Graydon CreditThis service provides methods to search for Graydon credit reports. Summary | This service provides methods to search for Graydon credit reports. | | | | Retrieve a Graydon credit report of a company registered in the Netherlands. | | Search international Graydon credit report databases for a company using an identifier. | | Search the international Graydon credit report database for a company by its name. | | Search international Graydon credit report database for a company using its postcode. | | Retrieve a Graydon pd ratings and credit flag of a company registered in the Netherlands. | | Retrieve various Graydon credit ratings of a company registered in the Netherlands. | | Retrieve the BTW (VAT) number of a company registered in the Netherlands. | | Retrieve top-parent, parent and sibling companies of a company registered in the Netherlands. | | Retrieve information on the management positions in a company registered in the Netherlands. | | | | A reference to a single graydon company entity. | | | | One of three report types, depending on whether the company has a finiancial calamity or alarm code set. | | A normal Graydon credit report. | | A Graydon credit report in case a financial calamity is present. | | A simplified Graydon credit report in case an alarm is present. | | A Graydon credit report quickscan. | | A Graydon credit report for company credit advice and ratings. | | A Graydon credit report for company VAT (in dutch: BTW) number. | | A Graydon credit report for a company’s liaisoned companies. | | A Graydon credit report for a company’s management positions. | | | | The requested company, but with special information because a financial calamity has occurred. | | The requested company, but with a minimal amount of data because an alarm has been set. | | | | | | Name under which the business engages in commercial activity | | | | | | | | Data from the chamber of commerce (Dutch data: Kamer van Koophandel) | | | | Details about the founding of the company | | Discontinuance information (eg bankruptcy, dissolved etc) | | Amount of employees in a company | | Amount of employees in given year | | Type of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with, using a SBI code, classification based on international ISIC/NACE codes. | | | | | | | | Band and insurer key figures | | Details of the company’s origination and continuation | | Company is originated from this company | | Company is a continuation of this company | | Company continued under another company. | | All levels of credit advice regarding this company | | Credit advice regarding this company | | History advised credit limit | | Factor that contributed to a credit advice. | | Credit advice regarding this company’s mother | | | | A rating of a specific type. | | Historical data for a rating | | Historical data for a percentage | | Non bankruptcy related calamities. | | Non bankruptcy related calamity event. | | Non bankruptcy related other calamities. | | | | Payment assessment per month | | Turnover and result from the last few years. | | Specific financial value for a financial year | | A declaration of liability from a company on the requested company. | | | | | | Information on which countries this company imports from, exports to. | | A country name with gradyon specific country code. | | Special company information. | | A piece of text with a sequence number | | A liaisoned company, that is related through this company’s parent company. | | Information about the management of the company | | One company or person which belongs to the management | | A person’s job title for a specific company. | | An first director of the requested company | | | | | | Simplified company information without financial details. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Liabilities of the company | | | | | | Simplified information for a person, without financial information, telephone numbers or job titles. | | | | A personal title name with a graydon title code. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Debt restructuring for private persons (Dutch: WSNP, Wet Schuldsanering Natuurlijke Personen) | | Element present if there is a special calamity. | | |
graydonCreditGetReportRetrieve a Graydon credit report of a company registered in the Netherlands. Parametersgraydon_company_id | 9 Digit Graydon company identification number. See Company Test Identifiers for a list of free test reports. | document | Specify to retrieve an extra document with an excerpt of the data. Currently unused. Possible values:[empty string] | Return no extra document. |
ReturnsSee also<Business::businessGetDossierV3>, Dun & Bradstreet::dnbQuickCheck
graydonCreditSearchIdentificationSearch international Graydon credit report databases for a company using an identifier. Parameterscompany_id | Company identification | company_id_type | Identification type. Supported:graydon | 9 digit Graydon company id | kvk | 8 digit Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK) dossier number, without the sub dossier number |
| country_iso2 | Country where the company is registered, country name, ISO 3166 alpha 2 code. Supported countries: |
graydonCreditSearchNameSearch the international Graydon credit report database for a company by its name. Parameterscompany_name | Required. Company name, trade name or business name. | residence | Name of the city or region | country_iso2 | Country where the company is registered, country name, ISO 3166 alpha 2 code. Supported countries: |
graydonCreditSearchPostcodeSearch international Graydon credit report database for a company using its postcode. Parameterspostcode | Postcode. | house_no | House number of the address. Requires input of postcode parameter. | telephone_no | Telephone number. | country_iso2 | Country where the company is registered, country name, ISO 3166 alpha 2 code. Supported countries:nl | The Netherlands Returns: |
| out | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GraydonReference elements. |
GraydonReferenceA reference to a single graydon company entity. company_id | Company identification | company_id_type | Identification type. Possible types:graydon | 9 digit Graydon id |
| trade_name | Company name | street | Street name | house_no | House number | house_no_addition | House number addition | postcode | Postcode | residence | City name | country_iso2 | Country name, ISO 3166 alpha 2 code | url | The internet domain name registered by the company | email | General email address of the company |
GraydonCreditGetReport Type definitions
GraydonCreditReportOne of three report types, depending on whether the company has a finiancial calamity or alarm code set.
GraydonCreditReportNormalA normal Graydon credit report.
GraydonCreditReportCalamityA Graydon credit report in case a financial calamity is present.
GraydonCreditReportAlarmA simplified Graydon credit report in case an alarm is present.
GraydonCreditReportQuickscanA Graydon credit report quickscan. pd_rating | PD rating, optional. | credit_flag_code | Indicates the amount of risk, optional. Possible values:G | Groen (Low risk) | O | Oranje (Medium risk) | R | Rood (High risk) |
| credit_flag_text | Description of credit_flag_code, optional. | alarm | A GCRAlarm, optional. If an alarm code is set, no values are returned. Use graydonCreditGetReport to retrieve more information about the alarm/calamity. |
GraydonCreditReportRatingsA Graydon credit report for company credit advice and ratings.
GraydonCreditReportVatNumberA Graydon credit report for company VAT (in dutch: BTW) number. vat_number | Value Added Tax (VAT) number, optional. | alarm | A GCRAlarm, optional. If an alarm code is set, no values are returned. Use graydonCreditGetReport to retrieve more information about the alarm/calamity. |
GraydonCreditReportCompanyLiaisonsA Graydon credit report for a company’s liaisoned companies.
GraydonCreditReportManagementA Graydon credit report for a company’s management positions.
GCRCompanyItselfThe requested company graydon_company_id | ID of the company | contact_details | A GCRContactDetails, optional | official_data | A GCROfficialData, optional | history | A GCRHistory, optional | sectors_of_industry | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRSectorOfIndustry elements, optional | positions_in_other_companies | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRJobTitle elements, optional | annual_figures | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRAnnualFigures elements, optional | financial_details | A GCRFinancialDetails, optional | financial_calamities | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRFinancialCalamity elements, optional | personnel | A GCRPersonnel, optional | credit_advice_data | A GCRCreditAdviceData, optional | calamity | A GCRCalamity, optional | payment_information | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRPaymentInformation elements, optional | declarations_of_liability | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRDeclarationOfLiability, optional | concern_liaisons | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRLiaison elements, optional | company_management | A GCRCompanyManagement, optional |
GCRCompanyItselfCalamityThe requested company, but with special information because a financial calamity has occurred. Used for the requested company in a GraydonCreditReportCalamity report. graydon_company_id | ID of the company | contact_details | A GCRContactDetails, optional | official_data | A GCROfficialData, optional | history | A GCRHistory, optional | sectors_of_industry | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRSectorOfIndustry elements, optional | share_holders | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRShareHolder elements, optional | branch_offices | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRBranchOffice elements, optional | participations | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRParticipation elements, optional | import_export | A GCRImportExport, optional | special_company_information | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRSpecialCompanyInformation elements, optional | financial_calamities | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRFinancialCalamity elements, optional | concern_liaisons | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRLiaison elements, optional | company_management | A GCRCompanyManagement, optional |
GCRCompanyItselfAlarmThe requested company, but with a minimal amount of data because an alarm has been set. Used for the requested company in a GraydonCreditReportAlarm report.
GCRTradeNameName under which the business engages in commercial activity is_current | Whether this tradename is current, optional | name | The trade name | date_from | Date of first usage, optional | date_until | Date of last usage, optional |
GCRAddressAddress information is_current | Whether this address is current, optional | address_code | Type of address information, optional. Possible values:10 | Actual address | 20 | Address according to Chamber of Commerce | 30 | Correspondence address | 40 | Correspondence address | 45 | APO address | 50 | Address according to Civil registry | 60 | Address according to district court | 70 | Address for account management | 90 | Delivery address |
| address_text | Description of address code, optional. | date_from | Date from, optional | date_until | Date until, optional | street | Street name, optional | house_no | House number, optional | house_no_addition | House number addition, optional | pobox | PO box number, optional | postcode | Postal code, optional | residence | City name, optional | country_code | Country code as defined by Graydon, optional. See GCRCountry for possible values and country names. | country_text | Country name, optional |
GCRTelephoneNumberA telephone number telephone_code | Type of telephone number. Possible values:1 | Central telephone-number | 2 | Central FAX-number | 3 | Mobile telephone-number | 10 | Bookkeeping direct | 11 | Sales dep. direct line | 12 | Purchase dep. direct line | 13 | Management direct line | 14 | Computer dep. direct line | 15 | Personel dep. direct line | 16 | Service dep. direct line | 20 | Bookkeeping dep. direct line | 21 | Sales dep. FAX | 22 | Purchase dep. FAX | 23 | Management FAX | 24 | Computer dep. FAX |
| telephone_text | Description of type of telephone number. | country_number | Graydon country number, optional | net_number | Net number, optional | subscriber_number | Subscriber number |
GCROfficialDataOfficial company data chamber_of_commerce | A GCRChamberOfCommerce, optional | vat_number | V.A.T. number, optional | present_legal_form_code | Legal form code, optional (deprecated). Possible values:1 | Sole proprietorship (Eenmanszaak) | 2 | Partnership (Burgerlijke Maatschap) | 3 | Partnership firm (Vennootschap onder firma) | 4 | Limited partnership (Commanditaire vennootschap) | 5 | Private limited Company (Besloten vennootschap) | 6 | Public limited Company (Naamloze vennootschap) | 7 | Co-operative assocation (Cooperatieve vereniging) | 8 | Association (Vereniging) | 9 | Foundation (Stichting) | 10 | Mutual quarantee association (Onderling Waarborg Maatschappij) | 11 | Foreign legal form (Buitenlandse Rechtsvorm, Vestiging buitenlands bedrijf) | 12 | Shipping company (Rederij) | 13 | European Economic Interest Grouping (Europees Economisch Samenwerkings Verband) | 14 | Religious community (Kerkgenootschap) | 15 | Legal entity to be founded (Rechtspersoon in oprichting) | 16 | Public partnerships (Openbare vennootschap) | 17 | European limited company (SE) (Europese naamloze vennootschap) | 18 | Association of owners (Vereniging van eigenaars) | 19 | Public corporation (Publiekrechtelijke rechtspersoon) | 20 | Private corporation (Privaatrechtelijke rechtspersoon) | 90 | Public body (Publiekrechtelijk lichaam) |
| present_legal_form_text | Description of present_legal_form_code, optional (deprecated) | present_legal_form_fine_code | Detailed legal form, optional. Possible values:2 | with an owner | 14 | ordinary structure |
| present_legal_form_fine_text | Description of present_legal_form_fine_code, optional | number_of_non_executive_partners | Number of non-executive partners, optional | publication_duty_code | Type of publication duty, optional. Possible values:1 | Compulsory publication | 2 | No compulsory publication | 3 | Compulsory publication, but exempt |
| publication_duty_text | Description of publication_duty_code, optional. | capital | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRCapital elements, optional | founded | A Patterns::{Type}Array of A GCRFounded elements, optional | discontinuance | A GCRDiscontinuance, optional |
GCRChamberOfCommerceData from the chamber of commerce (Dutch data: Kamer van Koophandel) chamber_no | The Chamber number is the number of the KvK office which manages this dossier. | dossier_no | The dossier number under which the organisation has registered with the KvK. This dossier number is unique and will not change as long as the organisation exists. Subsidiaries (Dutch: ‘Nevenvestigingen’) of the organisation are registered using the same dossier number. The combination of the Dossier number and sub dossier number is a unique key. | sub_dossier_no | The sub dossier number is used to differentiate between subsidiaries of the same organisation. The combination of the Dossier number and sub dossier number is a unique key. | administering_chamber_no | Administering Chamber number, optional | trade_register_location | Location of the KvK office, optional |
GCRCapitalCapital information is_current | Whether this capital information is current, optional | date_change | Date of change, optional | social_capital | Social capital, only 1 of {social_capital, capital_of_commandite_partnership} present, optional | capital_of_commandite_partnership | Capital of Commandite Partnership, only 1 of {social_capital, capital_of_commandite_partnership} present, optional | issued_capital | Issued capital, optional | paid_up_capital | Paid up capital, optional | monetary_amount_specified_in_corporate_deed | Monetary amount specified in corporate deed, optional |
GCRFoundedDetails about the founding of the company date_from | Date from, optional | residence | City, optional | legal_form_code | Legal form code, optional. See GCROfficialData for possible values. (deprecated) | legal_form_text | Description of legal_form_code, optional (deprecated) | start_date | Start date, optional | founded_at | Date founded, optional |
GCRDiscontinuanceDiscontinuance information (eg bankruptcy, dissolved etc) type | Type of discontinuance | date | Date, optional | reason | Reason of discontinuance |
GCRPersonnelAmount of employees in a company graydon_company_id | ID of the company containing the personnel, optional | employees_class_code | Type of employees class, optional | employees_class_text | Description of type of employees class, optional | number_of_employees | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRNumberOfEmployees elements, optional |
GCRNumberOfEmployeesAmount of employees in given year year | Year | number_of_employees | Number of employees |
GCRSectorOfIndustryType of economic or social activity this organisation is associated with, using a SBI code, classification based on international ISIC/NACE codes. is_primary | Whether this is the primary sector for this company, optional | sector_code | Sector of industry code, using kind_code codes. | sector_text | Description of the sector of industry. |
GCRCompanyAnnualAccountCompany annual account financial_year | Financial year, optional | month_end_financial_year | Last month of financial year, optional | day_end_financial_year | Last day of financial year, optional | length_financial_year_in_months | Amount of months in financial year, optional | reliable | Indicates if the annual account is reliable, optional | account_code | Type of annual account, optional. Possible values: | account_text | Description of account_code, optional. | filing | A GCRFiling, optional | financial_year_graydon | Financial year Graydon, optional | currency_code | Currency code (ISO 4217), optional | scale_code | Scale code, optional | scale_text | Description of scale code, optional. Possible values: | date_of_drawing_up | Date when this account was drawn up, optional | balance_sheet_code | Type of balance sheet, optional. Currently unused. | balance_sheet_text | Description of balance sheet type, optional. Currently unused. | balance_sheet | A GCRBalanceSheet, optional | profit_and_loss_account | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRItem elements, optional | supplement_to_annual_account | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRItem elements, optional | ratios | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRRatio elements, optional |
GCRBankAndInsurerDataBank and insurer data financial_year | Financial year, optional | month_end_financial_year | Last month of financial year, optional | day_end_financial_year | Last day of financial year, optional | length_financial_year_in_months | Amount of months in financial year, optional | reliable | Indicates if the annual account is reliable, optional | account_code | Type of annual account, optional. Possible values: | account_text | Description of account_code, optional. | filing | A GCRFiling, optional | financial_year_graydon | Financial year Graydon, optional | currency_code | Currency code (ISO 4217), optional | scale_code | Scale code, optionalPossible values: | scale_text | Description of scale code, optional | date_of_drawing_up | Date when this account was drawn up, optional | balance_sheet_code | Type of balance sheet, optional. Currently unused. | balance_sheet_text | Description of balance sheet type, optional. Currently unused. | bank_and_insurer_key_figures | A GCRBankAndInsurerKeyFigures, optional | ratios | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRRatio elements, optional |
GCRBankAndInsurerKeyFiguresBand and insurer key figures balance_sheet_total | Balance sheet total, optional | equity_capital | Equity capital, optional | group_equity | Group equity, optional | liable_equity | Liable equity, optional | technical_provisions | Technical provisions, optional | entrusted_funds | Entrusted funds, optional | debt_securities | Debt securities, optional | credits | Credits, optional | attracted_bankers_funds | Attracted bankers funds, optional | issued_bankers_funds | Issued bankers funds, optional | interest | Interest, optional | premium_income | Premium income, optional | other_income | Other income, optional | total_benefits | Total benefits, optional | yield_on_investments | Yield on investments, optional | operating_investments | Operating investments, optional | holding_gain_of_accounts_receivable | Holding gain of accounts receivable, optional | result_before_taxes | Result before taxes, optional | group_profit | Group profit, optional | net_profit | Net profit, optional |
GCRHistoryDetails of the company’s origination and continuation
GCROriginatedFromCompany is originated from this company graydon_company_id | ID of the company | originated_from_code | Type of origin. Possible values:1 | This company arose from a merger between [company name] in [place] and [company name] in [place]. | 2 | This company emerged from making independent a division of [company name] in [place]. | 3 | This company emerged from making independent a branch from [company name] in [place]. | 4 | This company continues the activities of the company which has now become management company [company name] in [place]. | 5 | Into this company the activities have been brought of [company name] in [place]. | 6 | This company in fact continues the activities of the now bankrupt [company name] in [place]. | 7 | This company continues the activities of the liquidated [company name] in [place]. | 8 | This company continues the activities of [company name] in [place]. | 9 | This company continues a part of the activities of [company name] in [place]. | 10 | This company continues a part of the activities of the liquidated [company name] in [place]. |
| originated_from_text | Description of the type of origin | date_from | Date from, optional |
GCRContinuationCompany is a continuation of this company date_from | Continuation date, optional | residence | City, optional | legal_form_code | Legal form code, optional. See GCROfficialData for possible values. (deprecated) | legal_form_text | Description of legal_form_code, optional (deprecated) |
GCRCompanyContinuedUnderCompany continued under another company. graydon_company_id | ID of the company this company was continued under | continued_under_code | Type of continuation, optional. Possible Values:1 | The subject company arose from a merger between [company name] in [place] and [company name] in [place]. | 2 | The subject company continues the activities of [company name] in [place]. | 3 | The company is a continuation of the activities of [company name] in [place]. The company was declared bankrupt on [date]. | 4 | The company is a continuation of the activities of [company name] in [place]. | 5 | The subject company emerged from making independent a division of [company name] in [place]. | 6 | The company originated from an incorporation of a branch of [company name] in [place]. | 7 | The subject company continues the activities of [company name] in [place]. | 8 | The subject company continues the activities of the liquidated company [company name] in [place]. | 9 | The initial activities of both companies have started on [date]. | 10 | The initial activities of this company have started on [date]. | 11 | The initial activities of the bankrupt company started on [date]. | 12 | On [date] the company was transformed into a holding company. For the continuation of the activities, a new subsidiary was established. The initial activities of this company have started on [date]. |
| continued_under_text | Description of the type of continuation, optional | date_from | Date from, optional |
GCRCreditAdviceDataAll levels of credit advice regarding this company
GCRCreditAdviceCredit advice regarding this company
GCRHistoryAdvisedLimitHistory advised credit limit value | Amount | year_month | Year and month of data |
GCRCreditFactorFactor that contributed to a credit advice. type | Type of credit advice factor. Possible values:BET | Adjustment Payments | JRK | Adjustment Annual accounts (company) | JRKMDR | Adjustment Annual accounts (parent) | LEEF | Adjustment Age | OMV | Adjustment Size | RV | Adjustment Legal form | YRAT | Adjustment Remaining Calamity |
| description | Description of credit advice factor | adjustment | Adjustment on credit advice, in percentages |
GCRCreditAdviceMotherCredit advice regarding this company’s mother graydon_company_id | ID of the company, optional | amount | Amount, optional |
GCRCreditRatingCredit rating of company y_rating | G-score / Graydon-score, optional. A Graydon score is based on the ratings in the GCRRating element. Possible values:0.0 | No rating | 1.0 | Calamity | 1.1 to 4.4 | High risk | 4.5 to 5.4 | Heightened risk | 5.5 to 6.4 | Average risk | 6.5 to 7.4 | Limited risk | 7.5 to 10.0 | Almost no risk |
| pd_rating | Probability of Default (PD) rating, optional. | pd_percentage | Probability of Default (PD) percentage, optional. Possible PD values (rating, percentage range):AAA (0.00% to 0.15%) | Non-payment risk very low | AA (0.15% to 0.30%) | Non-payment risk low | A (0.31% to 0.62%) | Non-payment risk average | BBB (0.63% to 1.24%) | Non-payment risk average | BB (1.25% to 2.49%) | Non-payment risk average | B (2.50% to 4.99%) | Non-payment risk high | CCC (5.00% to 9.99%) | Non-payment risk very high | CC (10.00% to 19.99%) | Non-payment risk very high | C (20.00% to 100.00%) | Non-payment risk very high | D (no percentage) | Company is insolvent |
| erc_score | Eurogate Risk Classification (ERC) score, derived from y_rating (G-Score), optional. Possible values:1 | High risk (G-Score: 0.1 to 4.4) | 2 | Heightened risk (G-Score: 4.5 to 5.4) | 3 | Average risk (G-Score: 5.5 to 6.4) | 4 | Limited risk (G-Score: 6.5 to 7.4) | 5 | Almost no risk (G-Score: 7.5 to 10.0) | 8 | No rating (G-Score: 0.0) | 9 | Bankruptcy / Suspension of payment (G-Score: none) |
| credit_flag_code | Indicates the amount of risk, optional. Possible values:G | Groen (Low risk) | O | Oranje (Medium risk) | R | Rood (High risk) |
| credit_flag_text | Description of credit_flag_code, optional. | ratings | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRRating elements, optional | y_rating_history | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRRatingHistory elements, optional | pd_rating_history | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRRatingHistory elements, optional | pd_percentage_history | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRPercentageHistory elements, optional |
GCRRatingA rating of a specific type. type | Type of rating. Possible values:BET | Payments rating | JRK | Annual account rating | JRKMDR | Rating of parent’s annual account | LEEF | Age rating | OMV | Size rating | RV | Legan form rating |
| description | Description of rating | value | Rating value between 0.0 and 10.0 |
GCRRatingHistoryHistorical data for a rating value | rating, optional | year_month | Year and month, optional |
GCRPercentageHistoryHistorical data for a percentage value | Percentage, optional | year_month | Year and month, optional |
GCRCalamityNon bankruptcy related calamities.
GCRCalamityEventNon bankruptcy related calamity event. event_code | Type of calamity event. Possible values:1 | subject company was hit by a storm. | 2 | subject company was struck by a flooding. | 3 | subject conpany was hit by a fire which destroyed the entire property in use. | 4 | subject company was hit by a fire which detroyed part of the property in use. | 5 | subject company was hit by a fire. | 6 | subject company had to face strike activities. | 7 | subject company was confronted with the consequences of financial malversations comitted by a third party. | 8 | subject company was confronted with problems related to environmental legislation. | 9 | subject company was confronted with the consequences of the bankruptcy of | 10 | subject company was confronted with the consequences of the suspention of payment of | 11 | subject company was confronted with serious selling problems in the foreign countries. |
| event_text | Description of calamity event, optional | event_date | Date of calamity event, optional | expiration_date | Expiration date of calamity event, optional | damage_amount | Monetary damage amount of damage done in calamity event, optional | damage_currency | Currency code of damage amount done in calamity event (ISO 4217), optional | insurance_code | Type of insurance coverage, Possible values:1 | Full security | 2 | Partial security | 3 | No security |
| insurance_text | Description of insurance coverage, optional, | instigator_graydon_company_id | Graydon company identifier of instigator, optional |
GCRCalamityOtherNon bankruptcy related other calamities. calamity_code | Type of calamity. Possible values:4 | A new board of directors have recently taken over the company. | 5 | Increased involvement in bankruptcies has been established in relation to one or several members of the management. | 8 | The company management cannot be traced. | 9 | One or several companies in the group are having financial problems. | 10 | One or several companies in the group are threatened by financial calamity. | 12 | The company cannot be traced or contacted, the current situation is unclear. | 14 | The day-to-day management of the company is not in the hands of the registered director but it is listed in the Netherlands Bankruptcy Register. | 15 | Despite additional research, the activities of the company are not fully transparent. | 16 | The chosen legal form and location present an additional risk in our opinion. | 17 | We received an exceptional number of credit limit applications within a short period of time, in the absence of obvious reasons. | 20 | We did not notice any business activities. | 21 | The activities of the company have been relocated abroad. | 22 | The company is having liquidity problems. | 23 | No active directors have been registered with the Chamber of Commerce. | 26 | The company is seriously negligent in its duty to deposit the annual accounts. This is one of the reasons for the lack of transparency. | 27 | The bankruptcy filed earlier has recently been discontinued. | 28 | The suspension of payments filed earlier has recently been discontinued. | 29 | The company has been subject to negative reports in the media. | 30 | We have not noticed any business activities. | 33 | Attachment has taken place. | 34 | The company is not registered with the Chamber of Commerce. |
| calamity_text | Description of calamity, optional | expiration_date | Expiration date of calamity, optional |
GCRPaymentInformationPayment assessment per month value | Payment assessment value, using payment records, optional. Minimum value of 1.0, Maximum value of 8.0 (higher is better). | year_month | Year and month |
GCRFinancialDetailsTurnover and result from the last few years.
GCRFinancialDetailValueSpecific financial value for a financial year financial_code | Type of financial value, optional. Possible values: | financial_text | Description of financial value type, optional | year | Financial year of the value | amount | Monetary amount, optional | amount_currency | Monetary amount currency code (ISO 4217), optional | forecast | Forecast value, optional |
GCRDeclarationOfLiabilityA declaration of liability from a company on the requested company. graydon_company_id | ID of the company that has issued the declaration | is_current | True if this declaration is current, optional | date_from | Date from which the declaration is valid, optional | date_until | Date until which the declaration is valid, optional |
GCRParticipationA participation graydon_company_id | ID of the company | is_current | True if this is current, optional | percentage_of_shares | Percentage of shares, optional | date_from | Date from, optional | date_until | Date until, optional |
GCRShareHolderA share holder graydon_company_id | ID of the company, optional | graydon_person_id | Unique identifier of the person within this report, optional | is_current | True if this is current, optional | percentage_of_shares | Percentage of shares, optional | date_from | Date from, optional | date_until | Date until, optional |
GCRImportExportInformation on which countries this company imports from, exports to.
GCRCountryA country name with gradyon specific country code. country_code | Country code as defined by Graydon, optional. Possible Values:1 | Afghanistan | 2 | Africa | 3 | Aruba | 4 | Albania | 5 | Algeria | 6 | All countries | 7 | American Samoa | 8 | American Virgin Islands | 9 | Andorra | 10 | Angola | 11 | Anguila | 12 | Antarctica | 13 | Antique | 14 | Argentina | 15 | Australia | 16 | Asia | 17 | Azores | 18 | Bahamas | 19 | Bahrain | 20 | Bangladesh | 21 | Barbados | 22 | Belgium | 23 | Belize | 24 | Benin | 25 | Bermuda | 26 | Bolivia | 27 | Germany | 28 | Botswana | 29 | Brazil | 30 | British Virgin Islands | 31 | Brunei | 32 | Bulgaria | 33 | Burkina Faso | 34 | Burma | 35 | Burundi | 36 | Canada | 37 | Caroline Islands | 38 | Cayman Islands | 39 | Central African Republic | 40 | Chile | 41 | China | 42 | Christmas Islands | 43 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 44 | Colombia | 45 | The Comoros | 46 | Cook Islands | 47 | Costa Rica | 48 | Crozet Island | 49 | Cuba | 50 | Cyprus | 51 | Cyprus (Turkish) | 52 | Denmark | 53 | Djibouti | 54 | Dominica | 55 | Dominican Republic | 56 | Germany | 57 | Ecuador | 58 | Egypt | 59 | El Salvador | 60 | Equatorial Guinea | 61 | Ethiopia | 62 | Europe | 63 | Faeroer | 64 | Falkland Islands | 65 | Fiji | 66 | Philippines | 67 | Finland | 68 | France | 69 | Guyana | 70 | French Polynesia | 71 | Gabon | 72 | The Gambia | 73 | Ghana | 74 | Gibraltar | 75 | Grenada | 76 | Greece | 77 | Greenland | 78 | Guadeloupe | 79 | Guam | 80 | Guantanamo Bay | 81 | Guatemala | 82 | Guinea | 83 | Guinea-Bissau | 84 | Guyana | 78 | Guadeloupe | 79 | Guam | 80 | Guantanamo Bay | 81 | Guatemala | 82 | Guinea | 83 | Guinea-Bissau | 84 | Guyana | 85 | Haiti | 86 | Hawaiian Islands | 87 | Honduras | 88 | Hungary | 89 | Hong Kong | 90 | Ireland | 91 | India | 92 | Indonesia | 94 | Iraq | 95 | Iran | 96 | Israel | 97 | Italy | 98 | Ivory Coast | 99 | Iceland | 100 | Jamaica | 101 | Japan | 102 | Serbia | 103 | Jordan | 104 | Cape Verde | 105 | Cambodia | 106 | Cameroon | 107 | Kenya | 108 | Kiribati | 109 | Kuwait | 110 | Congo | 111 | European Community Countries | 112 | Laos | 113 | Latin America | 114 | Lesotho | 115 | Lebanon | 116 | Liberia | 117 | Libya | 118 | Liechtenstein | 119 | Luxembourg | 120 | Macau | 121 | Madagascar | 122 | Madeira | 123 | Malawi | 124 | Maldives | 125 | Malaysia | 126 | Mali | 127 | Malta | 128 | Mariana Islands | 129 | Morocco | 130 | Marshall Islands | 131 | Martinique | 132 | Mauritania | 133 | Mauritius | 134 | Mexico | 135 | Middle East | 136 | Midway | 137 | Monaco | 138 | Mongolia | 139 | Montserrat | 140 | Mozambique | 141 | Oman | 142 | Namibia | 143 | Nauru | 144 | Netherlands | 145 | Dutch Antilles | 146 | Nepal | 147 | Nicaragua | 148 | New-Caledonia | 149 | New Zealand | 150 | Niger | 151 | Nigeria | 152 | Niue | 153 | North Africa | 154 | North America | 155 | North Yemen | 156 | North Korea | 157 | Norway | 158 | Norfolk Island | 159 | East Africa | 160 | East Europe | 161 | Austria | 162 | Pakistan | 163 | Panama | 164 | Papua New Guinea | 165 | Paraguay | 166 | Yemen | 167 | Peru | 168 | Poland | 169 | Portugal | 170 | Puerto Rico | 171 | Qatar | 172 | Reunion | 173 | Rodriquez | 174 | Romania | 175 | Rwanda | 176 | Saint Helena | 177 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 178 | Saint Lucia | 179 | St. Tome | 180 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 181 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 182 | São Tomé and PrÃncipe | 183 | Samoa | 184 | San Marino | 185 | Saudi Arabia | 186 | Scandinavia | 187 | Senegal | 188 | Seychelles | 189 | Sierra Leone | 190 | Singapore | 191 | Solomon Islands | 192 | Somalia | 193 | Russia | 194 | Spain | 195 | Sri Lanka | 196 | Sudan | 197 | Suriname | 198 | Swaziland | 199 | Syria | 200 | Taiwan | 201 | Tanzania | 202 | Thailand | 203 | East Timor | 204 | Togo | 205 | Tokelau Islands | 206 | Tonga | 207 | Trinidad and Tobago | 208 | Chad | 209 | Czech Republic | 210 | Tunisia | 211 | Turkey | 212 | Turks and Caicos Islands | 213 | Tuvalu | 214 | Uganda | 215 | Uruguay | 216 | Vanuatu | 217 | Vatican City | 218 | Venezuela | 219 | United Kingdom | 220 | United Arab Emirates | 221 | United States | 222 | Verre-Oosten | 223 | Vietnam | 224 | Wake Island | 225 | Wallis and Futuna | 226 | West Africa | 227 | Western Europe | 228 | Samoa | 229 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 230 | Zambia | 231 | Zimbabwe | 232 | South Africa | 233 | South America | 234 | Southern Europe | 235 | South Yemen | 236 | South Korea | 237 | South-East Asia | 238 | Sweden | 239 | Switzerland | 240 | England | 241 | Scotland | 242 | Wales | 243 | Northern Ireland | 245 | Bhutan | 246 | Bouvet Island | 247 | British Indian Ocean Territory | 248 | French Southern Territories | 249 | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | 250 | Georgia | 251 | Estonia | 252 | Latvia | 253 | Lithuania | 254 | Slovenia | 255 | Croatia | 256 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 257 | Slovakia | 258 | Belarus | 259 | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | 260 | Ukraine | 261 | Armenia | 262 | Micronesie | 263 | Kazakhstan | 264 | Kyrgyzstan | 265 | Moldova | 266 | Tajikistan | 267 | Turkmenistan | 268 | Uzbekistan | 269 | Palau | 270 | Pitcairn | 271 | Svalbard & Jan Mayen | 272 | United States Minor Outlying Islands | 273 | Western Sahara | 274 | Azerbaijan | 275 | Eritrea | 276 | Kosovo | 277 | Mayotte | 278 | Myanmar | 279 | Palestine | 280 | Sandwich Islands | 281 | Montenegro |
| country_text | Country name |
GCRSpecialCompanyInformationSpecial company information. special_company_code | Type of special company infirmation, optional. Possible values:528 | Explanation of the general company-data | 561 | Explanation of the management and company-connections | 593 | Explanation of the special company-status |
| special_company_text | Description of the type of special company information, optional | texts | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRTextSequence elements, optional. |
GCRTextSequenceA piece of text with a sequence number sequence_number | Determines the order of a text in a sequence, optional | text | A piece of text |
GCRLiaisonA liaisoned company, that is related through this company’s parent company. graydon_company_id | ID of the company | liaison_code | Type of liaison relation, optional. Possible values:1 | Ultimate parent company | 2 | Parent company | 3 | Subsidiary of parent company |
| liaison_text | Description of type of liaison relation, optional |
GCRCompanyManagementInformation about the management of the company
GCRManagementOne company or person which belongs to the management graydon_company_id | ID of the company, optional | graydon_person_id | Unique identifier of the person within this report, optional | is_current | True if this management position is current, optional | job_titles | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRJobTitle elements, optional |
GCRJobTitleA person’s job title for a specific company. graydon_company_id | ID of the company of the job, optional | is_current | True if this job title is current, optional | job_title_code | Job description code, optional. Possible values:1 | Managing partner (M) | 2 | Commissioner | 3 | Managing director | 4 | Owner | 5 | Member of the partnership | 6 | Treasurer (M) | 7 | Proxy | 8 | Secretary (M) | 9 | Partner | 10 | Chairman | 11 | Member of the board | 12 | Chairman | 13 | Chairman of the board | 14 | Secr. of the board | 15 | Member of the board | 16 | Chairman board of directors | 17 | Delegated commissioner | 18 | Director ad interim | 19 | Deputy Director | 20 | Managing partner (F) | 21 | Commissioner | 22 | Manageress | 23 | Proprietress | 24 | Member of the partnership | 25 | Treasurer (F) | 26 | Deputy manager | 27 | Secretary (F) | 28 | Partner (F) | 29 | Chairwoman | 30 | Member of the board | 31 | Chairwoman | 32 | Chairman of the board | 33 | Secr. of the board | 34 | Member of the board | 35 | Chairman board of directors | 36 | Delegated commissioner | 37 | Director ad interim | 38 | Deputy Director | 39 | Indirectly involved | 40 | Secretary Treasurer | 41 | Assistant chairman | 42 | Member of the shipping company | 43 | Vice president director | 44 | Vice chairman | 45 | Liquidator | 46 | Vice pres. Supervisor | 47 | Deputy chairman of the board | 48 | Interim director | 49 | Secretary of the board | 50 | Administrator | 51 | Substitude chairman | 52 | Preserver of the books | 53 | Member of the board of directors | 54 | Chairman of the board of directors | 55 | Vice-chairman of the board of directors | 56 | Secretary of the directorate | 57 | Mayor | 58 | Alderman | 59 | Chairman/secretary | 60 | Authorised officer | 61 | Chairman/treasurer | 62 | Member of the supervisory board | 63 | Chairman of the supervisory board | 64 | Vice chairman of the supervisory board | 65 | Treasurer of the supervisory board | 66 | Secr. of the supervisory board | 67 | Minister | 68 | Parliamentary Under-Secretary | 69 | Queen’s Commissioner |
| job_title_text | Job description, optional. description of job_title_code | authority_code | Authority level code, optional. Possible values:1 | Collective authorization | 2 | Limited authorization | 3 | Sole signature | 4 | Suspended | 5 | Fully authorised | 6 | Unauthorised |
| authority_text | Description of authority_code, optional | date_from | Date from, optional | date_until | Date until, optional |
GCRFirstDirectorAn first director of the requested company graydon_person_id | Unique identifier of the person within this report, optional | is_current | True if this is current, optional | job_title_code | Job description code, optional. See GCRJobTitle for possible values | job_title_text | Job description, optional. description of job_title_code | date_from | Date from, optional | date_until | Date until, optional |
GCRCompanyRelationsAll company relations. Contains the companies and/or persons referred to in GCRCompanyItself.
GCRCompanyA company information, used to provide details of related companies in GCRCompanyRelations
GCRLiaisonOfficialDataOfficial company data chamber_of_commerce | A GCRChamberOfCommerce, optional | present_legal_form_code | Legal form code, optional (deprecated). Possible values:1 | Sole proprietorship (Eenmanszaak) | 2 | Partnership (Burgerlijke Maatschap) | 3 | Partnership firm (Vennootschap onder firma) | 4 | Limited partnership (Commanditaire vennootschap) | 5 | Private limited Company (Besloten vennootschap) | 6 | Public limited Company (Naamloze vennootschap) | 7 | Co-operative assocation (Cooperatieve vereniging) | 8 | Association (Vereniging) | 9 | Foundation (Stichting) | 10 | Mutual quarantee association (Onderling Waarborg Maatschappij) | 11 | Foreign legal form (Buitenlandse Rechtsvorm, Vestiging buitenlands bedrijf) | 12 | Shipping company (Rederij) | 13 | European Economic Interest Grouping (Europees Economisch Samenwerkings Verband) | 14 | Religious community (Kerkgenootschap) | 15 | Legal entity to be founded (Rechtspersoon in oprichting) | 16 | Public partnerships (Openbare vennootschap) | 17 | European limited company (SE) (Europese naamloze vennootschap) | 18 | Association of owners (Vereniging van eigenaars) | 19 | Public corporation (Publiekrechtelijke rechtspersoon) | 20 | Private corporation (Privaatrechtelijke rechtspersoon) | 90 | Public body (Publiekrechtelijk lichaam) |
| present_legal_form_text | Description of present_legal_form_code, optional (deprecated) |
GCRFilingFling details filing_code | Type of filing. Possible values: | filing_text | Description of filing type, optional | filing_date | Filing date, optional | chamber_of_commerce | A GCRChamberOfCommerce, optional |
GCRItemOne item on the GCRBalanceSheet main_code | Main code | code | Code | sub_code | Sub code | description | Description of item type. Possible values (main_code - code - sub_code):00-00-001 | Working Capital | 00-00-002 | Group Equity | 10-00-000 | Total fixed assets | 10-10-000 | Intangible fixed assets | 10-20-000 | Tangible fixed assets | 10-30-000 | Financial fixed assets | 20-00-000 | Total current assets | 20-10-000 | Inventories | 20-30-000 | Receivables | 20-40-000 | Stock | 20-50-000 | Cash | 30-10-000 | Shareholders’ equity | 30-20-000 | Minority interests | 30-25-000 | Equalization account | 30-30-000 | Provisions | 30-40-000 | Long-term debts | 30-50-000 | Current liabilities | 50-10-000 | Total operating income | 50-15-000 | Gross margin | 50-20-000 | Total operting expenses | 50-25-000 | Operating expenses | 50-30-000 | Operating result | 50-40-000 | Financial result | 50-42-000 | Total financial income | 50-44-000 | Total financial expenses | 50-50-000 | Result on ordinary operations before taxation | 50-52-000 | Share in result of participations | 50-54-000 | Taxation on the result of ordinary activities | 50-60-000 | Result of ordinary activities after taxation | 50-62-000 | Total extraordinary income | 50-64-000 | Total extraordinary expenses | 50-66-000 | Taxation on extraordinary result | 50-70-000 | Extraordinary result after taxation | 50-72-000 | Minority interest | 50-80-000 | Net result |
| value | Amount, optional | free_text | Free form text, mainly in dutch, optional |
GCRLiabilitiesLiabilities of the company
GCRRatioAnnual account ratio ratio_code | Ratio type, possible values:L1 | current ratio | L2 | quick ratio | L3 | total capital employed/total balance | L4 | total capital employed/turnover | S1 | shareholders funds/total balance | S2 | shareholders funds/intangible assets | S3 | cash flow ratio | S4 | interestcoverage | R1 | operational result/total balance | R2 | net result/shareholders funds | R3 | operational result/net turnover | R4 | net result/net turnover | A1 | net turnover/total balance | A2 | net turnover/shareholders funds | A3 | net turnover/receivables | A4 | net turnover/inventories |
| ratio_text | Type description | value | Amount, optional |
GCRPersonSimpleSimplified information for a person, without financial information, telephone numbers or job titles. Used for persons in a GraydonCreditReportCalamity report.
GCRPersonalDetailsName details gender_code | Gender code, optional. Possible values: | gender_text | Gender description, optional | titles | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRTitle elements, optional. | initials | Initials, optional | prefixes | Prefixes, optional | name | Surname, optional |
GCRTitleA personal title name with a graydon title code. title_code | Title code as defined by Graydon. Possible Values:1 | M.A. | 2 | Dr. | 3 | B. Sc. | 4 | LL. m. | 5 | Prof. | 6 | Rev. | 7 | Esquir | 8 | Baron | 9 | Count | 10 | M.A. | 11 | Dr. | 12 | B. Sc. | 13 | LL. m. | 14 | Prof. | 15 | Rev. | 16 | Lady | 17 | Baroness | 18 | Countess | 19 | Ing |
| title_text | Title name |
GCRBirthInformationBirth information date | Date of birth, optional | residence | City name, optional | country_code | Country code as defined by Graydon, optional. See GCRCountry for possible values and country names. | country_text | Country name, optional |
GCRBankruptcyBankruptcy official_registration_number | Official registration number, optional. Only set in GraydonCreditReportCalamity reports. | currently_active | Indicates if bankruptcy has a continuance, optional | date_of_verdict | Date of verdict, optional | definite_discontinuance_code | Reason of definite discontinuance, optional. Possible values:1 | discontinued due to lack of assets. | 2 | The bankruptcy has been terminated by the ratification of the agreement offered. | 3 | The bankruptcy has been declared null and void following objection. | 4 | The bankruptcy has been terminated after the final distribution list. | 5 | The bankruptcy has been declared null and void after appeal. | 6 | The bankruptcy case has been reopened. | 7 | The bankruptcy has been changed to a debt rescheduling arrangement. | 8 | The bankruptcy has been reopened as a result of the status of the bankruptcy property. |
| definite_discontinuance_text | Description of definite_discontinuance_code, optional. | definite_discontinuance_date | Date of definite discontinuance, optional | curators | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRCurator elements, optional |
GCRCuratorCurator graydon_person_id | Unique identifier of the person within this report. In a graydonCreditGetReport result, more information can be found in the ‘company_relations/persons/person’ GCRPerson element with the same ‘graydon_person_id’. | date_when_active_in_job_title | Date since curator is active in this job, optional |
GCRMoratoriumMoratorium official_registration_number | Official registration number, optional. Only set in GraydonCreditReportCalamity reports. | currently_active | Indicates if moratorium has a continuance, optional | date_from | Date of the moratorium, optional | provisional_verdict_date | Date of provisional verdict, optional | definite_verdict_date | Date of definite verdict, optional | moratorium_term_in_months | Moratorium term in months, optional. Not used in GraydonCreditReportCalamity report. | prolongation_date | Date of prolongation, optional. Not used in GraydonCreditReportCalamity report. | prolongation_in_months | Prologation in months, optional. Not used in GraydonCreditReportCalamity report. | vote_code | Type of vote, optional: Possible values:1 | Vote in favour of granting definite suspension of payments. | 2 | Vote regarding the suspension of payments to be made definite. | 3 | Vote regarding an application for renewal. | 4 | Vote regarding the agreement offered. |
| vote_text | Description of vote_code, optional. Not used in GraydonCreditReportCalamity report. | vote_date | Date of vote, optional. Not used in GraydonCreditReportCalamity report. | definite_discontinuance_code | Reason of definite discontinuance, optional. Possible values:1 | Suspension of payments was discontinued following expiry. | 2 | Suspension of payments was discontinued following ratification of the agreement offered. | 3 | withdrawn. | 4 | Suspension of payments has been changed to bankruptcy. | 5 | Suspension of payments has been changed to a rescheduling of debts arrangement. |
| definite_discontinuance_text | Description of definite_discontinuance_code, optional. | definite_discontinuance_date | Date of definite discontinuance, optional | receivers | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRReceiver elements, optional |
GCRReceiverReceiver graydon_person_id | Unique identifier of the person within this report In a graydonCreditGetReport result, more information can be found in the ‘company_relations/persons/person’ GCRPerson element with the same ‘graydon_person_id’. | date_when_active_in_job_title | Date since receiver is active in this job, optional |
GCRDebtRestructuringPrivatePersonsDebt restructuring for private persons (Dutch: WSNP, Wet Schuldsanering Natuurlijke Personen) official_registration_number | Official registration number, optional. Only set in GraydonCreditReportCalamity reports. | currently_active | Indicates if debt restructuring has a continuance, optional | provisional_verdict_date | Date of provisional verdict, optional | definite_verdict_date | Date of definite verdict, optional | debt_restructuring_term_in_months | Restructuring term in months, optional. Not used in GraydonCreditReportCalamity report. | provisional_discontinuance_code | Reason of provisional discontinuance, optional. Possible values:1 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated because the debtor is able to continue payments. | 2 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated because a rescheduling of debts arrangement already applies to the debtor. | 3 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated because it is fearedthat the debtor will try to take advantage of his creditors and will not meet his obligations. | 4 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated because the debtor was declared bankrupt or had a rescheduling of debts arrangement applied less than 10 years ago. | 5 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated because it is likely that the debtor has not been acting in good faith as far as the emergence or non-payment of debts is concerned. | 6 | The provisional rescheduling of debts arrangement is being changed to a definite rescheduling of debts arrangement. | 7 | The provisional rescheduling of debts arrangement is being changed to a bankruptcy. | 8 | The rescheduling of debts has been terminated due to expiry of the term. | 9 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been withdrawn. | 10 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been rejected. | 11 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated because the debtor is not meeting one or more of his obligations. | 12 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list. | 13 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list, with payment and a clean slate. | 14 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list, with payment and without a clean slate. | 15 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list, without payment and with a clean slate. | 16 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list, without payment and without a clean slate. | 17 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated following ratification of the agreement offered. |
| provisional_discontinuance_text | Description of definite_provisional_code, optional. | provisional_discontinuance_date | Date of provisional discontinuance, optional | definite_discontinuance_code | Reason of definite discontinuance, optional. Possible values:1 | The rescheduling of debts has been terminated because the debts have been paid. | 2 | The rescheduling of debts has been terminated because the debtor is able to resume payments. | 3 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated because the debtor is not meeting one or more of his obligations. | 4 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated because the debtor is incurring excessive debts, or having these incurred. | 5 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated because the debtor is trying to take advantage of his debtors. | 6 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement is being changed to bankruptcy. | 7 | The provisional rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated due to expiry of the term. | 8 | The provisional rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated following ratification of the agreement offered. | 9 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been withdrawn. | 10 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been rejected. | 11 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list. | 12 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list, with payment and a clean slate. | 13 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list, with payment and without a clean slate. | 14 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list, without payment and with a clean slate. | 15 | The rescheduling of debts arrangement has been terminated after the final distribution list, without payment and without a clean slate. |
| definite_discontinuance_text | Description of definite_discontinuance_code, optional. | definite_discontinuance_date | Date of definite discontinuance, optional | receivers | A Patterns::{Type}Array of GCRReceiver elements, optional |
GCRAlarmElement present if there is a special calamity. alarm_code | Type of company calamity. Possible values:0 | Financial calamity | 1 | Intention to dissolve | 2 | Dissolution finalized | 3 | No result | 4 | Dissolved | 5 | Liquidated | 6 | Non-active | 7 | Dissolved | 20 | Infostop (The information is not currently being released due to the circumstances in which the company finds itself.) |
| alarm_text | Description of alarm_code |
Company Test IdentifiersUse one of the following values for testing purposes-1 | Mock result for a normal company, where almost all elements are set. | -2 | Mock result for a company with a calamity, where alarm_code is 0, and report_calamity is set. | -3 | Mock result for a company with an alarm, where alarm_code is greater than 0, and report_alarm is set. | -4 | Mock result for a company with an infostop alarm, where alarm_code is 20, and no report is set. | 533885 | BV Hollandse Hardhoutbedrijven | 1383988 | Schiebroekse Schoenfabriek BV | 1383989 | Autobedrijf van der Tang | 891962239 | Moma Aannemersbedrijf | 891974008 | Jamo | 892130032 | Tuincentrum Ten Houten | 896614735 | Mercurius Beheer BV |