
This service provides methods to look for insolvencies.

This service provides methods to look for insolvencies.
Fetch a insolvency case from a given publication.
Search for publications for a specific business using it’s chamber of commerce number.
Search for publications for a person.
The insolvency case information.
A legal subject is the person or company for whom the insolvency procedure is started.
The person the insolvency data relate to.
The person who is\was handling the insolvency (a curator or receiver).
A list of addresses that relates to the subject or the handlers of the insolvency.
A list of aal the publications for the insolvency case.
An address that relates to the subject or the handlers of the insolvency.
A reference to a event that is published for the insolvency.
The location where the court houses where the session was/is held.
A list of curators involved with this insolvency.
A list of receivers involved with this insolvency.
A reference to an insolvency report.
An affected company (can be the current or the previous one(s)).
A list of publications.

Service methods


Fetch a insolvency case from a given publication.


publication_idThe id of a insolvency publication, pattern: “([0-9]{2}\.){0,1}[a-z]{3}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{1,4}\.[F|S|R]\.[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{2}”.


outA InsolvencyCase structure.


Search for publications for a specific business using it’s chamber of commerce number.


coc_numberA registration number from the dutch chamber of commerce (dutch: kvk-nummer)


outA InsolvencyPublicationList structure.


Search for publications for a person.  Insolvencies regarding a peron can be found using one of the following input combinations:

  • birth_date, prefix, last_name
  • birth_date, postcode, house_number
  • prefix, last_name, postcode, house_number


last_namePersons surname.
prefixSurname prefix.  (eg. de, van, van der ..)
birth_dateDate of birth.  (format: yyyy-mm-dd)
house_numberHouse number.


outA InsolvencyPublicationList structure.

Type definitions


The insolvency case information.

insolvency_idThe unique insolvency number, pattern: “[F|S|R]\.(\d{2}/){0,1}\d{2}/\d{1,4}”.
magistrateThe magistrate handling the insolvency (dutch: rechter-commissaris).  [optional]
previous_insolvency_idThe previous insolvency id.  [optional]
previous_magistrateThe previous magistrate.  [optional]
is_pre_hgk_publishedIndication the case is published before HGK (dutch: herziening gerechtelijke kaart).
pre_hgk_insolvency_idThe former identification number (pre HGK).  [optional]
dept_restructuring_numberDebt Restructuring Act registration number (dutch: Registratienummer Schuldsaneringsregeling) [optional]
removal_dateDate by which information on the insolvency can not be disseminated anymore, due to privacy laws.  [optional]
legal_subjectA InsolvencyLegalSubject entry containing the concerned person or company.
treating_authoritya InsolvencyTreatingAuthority entry.
curatorsA InsolvencyCurators entry.  [optional]
receiversA InsolvencyReceivers entry.  [optional]
eventsA InsolvencyPublications entry.
reportsA Patterns::{Type}Array of InsolvencyReport entries.  [optional]
affected_companiesA Patterns::{Type}Array of InsolvencyAffectedCompany entries the legal subject is engaged in.  [optional]


codeThe code of the treating authority (see Court Codes).
nameThe name of the authority treating the case.
establishment_codeThe code of the establishment that treats this case.
establishment_nameThe treating establishment name.


A legal subject is the person or company for whom the insolvency procedure is started.

natural_personA InsolvencyConcernedPerson entry.  [optional]
legal_entityA InsolvencyAffectedCompany entry.  [optional]


The person the insolvency data relate to.

first_nameThe persons given name.  [optional]
initialsThe initials of the person.  [optional]
prefixThe last name prefix.  [optional]
last_nameThe family name.
addressesA InsolvencyAddresses entry.  [optional]
birth_dateThe date of birth.  [optional]
birth_cityThe place of birth.  [optional]
birth_countryThe country of origin.  [optional]
deceased_dateThe date of decease.  [optional]


The person who is\was handling the insolvency (a curator or receiver).

titlesThe titles.  [optional]
initialsThe initials of the person.  [optional]
prefixThe last name prefix.  [optional]
last_nameThe family name.
contact_infoA InsolvencyAddress entry.
start_dateThe date the curator or receiver started managing the insolvency.
end_dateThe date till the managing person was involved with the insolvency.  [optional]


A list of addresses that relates to the subject or the handlers of the insolvency.

hiddenFlag the address is hidden or not (dutch: geheim adres).  [optional]
addressA Patterns::{Type}Array of InsolvencyAddress entries.  [optional]


A list of aal the publications for the insolvency case.

is_legacyIndication the publication is posted before 2005.
eventA Patterns::{Type}Array of InsolvencyPublication entries.


An address that relates to the subject or the handlers of the insolvency.

streetThe address street.  [optional]
house_numberThe house number of the address.  [optional]
additionAddition to the house number.  [optional]
postcodeThe postcode.  [optional]
cityThe city name.  [optional]
phone_numberThe phone number, only available for curators or receivers [optional]
typeThe type of address, can be one of the values below.  [optional]
WOONresidential address
VESTBusiness address
CORRPostal address
VRHNformerly address
PBAVadditional mail blockade
PBTIinterim abrogation mail blockade
start_dateDate on which the address was in use.  [optional]


A reference to a event that is published for the insolvency.

publication_idThe publication number.
dateThe date of the publication
descriptionA description of the publication
codeA publication code, see Publication Codes.
authority_codeThe code authority that published the publication, see Court Codes.
court_sessionA InsolvencyCourtSession entry with the location the session was held.  [optional]


The location where the court houses where the session was/is held.

streetThe address street.
house_numberThe house number of the address.
additionAddition to the house number.  [optional]
cityThe city name.


A list of curators involved with this insolvency.

curatorA Patterns::{Type}Array of InsolvencyLegalPerformingPerson


A list of receivers involved with this insolvency.

receiverA Patterns::{Type}Array of InsolvencyLegalPerformingPerson


A reference to an insolvency report.

report_idThe identifier for the report.
titleThe reports title.
dateThe date the report was published.
is_finalIndication it is a final report.


An affected company (can be the current or the previous one(s)).

trade_nameThe trade name of the company.
coc_numberThe chamber of commerce registration number (dutch kvk-nummer).  [optional]
coc_registered_cityThe city of chamber the entity is registered.  [optional]
addressesA InsolvencyAddresses entry.  [optional]
is_formerIndication the company is dissolved.  [optional]


A list of publications.

dateDate of which the publication list is/was last checked.
publicationsArray of publication_id(s) that can be used to use for insolvencyGetCaseByPublication

Court Codes



Post HGK

45Den Haag

Publication Codes

1200Declaration of bankruptcy in cassation proceedings on [date]
1201Bankruptcy de jure as result of interim termination of debt restructuring in cassation on [date]
1202Nullification of bankruptcy in cassation on [date]
2200Admission to debt restructuring in cassation on [date]
2201Conversion of bankruptcy into debt restructuring in cassation on [date]
2202Resurgence of debt restructuring because of nullification of bankruptcy in cassation on [date]
3200Granting of final moratorium in cassation on [date]
3201Proceedings on appeal to the Supreme Court on rejection of final admission to moratorium on [date] at [time]
3202Proceedings on appeal to the Supreme Court on final admission to moratorium on [date] at [time]
1100Declaration of bankruptcy in appeal on [date]
1101Bankruptcy de jure as result of interim termination of debt restructuring in appeal on [date]
1102Nullification of bankruptcy in appeal on [date]
2100Admission to debt restructuring in appeal on [date]
2101Conversion of bankruptcy into debt restructuring in appeal on [date]
2102Resurgence of debt restructuring because of nullification of bankruptcy in appeal on [date]
3100Final admission to moratorium in appeal on [date]
3101Hearing court of appeal on rejection of final admission to moratorium on [date] at [time]
3102Hearing court of appeal on final admission to moratorium on [date] at [time]
1300Declaration of bankruptcy on [date]
1301Declaration of bankruptcy as result of interim termination of debt restructuring on [date]
1302Declaration of bankruptcy during debt restructuring on [date]
1303Declaration of bankruptcy by rescission of debt restructuring agreement on [date]
1304Reopening bankruptcy by rescission of bankruptcy agreement on [date]
1305Declaration of bankruptcy by rescission of moratorium agreement on [date]
1306Declaration of bankruptcy after termination of moratorium on [date]
2301Admission to debt restructuring on [date]
2302Admission to debt restructuring on [date] and verification meeting on [date] at [time]
2303Admission to debt restructuring on [date] and verification meeting with hearing on agreement on [date] at [time]
2304Conversion of bankruptcy into debt restructuring on [date]
2305Admission to debt restructuring after nullification of bankruptcy by opposition on [date]
2306Conversion of provisional moratorium into debt restructuring on [date]
2307Provisional admission to debt restructuring on [date]
2308Conversion of provisonal admission to debt restructuring into a final admission on [date]
3300Admission to interim moratorium on [date] meeting of creditors on [date] at [time]
3301Admission to interim moratorium on [date] meeting of creditors with hearing on agreement on [date] at [time]
3302Admission to final moratorium by order of [date] from [date] for the duration of [variable number of months / years]
3303Extension of moratorium term by order of [date] from [date] for the duration of [variable number of months / years]
1307Replacement of administrator [name former administrator] by [name new administrator]
2309Replacement of receiver [name former receiver] by [name new receiver]
3304Replacement of receiver [name former receiver] by [name new receiver]
1308Simplified bankruptcy proceedings
1309Verification meeting on [date] at [time]
1310Verification meeting and hearing on agreement on [date] at [time]
1311Meeting of creditors on [date] at [time]
2310Verification meeting on [date] at [time]
2311Verification meeting and hearing on agreement on [date] at [time]
2312Verification meeting, plan of sanitation and hearing on composition on [date] at [time]
2313Resumption of verification meeting, restructuring plan and hearing on agreement on [date] at [time]
2314Verification meeting and hearing on adjustment of restructuring plan on [date] at [time]
2315Verification meeting and hearing on termination on [date] at [time]
2316Verification meeting and hearing on termination on [date] at [time] deposition of final distribution list from [date]
2317Verification meeting and hearing on adjustment of restructuring plan and termination on [date] at [time]
2318Verification meeting and hearing on adjustment of restructuring plan and termination on [date] at [time] deposition of distribution list from [date]
2319Hearing on agreement on [date] at [time]
2320Hearing on restructuring plan on [date] at [time]
2321Hearing on termination on [date] at [time]
2322Hearing on termination and adjustment of restructuring plan on [date] at [time]
2323Hearing on termination on [date] at [time] deposition of final distribution list from [date]
2324Hearing on termination and adjustment of restructuring plan on [date] at [time] deposition of final distribution list from [date]
2325Meeting of creditors on [date] at [time]
3305Hearing on extension of moratorium term on [date] at [time]
3306Meeting of creditors with hearing on agreement on [date] at [time]
1312Deposition of interim distribution list from [date]
1313Deposition of final distribution list from [date]
1314Deposition of final distribution list from [date]
1315Simplified bankruptcy proceedings and deposition of final distribution list from [date]
2326Deposition of interim distribution list from [date]
2327Deposition of final distribution list from [date]
1316Removal from bankruptcy due to a lack of assets on [date]
1317Termination of bankruptcy by binding distribution list on [date]
1318Termination of bankruptcy by approval of agreement on [date]
1319Termination of bankruptcy by binding distribution list after opposition on [date]
1320Nullification of bankruptcy after opposition on [date]
2337Nullification of bankruptcy after opposition with resurgence of debt restructuring on [date]
2328Termination of debt restructuring because all debts are paid on [date]
2329Termination of debt restructuring because of resumption of payments on [date]
2330Termination of debt restructuring because of approval of agreement on [date]
2331Termination of debt restructuring with distribution and clean slate on [date]
2332Termination of debt restructuring without distribution, with clean slate on [date]
2333Termination of debt restructuring with distribution, without clean slate on [date]
2334Termination of debt restructuring without distribution, without clean slate on [date]
2335Termination of debt restructuring by rejection of final debt restructuring on [date]
3307Termination of moratorium on [date]
3308Termination of moratorium because of expiration of term on [date]
3309Termination of moratorium by approval of agreement on [date]
1322Filing of discharge request by mr.  [name, address of solicitor]
2336Deprivation of clean slate in debt restructuring on [date]
1324Termination of bankruptcy because all debts are paid on [date]
1325Pro forma verification meeting
1326Pro forma verification meeting and hearing on agreement
2338Pro forma admission to debt restructuring and verification meeting
2339Pro forma admission to debt restructuring and verification meeting with hearing on agreement
2340Pro forma verification meeting
2341Pro forma verification meeting and hearing on agreement
2342Pro forma verification meeting, restructuring plan and hearing on agreemeent
2343Pro forma verification meeting and hearing on adjustment of restructuring plan
2344Pro forma verification meeting, hearing on termination
2345Pro forma verification meeting, hearing on termination and deposition of distribution list
2346Pro forma verification meeting and hearing on adjustment of restructuring plan and termination
2347Pro forma verification meeting and hearing on adjustment of restructuring plan and termination and deposition of distribution list from
2348Rendered and accounted
1328Replacement supervisory judge
2349Replacement supervisory judge
3311Replacement supervisory judge
1330Additional mail blockade
1331Change of address
1332Interim abrogation mail blockade
2351Additional mail blockade
2352Change of address
2353Interim abrogation mail blockade
3313Termination of suspension of payments by conversion into bankruptcy on
1334Bankruptcy transferred to other district court on
1333Bankruptcy converted into debt restructuring on
2355Debt restructuring transferred to other district court on
2354Premature termination of debt restructuring by declaration of bankruptcy on
3314Suspension of payments transferred to other district court on
The insolvency case information.
A list of publications.
A legal subject is the person or company for whom the insolvency procedure is started.
A list of curators involved with this insolvency.
A list of receivers involved with this insolvency.
A list of aal the publications for the insolvency case.
An array of type {Type} entries.
A reference to an insolvency report.
An affected company (can be the current or the previous one(s)).
The person the insolvency data relate to.
A list of addresses that relates to the subject or the handlers of the insolvency.
An address that relates to the subject or the handlers of the insolvency.
A reference to a event that is published for the insolvency.
The location where the court houses where the session was/is held.
The person who is\was handling the insolvency (a curator or receiver).
Fetch a insolvency case from a given publication.