This service provides consumer creditworthiness scores from EDR Credit Services.

This service provides consumer creditworthiness scores from EDR Credit Services.
Provides a credit score for a person identified by a set of parameters.
A credit score consisting of four values, each ranging from from 0 to 100 and typically falling in the 10-75 range.

Service methods


Provides a credit score for a person identified by a set of parameters.


last_nameThe last name of the person
initialsThe initials
surname_prefixThe surname prefix, like ‘van’ or ‘de’, optional
genderGender of the person.  `M` or `F`
birth_dateBirth date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
streetStreet part of the address
house_numberHouse number, optionally including a house number addition
postcodeDutch postcode in the format 1234AB
phone_numberHome phone number, only numeric characters (e.g.  0201234567), may be empty.


outAn EDRScore

Type definitions


A credit score consisting of four values, each ranging from from 0 to 100 and typically falling in the 10-75 range.  EDR considers a score of 34 or lower to be an indication of elevated risk that the specified person will not pay.

person_scoreA score based on personal data, such as age and known negative reports, such as bankruptcy’s.  In case of negative reports (not older than 5 years) the score is 1.  A score of 0 usually indicates missing or incomplete data, due to an invalid address, for example.
region_scoreA score based on statistical information on the neighborhood, collected by the CBS (`Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek`)
edr_region_scoreA score based on statistical information on the neighborhood, collected by EDR Credit Services.
weighted_scoreWeighted average of the other scores
A credit score consisting of four values, each ranging from from 0 to 100 and typically falling in the 10-75 range.