |
ReturnsSee alsodutchBusinessSearch, dutchBusinessSearchParameters, dutchBusinessSearchDossierNumber
dutchBusinessGetDossierV2Retrieve data on a business establishment including information related to finance and structure. When only the dossier number parameter is specified the main establishment of the business will be returned. Specify the establishment_number in order to retrieve another establishment. You can find dossier and establishment numbers using dutchBusinessSearch, dutchBusinessSearchParameters or dutchBusinessSearchDossierNumber. Update serviceIf logging of data is enabled for the user, the requested dossier is logged. This enables the user to receive updates to the dossier in the future (these services are deprecated). Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | The Establishment number |
ReturnsSee alsodutchBusinessSearch, dutchBusinessSearchParameters, dutchBusinessSearchDossierNumber
dutchBusinessGetDossierV3Retrieve data on a business establishment including information related to finance, corporate structure and insolvency. When only the dossier number parameter is specified the main establishment of the business will be returned. Specify the establishment_number in order to retrieve another establishment. You can find dossier and establishment numbers using dutchBusinessSearch, dutchBusinessSearchParameters or dutchBusinessSearchDossierNumber. Update serviceIf logging of data is enabled for the user, the requested dossier is logged. This enables the user to receive updates to the dossier in the future (these services are deprecated). Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | The Establishment number |
ReturnsSee alsodutchBusinessSearch, dutchBusinessSearchParameters, dutchBusinessSearchDossierNumber
dutchBusinessGetSBIRetrieve SBI Information for a company. The Dutch Standaard Bedrijfsindeling (SBI 2008) is an activity classification based on of the European Union. Next to The Chamber of Commerce provided SBI code, CompanyInfo provides extra more useful codes. Parametersdossier_number | the Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | the Establishment number. Defaults to main establishment, when empty | language | the language of the resulted sbi code descriptions. Defaults to NL, when emptynl | Dutch (default) | en | English |
dutchBusinessGetVatNumberGet the VatNumber for a specified dossier number Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number |
dutchBusinessGetPositionsGet the business positions/functionaries for a business Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number |
dutchBusinessGetLegalEntityGet the legal entity for a business Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number |
dutchBusinessGetOrganizationTreeRetrieve the organization tree of a company. Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number |
dutchBusinessGetNonMarketingIndicatorDetermine if a Company has non-marketing indicator. Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | The Establishment number |
dutchBusinessSearchDossierNumberSearch for business establishments using a known identifier. Any combination of parameters may be specified. Only businesses matching all parameters will be returned. Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | The Establishment number | rsin_number | The RSIN (`Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer`) number | page | Page to retrieve, pages start counting at 1 |
ReturnsSee alsodutchBusinessGetDossier, dutchBusinessGetDossierV2
dutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsDetailsGet all known details of a Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concern relaties’ for specified dossier number. Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce dossier number | include_source | When set the original source is added to the response |
dutchBusinessSearchParametersV2Find business establishments using a variety of parameters. Found dossiers are ordered by relevance, ensuring the dossiers that match the search parameters best are listed at the top of the result list. This method differs from dutchBusinessSearchParameters by returning an indication called “match_type” that defines what type of business name was matched upon (see Tradename match types). Using the search parameters- trade_name parameter will be used to search all business names for the dossiers, which include the trade name, legal name and alternative trade names.
- address parameters are matched against both the correspondence and establishment addresses of the business.
- postbus addresses can be found by specifying ‘Postbus’ as street, and specifying the postbus number in the house_number parameter.
Response ordering- better match, the results that match the given search parameters better are ranked higher, making names containing all words from search parameters appear on top of the results
- unique words, the more unique words that are ranked higher than common ones, this prevent words like “van” or “de” pollute the ordering when they are searched on
Parameterstrade_name | Name under which the organisation engages in commercial activity | city | City | street | Street | postcode | Postcode | house_number | House number | house_number_addition | House number addition | telephone_number | Telephone number | domain_name | Domain name or email address, when an email address is given the domain part of that address is used | strict_search | Boolean indicating if only strict matches should be returned, resulting in less matches. | page | Page to retrieve, pages start counting at 1 |
ReturnsSee alsodutchBusinessSearchDossierNumber, dutchBusinessGetDossier
dutchBusinessSearchFind business establishments for a dossier number. Found dossiers are ordered by relevance, ensuring the establishments that match the search parameters best are listed at the top of the result list. When the dossier_number is omitted, the search behaves similar to the dutchBusinessSearchParametersV2 method. Using the search parameters- trade_name parameter will be used to search all business names for the dossiers, which include the trade name, legal name and alternative trade names.
- address parameters are matched against both the correspondence and establishment addresses of the business.
- postbus addresses can be found by specifying ‘Postbus’ as street, and specifying the postbus number in the house_number parameter.
Response ordering- better match, the results that match the given search parameters better are ranked higher, making names containing all words from search parameters appear on top of the results
- unique words, more unique words are ranked higher than common ones. This prevent words like “van” or “de” pollute the ordering when they’re searched on.
Parametersdossier_number | Dossier number for the business | trade_name | Name under which the organisation engages in commercial activity | city | City | street | Street | postcode | Postcode | house_number | House number | house_number_addition | House number addition | telephone_number | Telephone number | domain_name | Domain name or email address, when an email address is given the domain part of that address is used | strict_search | Boolean indicating if only strict matches should be returned, resulting in less matches. | page | Page to retrieve, pages start counting at 1 |
dutchBusinessSearchEstablishmentsSearch for business establishments using a known identifier. Any combination of parameters may be specified. Only businesses matching all parameters will be returned. Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | The Establishment number | rsin_number | The RSIN (`Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer`) number | page | Page to retrieve, pages start counting at 1 |
dutchBusinessSearchSelectionSearch for businesses matching all of the given criteria. Either of these criteria can be left empty or 0. In that case, the criterium is not used. At least one of the criteria parameters must be supplied. At most 100 items may be supplied for the array parameters. Parameterscity | Array of cities. Businesses match if they are located in either of these cities, thus if the establishment address is in one of these cities. | postcode | Array of postcodes or parts of postcodes. Businesses match if they are located in either of these postcodes, or their postcode start with any of the given partial postcodes. Thus, if the establishment address matches with one of the given postcodes. For example, the partial postcode “10” matches most of Amsterdam. Note that it would make little sense to supply both city and postcode. | sbi | Array of SBI codes or partial SBI codes. Businesses match if they have either of the given SBI codes, or their SBI code starts with the partial SBI code. The CBS has a list of SBI codes and their descriptions. | primary_sbi_only | Match primary SBI only. A business may have up to three SBI codes assigned. If primary_sbi_only is true, businesses only match if their main SBI code matches with one of the codes in the ‘sbi’ field. If primary_sbi_only is false, businesses are matched if either of the three SBI codes match the ‘sbi’ field. | legal_form | Array of integer legal form codes. Businesses match if they have either of these legalforms. (deprecated) A list of legal form codes can be found in the documentation of DutchBusinessDossierV2. | employees_min | Minimum number of employees working at the business. | employees_max | Maximum number of employees working at the business. | economically_active | Indicates whether the businesses should be economically active.active | Only economically active businesses match. | inactive | Only economically inactive businesses match. |
| financial_status | Indicates the financial status of the businesses.bankrupt | Only bankrupt businesses match. | dip | Only businesses which are debtor in possession match. | solvent | Only businesses which are neither bankrupt nor debtor in possession match. | insolvent | Only businesses which are either bankrupt or debtor in posession match. |
| changed_since | DateTime in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. Time may be omitted and defaults to 00:00:00. Businesses match if the information about them changed from this DateTime on. | new_since | DateTime in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. Time may be omitted and defaults to 00:00:00. Only businesses which were added on or after this DateTime are returned. Note that this does not mean that the company was founded after this date. Companies may be founded and only later be added to the DutchBusiness database. | page | Page to retrieve, pages start counting at 1 | provinces | Array of Dutch province names or codes according to ISO 3166-2:NL. ISO 3166-2 defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions. Example of ISO 3166-2 see ISO-codes | sbi_match_type | Defines where the sbi inputs should be matched againstWS | SBI codes are matched against the default SBI source (default) | CI | SBI codes are matched against the extra Company.info SBI source | ALL | SBI codes are matched against all known SBI sources Returns: |
| out | A Patterns::{Type}PagedResult of DutchBusinessReference. |
dutchBusinessSearchSelectionSimpleSimple Search for businesses. Similar to dutchBusinessSearchSelection, the only difference is the sbi_match_type filter and the new_since filter Either of these criteria can be left empty or 0. In that case, the criterium is not used. At least one of the criteria parameters must be supplied. At most 100 items may be supplied for the array parameters. Parameterscity | Array of cities. Businesses match if they are located in either of these cities, thus if the establishment address is in one of these cities. | postcode | Array of postcodes or parts of postcodes. Businesses match if they are located in either of these postcodes, or their postcode start with any of the given partial postcodes. Thus, if the establishment address matches with one of the given postcodes. For example, the partial postcode “10” matches most of Amsterdam. Note that it would make little sense to supply both city and postcode. | sbi | Array of SBI codes or partial SBI codes. Businesses match if they have either of the given SBI codes, or their SBI code starts with the partial SBI code. The CBS has a list of SBI codes and their descriptions. | primary_sbi_only | Match primary SBI only. A business may have up to three SBI codes assigned. If primary_sbi_only is true, businesses only match if their main SBI code matches with one of the codes in the ‘sbi’ field. If primary_sbi_only is false, businesses are matched if either of the three SBI codes match the ‘sbi’ field. | legal_form | Array of integer legal form codes. Businesses match if they have either of these legalforms. (deprecated) A list of legal form codes can be found in the documentation of DutchBusinessDossierV2. | employees_min | Minimum number of employees working at the business. | employees_max | Maximum number of employees working at the business. | economically_active | Indicates whether the businesses should be economically active.active | Only economically active businesses match. | inactive | Only economically inactive businesses match. |
| financial_status | Indicates the financial status of the businesses.bankrupt | Only bankrupt businesses match. | dip | Only businesses which are debtor in possession match. | solvent | Only businesses which are neither bankrupt nor debtor in possession match. | insolvent | Only businesses which are either bankrupt or debtor in posession match. |
| changed_since | DateTime in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. Time may be omitted and defaults to 00:00:00. Businesses match if the information about them changed from this DateTime on. | new_since | DateTime in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format. Time may be omitted and defaults to 00:00:00. The most recent date possible is the day before the request is done. Only businesses which were added on or after this DateTime are returned. Note that this does not mean that the company was founded after this date. Companies may be founded and only later be added to the DutchBusiness database. | page | Page to retrieve, pages start counting at 1 | provinces | Array of Dutch province names or codes according to ISO 3166-2:NL. ISO 3166-2 defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions. Example of ISO 3166-2 see ISO-codes Returns: | out | A Patterns::{Type}PagedResult of DutchBusinessReference. |
dutchBusinessGetSBIDescriptionLook up a SBI (‘Standaard Bedrijfs Indeling 2008’) code. Returns the section and its description, and all levels of SBI codes and their description, according to the 17-04-2014 version. Parameterssbi_code | A SBI code, a number between 2 and 6 characters. | language | the language of the resulted sbi code descriptionsnl | Dutch (default) | en | English |
dutchBusinessGetAnnualFinancialStatementRequest an annual financial statement document for a dutch-business. Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number | year | The year of the financial statement | type | The type of the financial statementORIGINAL | The financial statement as deposited originally (PDF) | STANDARDIZED | The financial statement in standardized format after processing (XBRL) |
dutchBusinessLookALikesFind similar organizations (look-a-likes) for a given company. Look-a-likes are found by using the Company.info similarity-algorithm. The weights contributing to the match can be changed to configure the specific matching-demands of the user. If no alternative weights are specified, a default weighing is used according to the Company.info best practices. If one or more of the weights are specified, all the remaining weights should also be added. In total this should add up to 1. Zero can also be specified as weight, resulting in that the specific feature has no impact on the overall similarity of an organization. Parametersdossier_number | The dossier number of the input organization. This organization will be matched | geo_weight | A number from zero to one specifying how relevant the geolocation of a company is to the overall similarity. A number from 0 to 1 specifying the weight of this feature. Note that this is the weight that was actually used. This can be lower than the input weight because of missing data for the the source company. | nr_employees_weight | A number from zero to one specifying how relevant the number of employees of a company is to the overall similarity. A number from 0 to 1 specifying the weight of this feature. Note that this is the weight that was actually used. This can be lower than the input weight because of missing data for the the source company. | sbi_weight | A number from zero to one specifying how relevant the sectors (SBI’s) are to the overall similarity. A number from 0 to 1 specifying the weight of this feature. Note that this is the weight that was actually used. This can be lower than the input weight because of missing data for the the source company. | web_weight | A number from zero to one specifying how relevant the web contents is to the overall similarity. A number from 0 to 1 specifying the weight of this feature. Note that this is the weight that was actually used. This can be lower than the input weight because of missing data for the the source company. | page | Pagination starts at 1 (optional, defaults to first page). 20 results per page. |
dutchBusinessGetExtractDocumentGet an extract document in PDF, containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business. The document is generated using the business’ `Online inzage uittreksel`. Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number | allow_caching | Determines whether a cached document may be returned:false | The returned document is up-to-date. | true | The returned document may be older. The date of the document is included in the output, see DutchBusinessExtractDocument. |
dutchBusinessGetExtractDocumentDataGet the data from an extract document containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business. The document is generated using the business’ `Online inzage uittreksel`. Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number | allow_caching | Determines whether a cached document may be returned:false | The returned document is up-to-date. | true | The returned document may be older. The date of the document is included in the output, see DutchBusinessExtractDocumentData. |
dutchBusinessGetExtractDocumentDataV2Get the extract data and document for a business dossier Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number |
dutchBusinessGetExtractDocumentDataV3Get the extract data and document for a business dossier Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number | include_source | When set the original source is added to the response |
dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryGet a list of historical business-extract references for the given company or organisation collected by Webservices.nl. Each business-extract reference in the history contains a summary of the changes relative to the previous business-extract reference in the history. The business-extract history also contains an forecast that indicates whether changes have occured between the latest business-extract document and the current state or the organisation. When changes are detected the most recent document in the history probably does not represent the current state of the organisation. A realtime document can be retrieved using dutchBusinessGetExtractDocumentData or dutchBusinessGetExtractDocument. Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number. | period_start_date | The start date of the period of historic documents. | period_end_date | The end date of the set period, can differ max one year from start date. [optional][default:today] |
dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryChangedGet a list of historical business-extract references for the given company or organisation collected by Webservices.nl that contain changes compared to their previous retrieved extract. Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number. | period_start_date | The start date of the period of historic documents. | period_end_date | The end date of the set period. [optional][default:today] |
dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryDocumentDataRetrieve a historical business-extract using a business-extract identifier. Business-extract identifiers can be found using dutchBusinessGetExtractHistory. Parametersextract_id | Business-extract identifier |
dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryDocumentDataV2Retrieve a historical business-extract using a business-extract identifier. Business-extract identifiers can be found using dutchBusinessGetExtractHistory. Parametersextract_id | Business-extract identifier |
dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryDocumentDataV3Retrieve a historical business-extract using a business-extract identifier. Business-extract identifiers can be found using dutchBusinessGetExtractHistory. Parametersextract_id | Business-extract identifier | include_source | When set the original source is added to the response |
dutchBusinessGetExtractHistoryDocumentDataV3ByDossierParametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number. | include_source | When set the original source is added to the response | period_start | Period start date, in yyyy-mm-dd format.[optional] | period_end | Period end date, in yyyy-mm-dd format. [optional] |
dutchBusinessGetDossierHistoryGet a list of logged updates for a specific business dossier. Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number. | period_start_date | Period start date, in yyyy-mm-dd format. | period_end_date | Period end date, in yyyy-mm-dd format. The max period is one year. [optional] |
Retrieve updated dossiersCheck when dossiers have changed, in order to keep them up to date. There are 3 ways to retrieve updated dossiersThese methods return information on the last change on a dossier, so that you can check whether your stored dossiers are still up to date.
dutchBusinessUpdateCheckDossierRetrieve information on the last change to a company. This method can be used to check for updates on specific dossiers, regardless of whether requested dossiers are logged for the user. A DutchBusinessUpdateReference is returned for the most recent update, if any. The DutchBusinessUpdateReference contains the date of the latest update to the dossier, as well as the types of updates performed on that date. A fault message is returned if there have never been updates to the dossier. The same fault is returned if the dossier does not exist (or never existed). Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | Establishment number | update_types | The types of updates to consider. See Update types for a list of types. If the type ‘Test’ is specified, a DutchBusinessUpdateReference is returned with DateLastUpdate set to today, its Update types will contain all the types specified in the request. |
dutchBusinessUpdateGetChangedDossiersRetrieve dossier numbers for all companies that changed since the given date. This method returns a Patterns::{Type}PagedResult of DutchBusinessUpdateReference entries, for all dossiers which were updated since the given changed_since date, and where the update was one of the given update_types. This method can be called periodically to obtain a list of recently updated dossiers. This list can then be checked against the list of locally stored dossiers, to determine which dossiers that the user has stored are changed and may be updated. Parameterschanged_since | Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. All dossiers changed on or after this date are returned. This date may not be more than 365 days ago. | update_types | The types of updates to consider. See Update types for a list of types. This method supports the update type ‘New’ to retrieve dossiers which have been registered with the DutchBusiness since the changed_since date. | page | Page to retrieve, pages start counting at 1 |
ReturnsSee alsodutchBusinessUpdateCheckDossier
Retrieve news related to businessesThe news service provides endpoints with which news items related to businesses can be queried.
dutchBusinessSearchNewsByDossierReturns news-items for a given company based on dossier number. Each given item has been scored with a sentiment-number between 0 and 1 indicating whether an article is considered positive or negative news. Parametersdossier_number | A dossier number | period_start | The start date from which to collect items [optional]. Can be given in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. If only date_from is provided the period of that date until now will be taken. If no date is given, the last 3 months will be assumed. | period_end | The end date until which to collect items [optional]. Can be given in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. When no date_from is provided, a starting date of three months previous will be taken. | sort_order | The sorting order [optional]. Should be either ‘desc’ for descending or ‘asc’ for ascending. By default descending is assumed | page | The page to retrieve |
DutchBusiness UBO methods
dutchBusinessUBOStartInvestigationStarts a UBO investigation. Note that a fixed price is subtracted from the user’s account in lieu of a reservation. The actual cost of the investigation is calculated when the final product is returned. Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number | oldest_extract_date | Oldest date from which extracts are allowed to be collected from the cache [optional, YYYY-MM-DD], defaults to 6 months ago | use_updates | Use a real-time extract if an update has occurred between the oldest extract date and now, meaning a possible cached extract is not up to date anymore [optional, defaults to false]. Company.info only receives relevant (daily) updates on the BV and NV legal forms, therefore we will always order a new extract for the other legal forms. |
ReturnsSee alsodutchBusinessUBOCheckInvestigation, dutchBusinessUBOPickupInvestigation
dutchBusinessUBOClassifyInvestigationClassifies natural persons found in a DutchBusinessUBOClassificationResult and tries to resolve the real UBO. By evaluating all the returned business against a set of rules (called a scenario), the system tries to resolve who is most likely to be the UBO. Returned DutchBusinessUBOPerson are labelled as one of the following: UBO | this person is the UBO | UBO Suspect | this person is likely the UBO, but there is not enough information to make a definitive decision | UBO Gateway | this person is most likely to know who the actual UBO is. |
Parameterstoken | UBO investigation token. Check UBO Investigation statuses for more information. | scenario | the scenario to run. If left empty the default scenario will be used |
ReturnsSee alsodutchBusinessUBOPickupInvestigation, dutchBusinessUBOStartInvestigation
dutchBusinessUpdateAddDossierNoticeThis method is deprecated. Add a company to the follow list for which the user (the user whose credentials are used to make the call) wants to receive updates. After adding the dossier any future updates to the dossier can be retrieved using dutchBusinessUpdateGetDossiers. Before adding the dossier, call dutchBusinessUpdateCheckDossier to make sure you have the latest dossier version. You do not need to call this method if you have retrieved a dossier using dutchBusinessGetDossier or dutchBusinessGetDossierV2, in which case it has been added automatically. Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | Establishment number |
dutchBusinessUpdateRemoveDossierNoticeThis method is deprecated. Remove a company from the follow list for which the user (the user whose credentials are used to make the call) wants to receive updates. Parametersdossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number | establishment_number | Establishment number |
dutchBusinessUpdateGetOverviewNoticeThis method is deprecated. Get a complete overview of all the companies that are on the follow list for the user (the user whose credentials are used to make the call). ParametersReturns
dutchBusinessUpdateGetDossiersNoticeThis method is deprecated. Returns a list of all companies (that have been added to the users follow list) that have been updated since they were last retrieved by the user (the user whose credentials are used to make the call). If a dossier is returned that is no longer of interest or has the update type ‘Removed’, calling dutchBusinessUpdateRemoveDossier prevents it from occurring in this method’s output. If a dossier from the output list is retrieved using dutchBusinessGetDossier or dutchBusinessGetDossierV2, a second call to dutchBusinessUpdateGetDossiers will not contain the dossier anymore. Parametersupdate_types | A list specifying the types of updates that should be returned. See Update types for a list of types. If the type ‘Test’ is specified, an example DutchBusinessUpdateReference is returned with DateLastUpdate set to today, its Update types will contain all the types specified in the request. | page | The page of results |
dutchBusinessGetLeiNoticeThis method is deprecated. Retrieve the Lei code and related information for a business using the Chamber of Commerce number. Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number. |
dutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsOverviewNoticeThis method is deprecated. Search for an overview of Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concern relaties’ for specified dossier number. The overview gives a summary of the concern-relations size and depth. Parametersdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce dossier number |
dutchBusinessGetAdditionalPositionsNoticeThis method is deprecated. Retrieve the current and historical positions a functionary in companies, including the authorization powers assigned to that position All parameters are optional but at least 3 should be provided. In case a functionary can’t be uniquely identified with the values provided as parameters, the function will return an error asking for more input. Parametersfirst_name | The functionary’s first name. | last_name | The functionary’s last name. | birth_date | The functionary’s date of birth. | dossier_number | Dossier number of a company where the has or had a position. |
dutchBusinessSearchParametersNoticeThis method is deprecated use dutchBusinessSearchParametersV2 instead. Parameterstrade_name | Name under which the organisation engages in commercial activity | city | City | street | Street | postcode | Postcode | house_number | House number | house_number_addition | House number addition | telephone_number | Telephone number | domain_name | Domain name or email address, when an email address is given the domain part of that address is used | strict_search | Boolean indicating if only strict matches should be returned, resulting in less matches. | page | Page to retrieve, pages start counting at 1 |
ReturnsSee alsodutchBusinessSearchDossierNumber, dutchBusinessGetDossier, dutchBusinessGetDossierV2
DutchBusinessDossierInformation on a business establishment. update_info | A DutchBusinessUpdateReference with information on the latest update to this establishment. Compare this information to the result of later calls to dutchBusinessUpdateCheckDossier, in order to keep your data up-to-date. | dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). This number is unique and will not change as long as the organisation exists. Subsidiaries (‘Nevenvestigingen’) of the organisation are registered using the same dossier number. | establishment_number | The unique identifier for this business establishment, consisting of 12 numbers (e.g. 012345678912). Optional. Some businesses, mainly foundations (`Stichting`), do not have establishments. In these instances the establishment_number is not returned. | main_establishment_number | The establishment number for the main establishment of the business. Optional. | indication_main_establishment | Boolean indicating if this is the main establishment of the business. | rsin_number | The 9 number RSIN (`Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer`) identifying the business’ legal entity. Optional, businesses with a sole proprietor (`eenmanszaken`) do not have a rsin_number. | chamber_number | The chamber number is the number of the Chamber of Commerce office which. As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be `00` manages this dossier. See DutchBusinessDossierV3. | legal_form_code | Registered legal form used by the organisation (deprecated). See DutchBusinessDossierV3 KVK does not support legal_form_code; In the future, an alternative solution will be provided in our (REST) API Hub Platform. | legal_form_text | Description of the legal form (in Dutch) (deprecated). | indication_organisation_code | For possible values see DutchBusinessDossierV3. |
Namelegal_name | The legal name of the business, or legal personality (`rechtspersoon`) | trade_name_45 | Primary name under which the business engages in commercial activity. Shortened to a maximum of 45 characters. | trade_name_full | Primary name under which the business engages in commercial activity. This is the full name, up to 132 characters long. | trade_names | Alternative trade names used by the establishment. Optional. |
Establishment Addressestablishment_postcode | Postcode of the establishment address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | establishment_country | Country of the establishment address of the business | establishment_city | City of the establishment address of the business | establishment_street | Street of the establishment address of the business | establishment_house_number | House number of the establishment address of the business | establishment_house_number_addition | House number addition of the establishment address of the business |
Correspondence Addresscorrespondence_postcode | Postcode of the correspondence address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | correspondence_city | City of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_street | Streetname the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_house_number | House number of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_house_number_addition | House number addition of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_country | ISO3 Country code for the correspondence address. |
Contacttelephone_number | Telephone number of the establishment. The first 3 characters contain the area code (Dutch: ‘netnummer’), the last 7 characters the subscriber number (Dutch: ‘abbonnee nummer’). | mobile_number | Mobile number | domain_name | The internet domain name registered by the business |
Contact person: As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be empty contact_title1 | Title of the contact person of this business. | contact_title2 | Second title of the contact person of this business. | contact_initials | Initials of the contact. | contact_prefix | Name prefix of the contact. | contact_surname | Surname of the contact. | contact_gender | Gender of the contact.m | Male | f | Female | empty | Gender unknown |
SBI activity codesprimary_sbi_code | The primary SBI code describing the type of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with. May be empty. | secondary_sbi_code1 | First of two secondary SBI codes describing the types of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with. May be empty. | secondary_sbi_code2 | Second of two secondary SBI codes describing the types of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with. May be empty. | primary_sbi_code_text | Description of the primary economic or social activity (in Dutch). | secondary_sbi_code1_text | Description of the first secondary economic or social activity (in Dutch). | secondary_sbi_code2_text | Description of the second secondary economic or social activity (in Dutch). |
Personnelpersonnel | The total number of employees (full-time and part-time) at this establishment. | class_personnel | A classification of the total number of employees (full-time and part-time). See DutchBusinessDossierV3 | personnel_fulltime | The number of full time employees | class_personnel_fulltime | A classification of the number of full time employees. See class_personnel for the possible values. | personnel_reference_date | A DutchBusinessDate. The reference date (peildatum) of the number of employees. As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be empty! |
Statusindication_import | Indication of whether the company does import. Optional. | indication_export | Indication of whether the company does export. Optional. | indication_economically_active | Boolean indicating if the business is economically active. This indication is determined by a formula developed by the ‘Vereninging Kamers van Koophandel’. As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be negative! This should not be interpreted as an indication of whether the business is currently still registered at the Chamber of Commerce: only currently registered businesses are available through our services. | indication_non_mailing | Boolean indicating if the business has specified that the ‘Vereniging Kamers van Koophandel’ and the ‘de kamers van koophandel’ may not supply the business’ information to third parties for direct marketing purposes. | indication_bankruptcy | Boolean indicating if the business is currently registered as bankrupt (Dutch: ‘Faillissement’). | indication_dip | Boolean indicating if the business is currently registered as Debtor-in-Possession (Dutch: ‘in Surseance’). |
Capitalauthorized_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of authorized share capital. The amount of money for which the company is allowed to give out shares. Dutch: `maatschappelijk kapitaal`. Optional. | authorized_share_capital_currency | Currency for AuthorizedShareCapital. Optional. | paid_up_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of paid up share capital. The amount of money the share holders paid to the company for their shares. Dutch: `gestort kapitaal`. Optional. | paid_up_share_capital_currency | Currency for PaidUpShareCapital. Optional. | issued_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of issued share capital. This is the amount for which the company has issued shares. Dutch: `geplaatst kapitaal`. Optional. | issued_share_capital_currency | Currency for IssuedShareCapital. Optional. |
Datesfounding_date | A DutchBusinessDate indicating the founding date of the company. Optional. | continuation_date | A DutchBusinessDate indicating the continuation date of the company, if applicable. This is usually the date that the company changed legal form. Optional. | establishment_date | A DutchBusinessDate indicating the date the establishment started its activities. This date does not change when the establishment moves to another location. Optional. |
DutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsOverviewResultInformation about the Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concernrelaties’ structure of a single business
DutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsOverviewReferenceBasic information about the Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concernrelaties’ structure of a Dutch business. name | The legal name of the highest known entity of the Corporate group | dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce dossier number of the highest known entity of the Corporate group | levels | The depth of the tree (top to bottom) | level_of_matched_registration | The level where the current company is located at | registrations | The total amount of registrations |
DutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsDetailsResultDetailed information about the Corporate Group Relationships aka ‘concernrelaties’ structure of a single business. Returns all known data of the entire Corporate Group. dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce dossier number of the requested entity of the Corporate group | graph | A DutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsDetailsGraph containing the Corporate Group structure | pdf | Base64 encoded document in PDF format | source | Base64 encoded source data, containing the data from the original source |
DutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsDetailsGraphA graph containing the concern structure of a business
DutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsDetailsGraphNodeA node representing a business id | The Chamber of Commerce number of the business | name | The name of the business |
DutchBusinessGetConcernRelationsDetailsGraphLinkA relation between two businesses source | The first business in the relation | target | The second business in the relation | type | The type of relation between the two businesses |
DutchBusinessDossierV2Information on a business establishment including information related to finance and structure. update_info | A DutchBusinessUpdateReference with information on the latest update to this establishment. Compare this information to the result of later calls to dutchBusinessUpdateCheckDossier, in order to keep your data up-to-date. | dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). This number is unique and will not change as long as the organisation exists. Subsidiaries (‘Nevenvestigingen’) of the organisation are registered using the same dossier number. | establishment_number | The unique identifier for this business establishment, consisting of 12 numbers (e.g. 012345678912). Optional. Some businesses, mainly foundations (`Stichting`), do not have establishments. In these instances the establishment_number is not returned. | main_establishment_number | The establishment number for the main establishment of the business. Optional. | indication_main_establishment | Boolean indicating if this is the main establishment of the business. | rsin_number | The 9 number RSIN (`Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer`) identifying the business’ legal entity. Optional, businesses with a sole proprietor (`eenmanszaken`) do not have an rsin_number. | chamber_number | The chamber number is the number of the Chamber of Commerce office which see DutchBusinessDossierV3 for possible values. As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be `00`* | legal_form_code | Registered legal form used by the organisation (deprecated). KVK does not support legal_form_codes; In the future, an alternative solution will be provided in our (REST) API Hub Platform. | legal_form_text | Description of the legal form (in Dutch) (deprecated). see DutchBusinessDossierV3 for possible values. | indication_organisation_code | see DutchBusinessDossierV3 for possible values. |
Namelegal_name | The legal name of the business, or legal personality (`rechtspersoon`) | trade_name_45 | Primary name under which the business engages in commercial activity. Shortened to a maximum of 45 characters. | trade_name_full | Primary name under which the business engages in commercial activity. This is the full name, up to 132 characters long. | trade_names | Alternative trade names used by the establishment. Optional. |
Establishment Addressestablishment_postcode | Postcode of the establishment address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | establishment_country | Country of the establishment address of the business | establishment_city | City of the establishment address of the business | establishment_street | Street of the establishment address of the business | establishment_house_number | House number of the establishment address of the business | establishment_house_number_addition | House number addition of the establishment address of the business |
Correspondence Addresscorrespondence_postcode | Postcode of the correspondence address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | correspondence_city | City of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_street | Streetname the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_house_number | House number of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_house_number_addition | House number addition of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_country | ISO3 Country code for the correspondence address. |
Contacttelephone_number | Telephone number of the establishment. The first 3 characters contain the area code (Dutch: ‘netnummer’), the last 7 characters the subscriber number (Dutch: ‘abbonnee nummer’). | mobile_number | Mobile number | domain_name | The internet domain name registered by the business |
Contact person: As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be empty* contact_title1 | Title of the contact person of this business. | contact_title2 | Second title of the contact person of this business. | contact_initials | Initials of the contact. | contact_prefix | Name prefix of the contact. | contact_surname | Surname of the contact. | contact_gender | Gender of the contact.m | Male | f | Female | empty | Gender unknown |
SBI activity codesprimary_sbi_code | The primary SBI code describing the type of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with. May be empty. | secondary_sbi_code1 | First of two secondary SBI codes describing the types of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with. May be empty. | secondary_sbi_code2 | Second of two secondary SBI codes describing the types of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with. May be empty. | primary_sbi_code_text | Description of the primary economic or social activity (in Dutch). | secondary_sbi_code1_text | Description of the first secondary economic or social activity (in Dutch). | secondary_sbi_code2_text | Description of the second secondary economic or social activity (in Dutch). |
Personnelpersonnel | The total number of employees (full-time and part-time) at this establishment. | class_personnel | A classification of the total number of employees (full-time and part-time). see DutchBusinessDossier for possible values. | personnel_fulltime | The number of fulltime employees | class_personnel_fulltime | A classification of the number of fulltime employees. See class_personnel for the possible values. | personnel_reference_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2. The reference date (peildatum) of the number of employees As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be empty! | personnel_ci | The total number of employees as recorded by the company.info software. zero (0) means this data is unavailable at this particular moment. | class_personnel_ci | See class_personnel for the possible values. zero (0) means this data is unavailable at this particular moment. | personnel_ci_reference_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2. The reference date (peildatum) of the number of employees recorded by company.info |
Statusindication_import | Indication of whether the company does import. Optional. | indication_export | Indication of whether the company does export. Optional. | indication_economically_active | Boolean indicating if the business is economically active. This indication is determined by a formula developed by the ‘Vereninging Kamers van Koophandel’. As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be negative! This should not be interpreted as an indication of whether the business is currently still registered at the Chamber of Commerce: only currently registered businesses are available through our services. | indication_non_mailing | Boolean indicating if the business has specified that the ‘Vereniging Kamers van Koophandel’ and the ‘de kamers van koophandel’ may not supply the business’ information to third parties for direct marketing purposes. | indication_bankruptcy | Boolean indicating if the business is currently registered as bankrupt (Dutch: ‘Faillissement’). | indication_dip | Boolean indicating if the business is currently registered as Debtor-in-Possession (Dutch: ‘in Surseance’). |
Capitalauthorized_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of authorized share capital. The amount of money for which the company is allowed to give out shares. Dutch: `maatschappelijk kapitaal`. Optional. | authorized_share_capital_currency | Currency for AuthorizedShareCapital. Optional. | paid_up_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of paid up share capital. The amount of money the share holders paid to the company for their shares. Dutch: `gestort kapitaal`. Optional. | paid_up_share_capital_currency | Currency for PaidUpShareCapital. Optional. | issued_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of issued share capital. This is the amount for which the company has issued shares. Dutch: `geplaatst kapitaal`. Optional. | issued_share_capital_currency | Currency for IssuedShareCapital. Optional. |
Datesfounding_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 indicating the founding date of the company. Optional. | discontinuation_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 The date when the business was discontinued (Dutch: datum wanneer de activiteiten gestaakt zijn) | continuation_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 indicating the continuation date of the company, if applicable. This is usually the date that the company changed legal form. Optional. | establishment_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 indicating the date the establishment started its activities. This date does not change when the establishment moves to another location. Optional. |
DutchBusinessDossierV3Information on a business establishment including information related to finance and structure. update_info | A DutchBusinessUpdateReference with information on the latest update to this establishment. Compare this information to the result of later calls to dutchBusinessUpdateCheckDossier, in order to keep your data up-to-date. | dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). This number is unique and will not change as long as the organisation exists. Subsidiaries (‘Nevenvestigingen’) of the organisation are registered using the same dossier number. | establishment_number | The unique identifier for this business establishment, consisting of 12 numbers (e.g. 012345678912). Optional. Some businesses, mainly foundations (`Stichting`), do not have establishments. In these instances the establishment_number is not returned. | main_establishment_number | The establishment number for the main establishment of the business. Optional. | indication_main_establishment | Boolean indicating if this is the main establishment of the business. | rsin_number | The 9 number RSIN (`Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer`) identifying the business’ legal entity. Optional, businesses with a sole proprietor (`eenmanszaken`) do not have an rsin_number. | chamber_number | The chamber number is the number of the Chamber of Commerce office which manages this dossier.01 | Noord Nederland | 08 | Oost Nederland | 09 | Centraal Gelderland | 14 | Limburg | 17 | Brabant | 20 | Zuid West Nederland | 24 | Rotterdam | 27 | Den Haag | 30 | Midden Nederland | 32 | Gooi-, Eem- en Flevoland | 34 | Amsterdam | 37 | Noordwest-Holland As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be `00` |
| legal_form_code | Registered legal form used by the organisation (deprecated). KVK does not support legal_form_codes; In the future, an alternative solution will be provided in our (REST) API Hub Platform. | legal_form_text | Description of the legal form (in Dutch) (deprecated). Possible combinations of Legalformcode and LegalformcodeText are:0 | Legal form is unknown | 1 | Eenmanszaak | 2 | Eenmanszaak met meer dan één eigenaar | 3 | NV / BV in oprichting op A-formulier | 5 | Rederij | 7 | Maatschap | 11 | Vennootschap onder firma | 12 | NV / BV in oprichting op B-formulier | 13 | Openbare vennootschap | 14 | Openbare vennootschap met rechtspersoonlijkheid | 21 | Commanditaire Vennootschap met één beherende vennoot | 22 | Commanditaire Vennootschap met meer dan één beherende vennoot | 23 | NV / BV in oprichting op D-formulier | 24 | Commanditaire vennootschap met rechtspersoonlijkheid | 40 | Rechtspersoon in oprichting | 41 | Besloten Vennootschap met gewone structuur | 42 | Besloten Vennootschap blijkens statuten structuurvennootschap | 51 | Naamloze Vennootschap met gewone structuur | 52 | Naamloze Vennootschap blijkens statuten structuurvennootschap | 53 | Naamloze Vennootschap beleggingsmaatschappij met veranderlijk kapitaal | 54 | NV beleggingsmaatschappij met veranderlijk kapitaal blijkens statuten structuurvennootschap | 55 | Europese naamloze vennootschap (SE) | 56 | Europese naamloze vennootschap (SE) blijkens statuten structuurvennootschap | 61 | Coöperatie U.A. met gewone structuur | 62 | Coöperatie U.A. blijkens statuten structuurcoöperatie | 63 | Coöperatie W.A. met gewone structuur | 64 | Coöperatie W.A. blijkens statuten structuurcoöperatie | 65 | Coöperatie B.A. met gewone structuur | 66 | Coöperatie B.A. blijkens statuten structuurcoöperatie | 70 | Vereniging van Eigenaars | 71 | Vereniging met volledige rechtsbevoegdheid | 72 | Vereniging met beperkte rechtsbevoegdheid | 73 | Kerkgenootschap | 74 | Stichting | 81 | Onderlinge waarborgmaatschappij U.A. met gewone structuur | 82 | Onderlinge waarborgmaatschappij U.A. blijkens statuten structuuronderlinge | 83 | Onderlinge waarborgmaatschappij W.A. met gewone structuur | 84 | Onderlinge waarborgmaatschappij W.A. blijkens statuten structuuronderlinge | 85 | Onderlinge waarborgmaatschappij B.A. met gewone structuur | 86 | Onderlinge waarborgmaatschappij B.A. blijkens statuten structuuronderlinge | 88 | Publiekrechtelijke rechtspersoon | 89 | Privaatrechtelijke rechtspersoon | 91 | Buitenlandse rechtsvorm met hoofdvestiging in Nederland | 92 | Nevenvestiging met hoofdvestiging in buitenland | 93 | Europees Economisch Samenwerkingsverband | 94 | Buitenlandse EG-vennootschap met onderneming in Nederland | 95 | Buitenlandse EG-vennootschap met hoofdnederzetting in Nederland | 96 | Buitenlandse op EG-vennootschap lijkende vennootschap met onderneming in Nederland | 97 | Buitenlandse op EG-vennootschap lijkende vennootschap met hoofdnederzetting in Nederland |
| indication_organisation_code | Possible values:O | Business (Dutch: ‘Onderneming) | V | Association (Dutch: ‘Vereniging’) | S | Non-profit organisation (Dutch: ‘Stichting’) | K | Church community (Dutch: ‘Kerkgenootschap’) | empty | Unknown |
Namelegal_name | The legal name of the business, or legal personality (`rechtspersoon`) | trade_name_45 | Primary name under which the business engages in commercial activity. Shortened to a maximum of 45 characters. | trade_name_full | Primary name under which the business engages in commercial activity. This is the full name, up to 132 characters long. | trade_names | Alternative trade names used by the establishment. Optional. |
AddressesContacttelephone_number | Telephone number of the establishment. The first 3 characters contain the area code (Dutch: ‘netnummer’), the last 7 characters the subscriber number (Dutch: ‘abbonnee nummer’). | mobile_number | Mobile number | domain_name | The internet domain name registered by the business |
Contact person: As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be empty* contact_title1 | Title of the contact person of this business. | contact_title2 | Second title of the contact person of this business. | contact_initials | Initials of the contact. | contact_prefix | Name prefix of the contact. | contact_surname | Surname of the contact. | contact_gender | Gender of the contact.m | Male | f | Female | empty | Gender unknown |
SBI activity codesprimary_sbi_code | The primary SBI code describing the type of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with. May be empty. | secondary_sbi_code1 | First of two secondary SBI codes describing the types of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with. May be empty. | secondary_sbi_code2 | Second of two secondary SBI codes describing the types of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with. May be empty. | primary_sbi_code_text | Description of the primary economic or social activity (in Dutch). | secondary_sbi_code1_text | Description of the first secondary economic or social activity (in Dutch). | secondary_sbi_code2_text | Description of the second secondary economic or social activity (in Dutch). |
Personnelpersonnel | The total number of employees (full-time and part-time) at this establishment. | class_personnel | A classification of the total number of employees (full-time and part-time). Possible values:0 | Unknown | 1 | no employees | 2 | 1 employee | 3 | 2 to 4 employees | 4 | 5 to 9 employees | 5 | 10 to 19 employees | 6 | 20 to 49 employees | 7 | 50 to 99 employees | 8 | 100 to 199 employees | 9 | 199 to 499 employees | 10 | 500 to 749 employees | 11 | 750 to 999 employees | 12 | 1000 or more employees |
| personnel_fulltime | The number of fulltime employees | class_personnel_fulltime | A classification of the number of fulltime employees. See class_personnel for the possible values. | personnel_reference_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3. The reference date (peildatum) of the number of employees. As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be empty! | personnel_ci | The total number of employees as recorded by the company.info software. zero (0) means this data is unavailable at this particular moment. | class_personnel_ci | See class_personnel for the possible values. zero (0) means this data is unavailable at this particular moment. | personnel_ci_reference_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3. The reference date (peildatum) of the number of employees recorded by company.info |
Statusindication_import | Indication of whether the company does import. Optional. | indication_export | Indication of whether the company does export. Optional. | indication_economically_active | Boolean indicating if the business is economically active. This indication is determined by a formula developed by the ‘Vereninging Kamers van Koophandel’. As of 1st of July 2024, for new entries, this value will always be negative! This should not be interpreted as an indication of whether the business is currently still registered at the Chamber of Commerce: only currently registered businesses are available through our services. | indication_non_mailing | Boolean indicating if the business has specified that the ‘Vereniging Kamers van Koophandel’ and the ‘de kamers van koophandel’ may not supply the business’ information to third parties for direct marketing purposes. | indication_bankruptcy | Boolean indicating if the business is currently registered as bankrupt (Dutch: ‘Faillissement’). | indication_dip | Boolean indicating if the business is currently registered as Debtor-in-Possession (Dutch: ‘in Surseance’). |
InsolvencyCapitalauthorized_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of authorized share capital. The amount of money for which the company is allowed to give out shares. Dutch: `maatschappelijk kapitaal`. Optional. | authorized_share_capital_currency | Currency for AuthorizedShareCapital. Optional. | paid_up_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of paid up share capital. The amount of money the share holders paid to the company for their shares. Dutch: `gestort kapitaal`. Optional. | paid_up_share_capital_currency | Currency for PaidUpShareCapital. Optional. | issued_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of issued share capital. This is the amount for which the company has issued shares. Dutch: `geplaatst kapitaal`. Optional. | issued_share_capital_currency | Currency for IssuedShareCapital. Optional. |
Datesfounding_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 indicating the founding date of the company. Optional. | discontinuation_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 The date when the business was discontinued (Dutch: datum wanneer de activiteiten gestaakt zijn) | continuation_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 indicating the continuation date of the company, if applicable. This is usually the date that the company changed legal form. Optional. | establishment_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 indicating the date the establishment started its activities. This date does not change when the establishment moves to another location. Optional. |
DutchBusinessAnnualFinancialStatementSummarySummarized information from the last annual financial statement.
DutchBusinessStructureInformation about the structure of the organization. ultimate_parent | The Chamber of Commerce number of the ultimate parent organization. This number consists of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). This number can be used to retrieve the ultimate parent organization using: dutchBusinessGetDossierV2 or dutchBusinessGetDossier | number_of_subsidiaries | The number of subsidiaries this organization controls. | parent | The Chamber of Commerce number of the immediate parent organization. |
DutchBusinessExtractDocumentAn extract document containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business. The document is generated using the business’ `Online inzage uittreksel`. document | Base64 encoded document in PDF format | document_date | The date and time on which the document was generated |
DutchBusinessExtractDocumentDataAn extract docdateRement containing the available Chamber of Commerce data for a business. The document is generated using the business’ `Online inzage uittreksel`. document | Base64 encoded document in PDF format | dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). | establishment_number | The establishment number (12 digits), optional. | status | Status description of the business, optional. Can contain additional information, such as bankrtcy details. | document_date | The date and time on which the document was generated | legal_entity | The DutchBusinessLegalEntity entry for the business, optional. (Dutch: rechtspersoon) | enterprise | The DutchBusinessEnterprise entry for the business, optional. (Dutch: onderneming) | partnership | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessPartnership entries, optional. (Dutch: samenwerkingsverband) Each of the entries contains data on the partners/partnerships | establishments | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessEstablishment entries, optional. (Dutch: vestigingen) | positions | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessPosition entries, optional. (Dutch: personen/posities) |
DutchBusinessExtractDocumentDataV3document | Base64 encoded document in PDF format. | data | A DutchBusinessExtractDataV3 entry. | source | Base64 encoded source data, containing the data from the original source |
DutchBusinessLegalEntityDatadossier_number | The Dossier number of the ExtractData. | reference_date | The Reference date of the ExtractData. | legal_entity | A DutchBusinessLegalEntityV3 entry |
DutchBusinessLegalEntityThe legal entity of the requested dossier (`Rechtspersoon`). All elements are optional. rsin_number | The 9 number RSIN (`Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer`) identifying the business’ legal entity. Optional, businesses with a sole proprietor (`eenmanszaken`) do not have a rsin_number. | name | Name of the business | alternative_name | Alternative name of the business Not yet available: ook genoemd | shortened_name | Short name of the business Not yet available: verkorte naam | registration | Description of the registration of the business (Dutch: geregistreerd/ingeschreven in) | status | Status of the legal entity. Can contain details about the legal entity. For example, bankruptcy information (Dutch: status/bijzonderheden) | legal_form_text | Description of the legal form (Dutch: rechtsvorm) (deprecated) | legal_form_change | Description when the legal form changed Not yet available: rechtsvorm wijziging (deprecated) | foreign_legal_form_description | How the business is registered abroad (Dutch: beschrijving buitenlandse rechtsvorm) (deprecated) | sbi_codes | The sbi code(s) for the business, can contain more than one code (Dutch: SBI-codes) | sbi_codes_text | The description(s) of the sbi code(s) as given in sbi_codes (Dutch: SBI-beschrijvingen) | activity | Description of the activity | company_arrangement | The company arrangement (Dutch: stelsel inrichting) | legal_name | The legal name of the business (Dutch: statutaire naam) | statutory_seat | The place where the business is legally seated (Dutch: statutaire zetel) | registration_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business was registered (Dutch: datum eerste inschrijving handelsregister) | founding_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business was founded (Dutch: datum van oprichting) | discontinuation_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business was discontinued (Dutch: datum wanneer de activiteiten gestaakt zijn) | dissolution_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business was dissolved (Dutch: datum van ontbinding) | dissolution_reason | The reason why the business was dissolved (Dutch: reden van ontbinding) | removal_date | DutchBusinessDate The business removal date Not yet available: datum opheffing | registration_end_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business was unregistered Not yet available: datum einde inschrijving | legal_entity_end_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the legal entity was removed or has ended Not yet available: datum einde rechtspersoon | liquidation_closure_date | DutchBusinessDate End date of the liquidation Not yet available: datum einde liquidatie | liquidation_reopening_date | DutchBusinessDate Reopening date of the liquidation Not yet available: datum heropening liquidatie | deed_incorporation_date | DutchBusinessDate Date of the incorporation deed (Dutch: datum akte van oprichting) | deed_last_statutes_amendment_date | DutchBusinessDate Date of the last deed statutes amendment (Dutch: datum akte laatste statutenwijziging) | last_statutes_amendment_date | DutchBusinessDate Date of the last status amendment (Dutch: datum laatste statutenwijziging) | liability | Description of the business liability (Dutch: aansprakelijkheid) | merger_description | Merger or demerger information ((Dutch: fusie/splitsing beschrijving) | annual_report_submission | Description of the annual report submission (Dutch: deponering jaarstuk) | authorized_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of authorized share capital. The amount of money for which the company is allowed to give out shares. Dutch: `maatschappelijk kapitaal`. | authorized_share_capital_currency | Currency for authorized_share_capital. | issued_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of issued share capital. This is the amount for which the company has issued shares. Dutch: `geplaatst kapitaal`. | issued_share_capital_currency | Currency for issued_share_capital. | paid_up_share_capital | Number indicating the amount of paid up share capital. The amount of money the share holders paid to the company for their shares. Dutch: `gestort kapitaal`. | paid_up_share_capital_currency | Currency for paid_up_share_capital. | establishment_postcode | Postcode of the establishment address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | establishment_city | City of the establishment address of the business | establishment_street | Street of the establishment address of the business | establishment_house_number | House number of the establishment address of the business | establishment_house_number_addition | House number addition of the establishment address of the business | establishment_country | Country of the establishment address of the business | correspondence_postcode | Postcode of the correspondence address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | correspondence_city | City of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_street | Streetname the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_house_number | House number of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_house_number_addition | House number addition of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_country | Country of the the correspondence address. | duration | Description of the duration (Dutch: duur) | duration_end_date | DutchBusinessDate The end date of the duration Not yet available: datum wanneer de duur eindigd | shares | Description of the shares (Dutch: aandelen beschrijving) | share_holders | Description of the share holders Not yet available: houders aandelen beschrijving | telephone_numbers | The telephone numbers of the business | fax_numbers | The fax numbers of the business | email_addresses | The email addresses of the business | domain_names | The domain names of the business |
DutchBusinessLegalEntityV2rsin_number | The Rsin number of the LegalEntity. | name | The Name of the LegalEntity. | alternative_name | The Alternative name of the LegalEntity. | shortened_name | The Shortened name of the LegalEntity. | registration | The Registration of the LegalEntity. | legal_form_text | The Legal form text of the LegalEntity. (deprecated) | legal_form_change | The Legal form change of the LegalEntity. (deprecated) | foreign_legal_form_description | The Foreign legal form description of the LegalEntity. | activity | The Activity of the LegalEntity. | company_arrangement | The Company arrangement of the LegalEntity. | legal_name | The Legal name of the LegalEntity. | statutory_seat | The Statutory seat of the LegalEntity. | registration_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | founding_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | discontinuation_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | dissolution_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | dissolution_reason | The Dissolution reason of the LegalEntity. | removal_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | registration_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | legal_entity_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | liquidation_closure_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | liquidation_reopening_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | deed_incorporation_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | deed_last_statutes_amendment_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | last_statutes_amendment_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | liability | The Liability of the LegalEntity. | merger_description | The Merger description of the LegalEntity. | annual_report_submission | The Annual report submission of the LegalEntity. | authorized_share_capital | A DutchBusinessMoneyV2 entry. | issued_share_capital | A DutchBusinessMoneyV2 entry. | paid_up_share_capital | A DutchBusinessMoneyV2 entry. | duration | The Duration of the LegalEntity. | duration_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | shares | The Shares of the LegalEntity. | share_holders | The Share holders of the LegalEntity. | remarks | The Remark(s) of the LegalEntity. | establishment_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV2 entry. | correspondence_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV2 entry. | telephone_numbers | The Telephone numbers(s) of the LegalEntity. | fax_numbers | The Fax number(s) of the LegalEntity. | email_addresses | The Email address(es) of the LegalEntity. | domain_names | The Domain name(s) of the LegalEntity. | sbi_codes | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessSbiCodeV2 |
DutchBusinessLegalEntityV3rsin_number | The Rsin number of the LegalEntity. | name | The Name of the LegalEntity. | alternative_name | The Alternative name of the LegalEntity. | shortened_name | The Shortened name of the LegalEntity. | registration | The Registration of the LegalEntity. | legal_form_text | The Legal form text of the LegalEntity. (deprecated) | legal_form_change | The Legal form change of the LegalEntity. (deprecated) | foreign_legal_form_description | The Foreign legal form description of the LegalEntity. (deprecated) | activity | The Activity of the LegalEntity. | company_arrangement | The Company arrangement of the LegalEntity. | legal_name | The Legal name of the LegalEntity. | statutory_seat | The Statutory seat of the LegalEntity. | registration_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | founding_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | discontinuation_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | dissolution_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | dissolution_reason | The Dissolution reason of the LegalEntity. | removal_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | registration_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | legal_entity_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | liquidation_closure_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | liquidation_reopening_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | deed_incorporation_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | deed_last_statutes_amendment_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | last_statutes_amendment_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | liability | The Liability of the LegalEntity. | merger_description | The Merger description of the LegalEntity. | annual_report_submission | The Annual report submission of the LegalEntity. | authorized_share_capital | A DutchBusinessMoneyV3 entry. | issued_share_capital | A DutchBusinessMoneyV3 entry. | paid_up_share_capital | A DutchBusinessMoneyV3 entry. | duration | The Duration of the LegalEntity. | duration_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | shares | The Shares of the LegalEntity. | share_holders | The Share holders of the LegalEntity. | remarks | The Remark(s) of the LegalEntity. | establishment_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry. | correspondence_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry. | telephone_numbers | The Telephone numbers(s) of the LegalEntity. | fax_numbers | The Fax number(s) of the LegalEntity. | email_addresses | The Email address(es) of the LegalEntity. | domain_names | The Domain name(s) of the LegalEntity. | sbi_codes | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessSbiCodeV3 |
DutchBusinessOrganizationTreename | The name of the requested company. | dossier_number | The chamber of commerce number of the requested company | tree | The root node of the organization tree DutchBusinessOrganizationNode |
DutchBusinessOrganizationNodename | The name of the liaison. | type | The type of liaison, can be: -- Ultimate Beneficial Owner (has internal id) -- Company (identified by kvk number) -- Foreign Company (no identifier set) | id | The identifier of the liaison, see type for possible values. [optional] | children | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessOrganizationNode containing the children of the node. |
DutchBusinessPartnershipA partnership of the requested dossier (`samenwerkingsverband`). All output elements are optional. dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). | rsin_number | The 9 number RSIN (`Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer`) identifying the business’ legal entity. Optional, businesses with a sole proprietor (`eenmanszaken`) do not have a rsin_number. | name | Name of the partnership | registration | The description of the registration data, only occures when the registration is no dutch chamber of commerce registration (Dutch: geregistreerd/ingeschreven in) | status | Status of the partnership. Can contain any details that about the partnership (Dutch: status/bijzonderheden) | legal_form_text | Description of the legal form (Dutch: rechtsvorm) (deprecated) | founding_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business is founded (Dutch: datum van oprichting) | dissolution_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business was dissolved (Dutch: datum van ontbinding) | function_start_date | DutchBusinessDate Start date when the business occupies the current position (Dutch: datum in functie) | duration | Description of the duration (Dutch: duur) | limited_partnership_capital | The limited partnership capital issued (Dutch: commanditair kapitaal) | limited_partnership_capital_currency | The currency of limited partnership capital (Dutch: commanditair kapitaal valuta) | establishment_postcode | Postcode of the establishment address of the partnership. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | establishment_city | City of the establishment address of the partnership | establishment_street | Street of the establishment address of the partnership | establishment_house_number | House number of the establishment address of the partnership | establishment_house_number_addition | House number addition of the establishment address of the partnership | establishment_country | Country of the establishment address of the partnership | silent_partners | Number of silent partners (Dutch: aantal stille vennoten) |
DutchBusinessPartnershipV2dossier_number | The Dossier number of the Partnership. | rsin_number | The Rsin number of the Partnership. | name | The Name of the Partnership. | registration | The Registration of the Partnership. | legal_form_text | The Legal form text of the Partnership. (deprecated) | founding_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | dissolution_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | function_start_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | duration | The Duration of the Partnership. | limited_partnership_capital | A DutchBusinessMoneyV2 entry. | establishment_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV2 entry. | correspondence_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV2 entry. | silent_partners | The Silent partners of the Partnership. | remarks | The Remark(s) of the Partnership. |
DutchBusinessPartnershipV3dossier_number | The Dossier number of the Partnership. | rsin_number | The Rsin number of the Partnership. | name | The Name of the Partnership. | registration | The Registration of the Partnership. | legal_form_text | The Legal form text of the Partnership. (deprecated) | founding_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | dissolution_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | function_start_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | duration | The Duration of the Partnership. | limited_partnership_capital | A DutchBusinessMoneyV3 entry. | establishment_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry. | correspondence_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry. | silent_partners | The Silent partners of the Partnership. | remarks | The Remark(s) of the Partnership. |
DutchBusinessEnterpriseThe enterprise (`onderneming`) of the requested dossier. All output elements are optional. rsin_number | The 9 number RSIN (`Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer`) identifying the business’ legal entity. Optional, businesses with a sole proprietor (`eenmanszaken`) do not have a rsin_number. | name | Name of the enterprise | registration | The description of the registration data, only occures when the registration is no dutch chamber of commerce registration (Dutch: geregistreerd/ingeschreven in) | status | Status of the enterprise. Can contain any details that about the enterprise (Dutch: status/byzonderheden) | legal_form_text | Description of the legal form (Dutch: rechtsvorm) (deprecated) | trade_names | The trade names of the enterprise (Dutch: handelsnamen) | activity | Description of the activity (Dutch: activiteit) | description | Description of the business (Dutch: bedrijfsomschrijving) | sbi_codes | The sbi code(s) for the business, can contain more than one code (Dutch: SBI-codes) | sbi_codes_text | The description(s) of the sbi code(s) as given in sbi_code (Dutch: SBI-beschrijvingen) | establishment_postcode | Postcode of the establishment address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | establishment_city | City of the establishment address | establishment_street | Street of the establishment address | establishment_house_number | House number of the establishment address | establishment_house_number_addition | House number addition of the establishment address | establishment_country | Country of the establishment address | correspondence_postcode | Postcode of the correspondence address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | correspondence_city | City of the correspondence address | correspondence_street | Streetname the correspondence address | correspondence_house_number | House number of the correspondence address | correspondence_house_number_addition | House number addition of the correspondence address | correspondence_country | Country of the the correspondence address. | telephone_numbers | The telephone numbers of the business | fax_numbers | The fax numbers of the business | email_addresses | The email addresses of the business | domain_names | The domain names of the business | establishment_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the establishment was started (Dutch: datum vestiging) | incorporation_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business was started (Dutch: startdatum onderneming) | founding_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business was founded (Dutch: datum van oprichting) | discontinuation_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the business was discontinued (Dutch: datum wanneer de activiteiten gestaakt zijn) | date_since | DutchBusinessDate Date the enterprise is managed or owned by the business (Dutch: datum vanaf wanneer de onderneming bestuurd wordt of in eigendom is) | personnel | The number of personnel (Dutch: werkzame personen) |
DutchBusinessEstablishmentA establishment (vestiging) of the dossier, dossier can contain more than one establishment. The output elements within the DutchBusinessEstablishment is optional. establishment_number | The establishment number (12 digits) | main_establishment | Indicates that the establishment is the main establishment (Dutch: hoofdvestigings indicator) | status | Status of the establishment. Can contain details about the establishment (Dutch: status/bijzonderheden) | legal_form_text | Description of the legal form (Dutch: rechtsvorm) (deprecated) | trade_names | The trade names of the enterprise (Dutch: handelsnamen) | activity | Description of the activity (Dutch: activiteit) | description | Description of the business (Dutch: bedrijfsomschrijving) | sbi_codes | The sbi code(s) for the business, can contain more than one code (Dutch: SBI-codes) | sbi_codes_text | The description(s) of the sbi code(s) as given in sbi_code (Dutch: SBI-beschrijvingen) | establishment_postcode | Postcode of the establishment address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | establishment_city | City of the establishment address | establishment_street | Street of the establishment address | establishment_house_number | House number of the establishment address | establishment_house_number_addition | House number addition of the establishment address | establishment_country | Country of the establishment address | correspondence_postcode | Postcode of the correspondence address of the business. A postcode consists of 4 numbers representing the neighborhood code, and a lettercombination of length 2. | correspondence_city | City of the correspondence address | correspondence_street | Streetname the correspondence address | correspondence_house_number | House number of the correspondence address | correspondence_house_number_addition | House number addition of the correspondence address | correspondence_country | Country of the correspondence address | curator_postcode | The postcode of the curator’s address | curator_city | City of the curator’s address | curator_street | Street of the curator’s address | curator_house_number | House number of the curator’s address | curator_house_number_addition | House number addition of the curator’s address | curator_country | Country of the curator’s address | telephone_numbers | The telephone numbers of the business | fax_numbers | The fax numbers of the business | email_addresses | The email addresses of the business | domain_names | The domain names of the business | establishment_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the establishment was started (Dutch: datum vestiging) | date_since | DutchBusinessDate Date from which the establishment is managed or owned by the business (Dutch: datum vanaf de vestiging bestuurd wordt of in eigendom is) | personnel | The number of personnel (Dutch: werkzame personen) |
DutchBusinessEstablishmentV2establishment_number | The Establishment number of the Establishment. | main_establishment | The Main establishment of the Establishment. | legal_form_text | The Legal form text of the Establishment. (deprecated) | activity | The Activity of the Establishment. | description | The Description of the Establishment. | establishment_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | date_since | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | personnel | A DutchBusinessPersonnelInfoV2 entry. | remarks | The Remarks(s) of the Establishment. | sbi_codes | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessSbiCodeV2 | establishment_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV2 entry. | correspondence_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV2 entry. | telephone_numbers | The Telephone number(s) of the Establishment. | fax_numbers | The Fax number(s) of the Establishment. | email_addresses | The Email address(es) of the Establishment. | domain_names | The Domain name(s) of the Establishment. | trade_names | The Trade name(s) of the Establishment. |
DutchBusinessEstablishmentV3establishment_number | The Establishment number of the Establishment. | main_establishment | The Main establishment of the Establishment. | legal_form_text | The Legal form text of the Establishment. (deprecated) | activity | The Activity of the Establishment. | description | The Description of the Establishment. | establishment_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | date_since | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | personnel | A DutchBusinessPersonnelInfoV3 entry. | remarks | The Remarks(s) of the Establishment. | sbi_codes | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessSbiCodeV3 | establishment_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry. | correspondence_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry. | telephone_numbers | The Telephone number(s) of the Establishment. | fax_numbers | The Fax number(s) of the Establishment. | email_addresses | The Email address(es) of the Establishment. | domain_names | The Domain name(s) of the Establishment. | trade_names | The Trade name(s) of the Establishment. |
DutchBusinessPositionA business position can contain data about a person or business that holds a position within the business. All output fields for are optional. trade_names | The trade names of the enterprise (Dutch: handelsnamen) | dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers | establishment_number | The establishment number (12 digits) | name | Name of the position, can be a business name or person name | first_name | First name | title | Title (Dutch: titulatuur) | initials | Initials | last_name | Last name | function_type | Function type | function_title | Function title | function_description | Description op the function | function_start_date | DutchBusinessDate Start date function (Dutch:datum in functie) | function_registration_date | DutchBusinessDate Registration date of the function (Dutch:datum functie registratie bij kvk) | function_end_date | DutchBusinessDate Date when the function was resigned Not yet available: datum uit functie | function_authorization | Description of function authorization (Dutch:functie bevoegdheid) | function_authorization_description | Description of the function authorization Not yet available: inhoud bevoegdheid | function_authorization_start_date | DutchBusinessDate Start date of the function authorization (Dutch: aanvang bevoegdheid) | function_authorization_signing_power | Description of the signing authority Not yet available: tekenings bevoegdheid | function_authorization_end_date | DutchBusinessDate End date of the function authorization Not yet available: einde bevoegdheid | authorization_description | Description of the authorization (Dutch: inhoud volmacht) | authorization_start_date | DutchBusinessDate Start date of the authorization (Dutch: aanvang (huidige) volmacht) | authorization_end_date | DutchBusinessDate End date of the authorization Not yet available: einde volmacht | inauguration | Not yet available: beëdigd in | inauguration_function | Description of the function inauguration Not yet available: beëdigd als | inauguration_duration | Duration of the inauguration Not yet available: duur beëdiging | inauguration_date | DutchBusinessDate Date of the inauguration Not yet available: datum beëdiging | inauguration_body | Not yet available: instelling beëdiging | under_receivership | Description of the under receivership Not yet available: onderbewindstelling | rights_against_third_parties | Description of the rights against third parties Not yet available: rechten_tov_derden | release_of_covenant | Release of covenant is only set wen the business owner is a minor, it contains the person that is legally liable for the business Not yet available: handlichting_persoon | date_deceased | DutchBusinessDate Date the person was deceased Not yet available: datum van overlijden | date_of_birth | DutchBusinessDate The date of birth | place_of_birth | The place of birth | country_of_birth | The country of birth | postcode | Postcode of the address of the business position | city | City of the address | street | Street of the address | house_number | House number of the address | house_number_addition | House number addition of the address | country | Country of the address | telephone_numbers | Telephone numbers | date_since | DutchBusinessDate The date on which the person became owner/director or share holder of the business | date_joined | DutchBusinessDate The date on which the person or director joined the company (Dutch: datum toetreding) | status | Status of the position. Can contain any details about the position (Dutch: status/bijzonderheden) |
DutchBusinessPositionV2functionary | A DutchBusinessPersonV2 entry. | organisation | A DutchBusinessOrganizationReferenceV2 entry. | residential_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV2 entry. | correspondence_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV2 entry. | establishment_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV2 entry. | longest_serving | The Longest serving of the Position. | function_type | The Function type of the Position. | function_description | The Function description of the Position. | function_title | The Function title of the Position. | function_start_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | function_registration_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | function_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | function_authorization | The Function authorization of the Position. | function_authorization_description | The Function authorization description of the Position. | function_authorization_start_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | function_authorization_signing_power | The Function authorization signing power of the Position. | function_authorization_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | authorization_description | The Authorization description of the Position. | authorization_establishment_number | The Authorization establishment number of the Position. | authorization_start_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | authorization_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | authorization_constraints | The Authorization constraints(s) of the Position. | inauguration | The Inauguration of the Position. | inauguration_function | The Inauguration function of the Position. | inauguration_duration | The Inauguration duration of the Position. | inauguration_date | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | inauguration_body | The Inauguration body of the Position. | under_receivership | The Under receivership of the Position. | rights_against_third_parties | The Rights against third parties of the Position. | release_of_covenant | The Release of covenant of the Position. | date_since | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | date_joined | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | remarks | The Remark(s) of the Position. |
DutchBusinessPositionV3functionary | A DutchBusinessPersonV3 entry. | organisation | A DutchBusinessOrganizationReferenceV3 entry. | residential_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry. | correspondence_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry. | establishment_address | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry. | longest_serving | The Longest serving of the Position. | function_type | The Function type of the Position. | function_description | The Function description of the Position. | function_title | The Function title of the Position. | function_start_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | function_registration_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | function_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | function_authorization | The Function authorization of the Position. | function_authorization_description | The Function authorization description of the Position. | function_authorization_start_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | function_authorization_signing_power | The Function authorization signing power of the Position. | function_authorization_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | authorization_description | The Authorization description of the Position. | authorization_establishment_number | The Authorization establishment number of the Position. | authorization_start_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | authorization_end_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | authorization_constraints | The Authorization constraints(s) of the Position. | inauguration | The Inauguration of the Position. | inauguration_function | The Inauguration function of the Position. | inauguration_duration | The Inauguration duration of the Position. | inauguration_date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | inauguration_body | The Inauguration body of the Position. | under_receivership | The Under receivership of the Position. | rights_against_third_parties | The Rights against third parties of the Position. | release_of_covenant | The Release of covenant of the Position. | date_since | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | date_joined | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | remarks | The Remark(s) of the Position. |
DutchBusinessPersonV2full_name | The full name of the Person. | first_name | The first name of the Person. | title | The title of the Person. | initials | The initials of the Person. | last_name | The last name of the Person. | gender | The gender of the Person [optional]. | date_deceased | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | date_of_birth | A DutchBusinessDateV2 entry. | place_of_birth | The Place of birth of the Person. | country_of_birth | The Country of birth of the Person. |
DutchBusinessPersonV3full_name | The full name of the Person. | first_name | The first name of the Person. | title | The title of the Person. | initials | The initials of the Person. | last_name | The last name of the Person. | gender | The gender of the Person [optional]. | date_deceased | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | date_of_birth | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry. | place_of_birth | The Place of birth of the Person. | country_of_birth | The Country of birth of the Person. |
DutchBusinessAdditionalPositionFunctionaryfull_name | The full name of the Person. | first_name | The first name of the Person. | initials | The initials of the Person. | last_name | The last name of the Person. | date_deceased | Deceased date of the Person. | date_of_birth | Date of birth of the Person. | place_of_birth | The Place of birth of the Person. | country_of_birth | The Country of birth of the Person. |
DutchBusinessOrganizationReferenceV2dossier_number | The dossier number of the Organisation. | registration | The foreign registration of the Organisation. | name | The trade name of the Organisation. | trade_names | The alternative trade name(s) of the Organisation. |
DutchBusinessOrganizationReferenceV3dossier_number | The dossier number of the Organisation. | registration | The foreign registration of the Organisation. | name | The trade name of the Organisation. | trade_names | The alternative trade name(s) of the Organisation. |
DutchBusinessMoneyV2The money is given in the smallest available units for the currency (EUR -> cents) amount | The Amount of the Money. | currency | The Currency of the Money. | formatted | The formatted Money output according to the dutch number format (EUR 1.000,00) |
DutchBusinessMoneyV3The money is given in the smallest available units for the currency (EUR -> cents) amount | The Amount of the Money. | currency | The Currency of the Money. | formatted | The formatted Money output according to the dutch number format (EUR 1.000,00) |
DutchBusinessPersonnelInfoV2fulltime | The number of Fulltime Personnel. | parttime | The number of Parttime Personnel. | total | The Total number of Personnel. |
DutchBusinessPersonnelInfoV3fulltime | The number of Fulltime Personnel. | parttime | The number of Parttime Personnel. | total | The Total number of Personnel. |
DutchBusinessFormattedAddressoriginal | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry, the address as registered at the kvk. | official | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry, the address as found in BAG database [optional] The official address is looked up within the BAG database and can be empty when it is not found. A house number addition within the official format can be missing when the addition can not be matched with the official spelling. | formatted | A DutchBusinessAddressV3 entry, the original address formatted according to the Dutch rules of spelling. |
DutchBusinessAddressV2postcode | The Postcode of the Address. | city | The City of the Address. | street | The Street of the Address. | house_number | The House number of the Address. | house_number_addition | The House number addition of the Address. | country | The Country of the Address. |
DutchBusinessAddressV3address | The complete address as it is added by Chamber of Commerce (deprecated) | postcode | The Postcode of the Address. | city | The City of the Address. | street | The Street of the Address. | house_number | The House number of the Address. | house_number_addition | The House number addition of the Address. | country | The Country of the Address. |
DutchBusinessSBISectionA SBI section code with description. DutchBusinessSBICode are related to section codes. section_code | A SBI section code, a capital letter between A and U. | description | Description of the SBI section. |
DutchBusinessSBICodeA SBI (‘Standaard Bedrijfs Indeling’) code with description sbi_code | A SBI code, a number up to six characters in length. | description | Description of the SBI code. |
DutchBusinessSbiCodeV2sbi_code | The Sbi code of the SbiCode. | description | The Description of the SbiCode. |
DutchBusinessSbiCodeV3sbi_code | The Sbi code of the SbiCode. | description | The Description of the SbiCode. |
DutchBusinessInsolvencyPublicationThe data of a publication of an event that occurred for the insolvency (fi. a change in judge or a verdict). publication_id | The identification number of the event (Dutch: publicatiekenmerk). | description | A description of the event that is occured for the insolvency. | date | A DutchBusinessDateV3 entry containing the date of the publication. |
DutchBusinessReferenceA reference to a business establishment. dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). | establishment_number | The unique identifier for this business establishment, consisting of 12 numbers (e.g. 012345678912). Optional. Some businesses, mainly foundations (`Stichting`), do not have establishments. In these instances the establishment_number is not returned. | trade_name | Name under which the organisation engages in commercial activity. | establishment_city | City of the establishment address of the business | establishment_street | Street of the establishment address of the business | correspondence_city | City of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_street | Street of the correspondence address of the business | indication_economically_active | Boolean indicating if the business is economically active. This indication is determined by a formula developed by the ‘Vereninging Kamers van Koophandel’. This should not be interpreted as an indication of whether the business is currently still registered at the Chamber of Commerce: only currently registered businesses are available through our services. |
DutchBusinessReferenceV2A reference to a business establishment. dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). | establishment_number | The unique identifier for this business establishment, consisting of 12 numbers (e.g. 012345678912). Optional. Some businesses, mainly foundations (`Stichting`), do not have establishments. In these instances the establishment_number is not returned. | name | The name of the business that matched the search trade_name parameter (or default: trade_name) | match_type | One of the Tradename match types that indicates what business name was matched. [optional] | establishment_city | City of the establishment address of the business | establishment_street | Street of the establishment address of the business | correspondence_city | City of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_street | Street of the correspondence address of the business | indication_economically_active | Boolean indicating if the business is economically active. This indication is determined by a formula developed by the ‘Vereninging Kamers van Koophandel’. This should not be interpreted as an indication of whether the business is currently still registered at the Chamber of Commerce: only currently registered businesses are available through our services. |
DutchBusinessEstablishmentReferenceA reference to a business establishment. dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). | establishment_number | The unique identifier for this business establishment, consisting of 12 numbers (e.g. 012345678912). Optional. Some businesses, mainly foundations (`Stichting`), do not have establishments. In these instances the establishment_number is not returned. | legal_name | The organization/business name. | trade_name | The trade name of the business. | match_type | One of the Tradename match types that indicates what type of business name was matched. [optional] | establishment_city | City of the establishment address of the business | establishment_street | Street of the establishment address of the business | correspondence_city | City of the correspondence address of the business | correspondence_street | Street of the correspondence address of the business | indication_main_establishment | Indication the establishment is the main establishment for that dossier. Only available for establishments (see establishment_number). |
DutchBusinessUpdateSubscriptiondossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). | establishment_number | The unique identifier for this business establishment, consisting of 12 numbers (e.g. 012345678912). Optional. Some businesses, mainly foundations (`Stichting`), do not have establishments. In these instances the establishment_number is not returned. | up_to_date | An indication whether the subscription is up to date | pending_updates | List of updates that have not been retrieved yet |
DutchBusinessUpdateReferenceInformation on the latest update to a business establishment. dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). | establishment_number | The unique identifier for this business establishment, consisting of 12 numbers (e.g. 012345678912). Optional. Some businesses, mainly foundations (`Stichting`), do not have establishments. In these instances the establishment_number is not returned. | update_types | A list of update types, see dutchBusinessUpdateGetDossiers for a list of possible types. | date_last_update | The date on which the dossier was last updated |
DutchBusinessVatNumberdossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). | vat_number | The Value added tax number (dutch: BTW nummer) | date_last_update | The date on which the data was last validated |
DutchBusinessDateA date. For some dates, the day and month are unknown. In that case, they are left empty. Year | The year of this date. | Month | The month of this date, 1 for January. Optional. | Day | The day of this month. Optional. |
DutchBusinessDateV2year | The Year of the Date. | month | The Month of the Date. | day | The Day of the Date. |
DutchBusinessDateV3year | The Year of the Date. | month | The Month of the Date. | day | The Day of the Date. |
DutchBusinessExtractHistoryInformation about the extract document base we have gathered. These business documents are considered up to date untill we have recieved and processed new updates for the business. Foreach entry within the document history the changes between the document and it’s previous version is logged.
DutchBusinessExtractChangeForecastInformation about the changes that have been logged within our system, between the date the extract document is last retrieved and now. This gives a indication what data in this document is still relevant. Because of the update frequency of our database, our forecast can only display changes for documents that are older than (at least) one week. When a newer extract document is retrieved the forecast is cleared and the original forecast data is moved to the reference history.
DutchBusinessExtractReferenceReference to a stored extract document. extract_id | An unique key that identifies a single document. | document_date | The date the document was retrieved. | change_set | A DutchBusinessExtractChangeSet entry, containing the changes between this extract document and the previous one. |
DutchBusinessExtractChangeSetInformation about the changes that have been logged within our system, between a stored extract document and a previous one for that dossier. The change forecast is based on our database updates, which does not contain updates about business positions. period | A DutchBusinessPeriod entry, containing the period where the changes on the dossier where made. | changes | A list with the parts of the document that are changed. Can contain:legal_entity | legal entity (Dutch: rechtspersoon) has changed. | enterprise | enterprise (Dutch: onderneming) has changed. | partnership | the partnership (Dutch: samenwerkingsverband) has changed. | establishments | a change in the establishments (Dutch: vestigingen) was made or a new establishment is added. | positions | business positions (Dutch: personen/posities) have changed. |
DutchBusinessDossierHistoryUpdates that have occured related to a business.
DutchBusinessDossierReferenceReference to the dossier updates that occurred on a specific update date. update_date | The date the dossier was updated. | change_set | A DutchBusinessChangeSet entry, containing the updates that occured for the business. |
DutchBusinessChangeSetInformation about the changes that have been logged within our system for a specific dossier period | A DutchBusinessPeriod entry, containing the period where the changes on the dossier where made. | changes | A list with the parts of the dossier that are changed. See Update types for a list of available changes. |
DutchBusinessPeriodThe period the change set applies to. start_date | Period start date. | end_date | Period end date. |
DutchBusinessNewsItemA news item. title | The title ot the item | date | The date of publication (returned in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format) | short | The first 25 words of the article | url | The url of the original item | source | The source of the item | type | The type of item | sentiment | The sentiment for the item. The sentiment is scored between -1 and 1 | topics | A list of topics to which the news item is related | companies | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessNewsCompany entries |
DutchBusinessNewsCompanyA company related to a news item. dossier_number | The Chamber of Commerce number, consisting of 8 numbers (e.g., 00123456). | name | The company name |
DutchBusinessUBOInvestigationStatusA status of a given UBO investigation. status | The status. See UBO Investigation statuses for all possible statuses and their meaning | date_since | The date of the last change to the status | description | A message regarding the current status [optional] |
DutchBusinessUBOInvestigationResultThe results of the UBO investigation.
DutchBusinessUBOOrganizationNodeA business reference found during a UBO investigation level | The level of the reference inside the tree | id | The id related to the organisation. If the organisation type is a `Company`, the key will correspond to a dossier number, which can be found in the DutchBusinessUBOOrganisation list. If the organisation type is a `Person` the key will be an automatically generated key with which the person can be found inside the DutchBusinessUBOPerson list (note: this key is only usable in the context of this request). When a the type is `ForeignCompany` the id will be marked as N/A. | type | The type of the organisation in relation to its child. Can be either `ForeignCompany`, `Company` or `Person` | role_type | The role type of the business in relation to its parent [optional] | registered_in | If a foreign company, this field will contain further information on where it is registered Otherwise it is empty [optional] | name | The business name | parents | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessUBOOrganizationNode with a stake inside the current business |
DutchBusinessUBOPersonA natural person found during a UBO investigation key | A unique hash key. Can be used to find persons inside the result tree. Note that the key is only unique in context of the investigation | first_name | The first name of the person | middle_names | The middle names of the person [optional] | last_name | The last name of the person | gender | The gender of the person. Might be either MALE, FEMALE or empty [optional] | date_of_birth | The date of birth of the person [optional] | place_of_birth | The place of birth of the person [optional] | country_of_birth | The country of birth of the person [optional] | date_of_death | The date of death of the person [optional] | roles | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessUBORole associated with this person |
DutchBusinessUBORoleA person role found during a UBO investigation dossier_number | The dossier number of the business associated with this role. This number kan be used to look up the business in the DutchBusinessUBOOrganisation listing. | title | The title of the role | role_type | The type of role [optional] | competency | Information on the competency of this person | start_role_date | The start date of the role [optional] |
DutchBusinessUBOOrganisationAn organisation found during a UBO investigation dossier_number | The dossier number related to the business | name | The business name | legal_form_code | Registered legal form used by the organisation (deprecated). See DutchBusinessDossierV3 for the possible codes and texts [optional] KVK does not support legal_form_codes; In the future, an alternative solution will be provided in our (REST) API Hub Platform. | legal_form_text | Description of the legal form (in Dutch) [optional] (deprecated) | city | The city of the business [optional] | extract | A DutchBusinessUBOExtract used during the investigation |
DutchBusinessUBOExtractAn extract of a DutchBusinessUBOOrganisation found during a UBO investigation document | A base64 encoded pdf of the extract | source | The base64 encoded source html on which the extract is based | data | A DutchBusinessExtractDocumentData entry. | extract_date | The extract date when the extract was retrieved |
dutchBusinessUBOCostsInvestigationResultThe costs of the UBO investigation.
DutchBusinessUBOReceiptBreakdown of the costs for a UBO investigation total_price | total price | items | list of items |
DutchBusinessUBOReceiptItemBreakdown of costs description | description of the current item | quantity | amount of the current item | unit_price | price for a single item | total_price | total price |
DutchBusinessUBOClassificationResultResult of a UBO classification. See UBO Classification Types token | The token used | scenario | The scenario used | suspects | A list of classified suspects |
DutchBusinessUBOClassifiedPersonThe personal information for the classified suspect first_name | The suspect first name | last_name | The suspect last name | middle_names | The suspect middle names [optional] | date_of_birth | The suspect date of birth (Y-m-d) |
DutchBusinessUBOClassifiedRoleThe role of the classified suspect dossier_number | The dossier number of the organisation | organisation_name | The organisation name | title | The suspect title within the organisation | function_type | the suspect function type within the organisation |
DutchBusinessUBOPaymentBreakdown of UBO Payment pre | pre payment | cost | actual cost for the investigation | refund | the amount to be refunded |
DutchBusinessSBICollectionA DutchBusiness Company SBI Collection. Divided by source
DutchBusinessAnnualFinancialStatementA DutchBusiness annual financial statement. dossier_number | Chamber of Commerce number | year | The year of the financial statement | type | The document type of the financial statementORIGINAL | The financial statement as deposited originally (PDF) | STANDARDIZED | The financial statement in standardized format after processing (XBRL) |
| document | The Base64 encoded financial statement document |
DutchBusinessGetLeiResultThe result of a dutchBusinessGetLei request lei_code | The actual Lei code | business_entity | Information regarding the business | registration | Registration information regarding the Lei code, a DutchBusinessLeiRegistration entry. |
DutchBusinessLeiRegistrationA DutchBusiness LEI registration. Information regarding the LEI code registration. last_update | Last modification date of the registration. | status | Current status of the registration. | assignment_date | Assignment date of the registration. | renewal_date | Renewal date of the registration. | managing_lou | Identifier of the Local Operating Unit that first issues the LEI. | validation_sources | If the LEI has been validated and if so, how. |
DutchBusinessLeiBusinessEntityA DutchBusiness Lei business entity, contains information regarding the business itself. expiration_date | The date the company ceased to use the Lei code. | expiration_reason | The reason the company ceased to use the Lei code, can be `DISSOLVED` or `CORPORATE ACTION`. | successor | The optional successor LEI code of the business entity, a DutchBusinessLeiSuccessor entry. | company_name | The registered company name. | legal_status | The current legal status, can either be `ACTIVE` or `INACTIVE`. | legal_form | The current legal form code, a DutchBusinessLeiLegalForm entry. (deprecated) | headquarters_address | The address of the headquarter, a DutchBusinessLeiAddress. | legal_address | The registered legal address, a DutchBusinessLeiAddress. | registration_authority | Additional registration information provided by the registration authority, a DutchBusinessLeiRegistrationAuthority entry. |
DutchBusinessLeiLegalFormLegal form information regarding the LEI entity. legal_form_code | The legal form code (deprecated). KVK does not support legal_form_codes; In the future, an alternative solution will be provided in our (REST) API Hub Platform |
DutchBusinessLeiRegistrationAuthorityAdditional registration information provided by the registration authority. dossier_number | The dossier number of the company. | registration_authority_id | The id of the registration company. |
DutchBusinessLeiAddressA DutchBusiness Lei address. Contains all available address information street_and_number | Street and house number of the address. | city | City of the address. | postal_code | Postal code of the address. | region | Region of the address. | country | Country of the address. |
DutchBusinessLeiSuccessorA DutchBusiness Lei successor. Successor information in case a new LEI has been provided for an entity. name | The name of the successor. | lei_code | The lei code of the successor. |
DutchBusinessNonMarketingIndicatorA Dutch Business non marketing indicator. dossier_number | The checked dossier number. | establishment_number | The checked establishment number. | non_marketing_indicator | Indicates if the dossier number is registered for non marketing. | since | Since when the dossier is registered for non marketing. |
DutchBusinessAdditionalPositionA DutchBusinessAdditionalPosition is a list of positions at a given time in a company.
DutchBusinessPositionCompanyA DutchBusinessPositionCompany is the position data related to a company. kvk | The kvk dossier number | establishment_number | The establishment number | legal_name | The legal name | trade_name_full | The official trade name | primary_sbi_code | The main sector code | financial_status | Current financial status of the company |
DutchBusinessPositionAuthorizationA detailed description of the authorization powers of a position in a period of time start_date | The start date of this authorization powers | end_date | The end date of this authorization powers | end_date_source | The source of the end date. Can be either: (handelsregister)extract or (handelsregister)publication | description | Description of the authorization powers |
DutchBusinessLookALikeCompanyInformation about a similar organization, including the dossier number, the overall similarity and the url of a profile. dossier_number | The dossier number of the organization | name | The name of the organization | similarity_score | A number from 0 to 1 specifying the overall similarity of this organization based on the weights | individual_features | A Patterns::{Type}Array of DutchBusinessLookALikeIndividualFeature entries. This is a more detailed description of how each feature affected the overall similarity_score. | profile_url | A URL for the similar company. |
DutchBusinessLookALikeIndividualFeatureThe weight and score of an individual feature of a similar company name | The dossier number of the similar company | score | A number from 0 to 1 specifying a percentage of similarity of this feature | weight | A number from 0 to 1 specifying the weight of this feature |
Update typesAn ‘Update type’ is a classification used to indicate which aspect of a dossier has changed. Most types correspond to changes in one or more fields of a dossier. See DutchBusinessDossier or DutchBusinessDossierV2 for an explanation of the fields that are referenced here. ChamberNo | chamber_number | Legalform | legal_form_code, indication_organisation_code | Name | trade_name_full, trade_name_45, legal_name | EstablishmentAddress | establishment_street, establishment_house_number, establishment_house_number_addition, establishment_postcode, establishment_city | CorrespondenceAddress | correspondence_street, correspondence_house_number, correspondence_house_number_addition, correspondence_postcode, correspondence_city, correspondence_country | Contact | telephone_number, domain_name, mobile_number | Activity | primary_sbi_code, secondary_sbi_code1, secondary_sbi_code2 | Personnel | personnel, class_personnel, personnel_fulltime, class_personnel_fulltime, personnel_reference_date | FinancialStatus | indication_bankruptcy or indication_dip has changed. | Status | indication_economically_active, indication_non_mailing | Branch | main_establishment_number, indication_main_establishment | ImportExport | indication_import, indication_export | ContactPerson | contact_title1, contact_title2, contact_initials, contact_prefix, contact_surname, contact_gender | Capital | authorized_share_capital, authorized_share_capital_currency, paid_up_share_capital, paid_up_share_capital_currency, issued_share_capital, issued_share_capital_currency | SubscriptionDates | founding_date, continuation_date, establishment_date | Removed | The dossier has been removed. | New | The dossier has been added. Can only be used in the dutchBusinessUpdateGetChangedDossiers method. | Establishment | establishment_number: the Establishment number has changed. This occurs when a business without establishments gets one or more establishments. Use dutchBusinessGetDossier or dutchBusinessGetDossierV2 with only the dossier number parameter to retrieve the establishment number of the newly added main establishment. | RSIN | rsin_number: the owner/holder(s) identification number (`Rechtspersonen Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatie Nummer`) has changed. | Tradenames | trade_names: the list of alternative trade names has been updated. | Subsidiaries | Indicates that one or more establishments are added or removed for a dossier. Only available in dutchBusinessGetDossierHistory method response. |
Tradename match typesThe DutchBusinessReferenceV2 contains a match_type field which indicates on what name field the result was found within the response. The value of the match_type describes the value that is set within the name field. These values are: trade_name | The name matches the trade name of the business | legal_name | The name matches the legal name | alternative_trade_name | The name matches one of the alternative trade names | undetermined | The match_type could not be determined, the trade name is displayed within name. This can occur in case the result found was matched on other parameters than the trade_name, like the city name. |
UBO Investigation statusesA UBO investigation can progress through a distinct set of steps, denoted by their status. new | new investigation request has been registered, but has not yet been started | pending | the investigation is in progress | ready | the investigation completed, but the results have not been processed | finished | the investigation is ready for pickup | expired | the investigation is no longer available | error | An error has occurred during the investigation. See the error message for more information. |
Note that when an investigation has been pending for 24 hours or more it will be considered in a state of error and closed. Any funds reserved for the investigation will be refunded to the account.
UBO Organisation TypesThe tree of a DutchBusinessUBOInvestigationResult will contain three types of children. Person | A natural person. Further information can be found in the DutchBusinessUBOPerson list. | Company | A Dutch business or organisation. Further information can be found in the DutchBusinessUBOOrganisation list. | ForeignCompany | A foreign business or organisation. Within the context of the investigation this type can not be further traversed. Any further owning companies or persons for this person will not be shown. |
UBO Classification TypesA dutchBusinessUBOClassifyInvestigation classifies the found UBO suspects (Ultimate Beneficiary Owner), according to the rules of the scenario for labelling the found suspects UBO | this person is the UBO | UBO Suspect | this person is likely the UBO, but there is not enough information to make a definitive decision | UBO Gateway | this person is most likely to know who the actual UBO is. |